"It shouldn't be long before, right?"

"You are already on the 201st floor."

"I have to say that your potential is much greater than I expected!"

The Emperor Xujin was holding the dark gold wide-blade giant sword in his hands, and in the eyes that showed through the helmet, a special flame was beating, and his tone was full of surprises.

He has seen a fast promotion.

But I have never seen it so fast!

Even those existences that are countless times more terrifying than him have never heard of anyone, and they can rise to this level in just over ten days-.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, Emperor Xujin would never have imagined it.

"Since you have made an agreement with Senior Xujin, of course I have to go quickly."

Chen Xuanfeng smiled.

"It's a little bit crazy."

Emperor Xujin's flame eyes swayed, "Although your strength has increased rapidly, I have to tell you clearly that to pass the 201st floor, you need to have the ability to kill the Little Sage Rank!"

"It's not comparable, it's not contending, it's not defeating, it's killing!"

"You should understand the meaning of these two words?"

As the voice fell, his surging momentum began to spread and climb.

The breath that was originally still unwavering suddenly became extremely violent, manic, like the end of the day, full of destructiveness!

He started to become huge.

One hundred meters.


Ten thousand meters!

The tens of thousands-meter-high figure in dark golden armor overlooks all living beings, looking like a god.

Take Xujin the Great as the center.

Within hundreds of millions of miles, the earth collapsed and the sky darkened.

The surrounding space is distorted and shattered.

The pressure of extreme horror poured out, without the slightest concealment!

The mighty power of the Little Sage-level One Tribulation was fully demonstrated at this moment!

"I did it back then."

"There are not many enchanting characters who can compare with me, each one is amazing... But in this world, I have waited for so many years, let alone kill, even the genius comparable to the little holy rank has not appeared. pass."

"you are the first."

"Boy, let me see what you can do!"

The emperor Xujin sounded like thunder, and his fighting spirit rose to the sky.

The last sentence made the whole world tremble even more!

At this moment, the Great Emperor Xujin perfectly showed how high-spirited he was when he was a sub-divine level, disregarding the crowd, standing out from countless geniuses, and possessing the outstanding posture when he killed the little saint level.

"Senior Xujin, of course I know this."

Chen Xuanfeng raised his head and smiled, "For this moment, I have been preparing for more than ten days!"

The voice fell.

His whole body changed suddenly, and his body in golden armor rose sharply, and in just a second, he turned into a golden giant of 10,000 meters.

The same tall figure,

The same towering form.

The same indefatigable fighting spirit.

Not only that.

"Golden Tire Taiyi..."

"Thousand Mountain Blood Rainbow..."

"The secret of heaven comes out..."

Saint-level sword technique, Saint-level defense method, Saint-level body method...Three methods come out together!

Each method has reached a level sufficient to show the vision of the holy level.

Behind Chen Xuanfeng, the ancient scroll suddenly spread out.

The ancient desolate aura suddenly diffused.

The mighty power that has passed through countless years, all come and appear at this moment!

Not only that.

In an instant, nearly three thousand stars shone down, covering Chen Xuanfeng's whole body.Those roads... are all god-level moods!

"One thousand...two thousand...three thousand?!"

"He has all the god-level mood?!"

Emperor Xujin was taken aback.

At his level, there are not many things that can surprise him. Even if Chen Xuanfeng shows such a fast promotion speed, he is only an accident... But when he saw Chen Xuanfeng with three thousand god-level artistic conceptions light down. At that time, I have to admit that he was really shocked!

Three thousand artistic conceptions.

There are many classifications, some of which are mutually intermingled, and some of which conflict with each other...So far, he has seen the most mastery of artistic conceptions, no more than 2,000.

And those 2,000 artistic conceptions are still mixed with multiple low-level artistic conceptions, because high-level artistic conceptions are too difficult and slow to comprehend, and conflict with each other.

Looking back.

Three thousand artistic conceptions, all of which are god-level!

There is no low-level one.

Not only that, there are no conflicts, rejections, exclusions and other issues at all... They are all used by Chen Xuanfeng smoothly!

"Even if I inherited my Shocking Secrets heritage, it would not be so beneficial... How did he do it?"

The Great Emperor Xujin knew very well that the hands that he sent out were the Shocking Secret Treasure, and to die was to reduce the difficulty of Chen Xuanfeng's entry into the Holy Rank, and to increase the upper limit of his strength, and he possessed a certain qualification to enter the Emperor Rank.

As for the cultivation technique and the artistic conception, it is necessary to realize it on his own...but he can hardly think of all the methods, what kind of method can be used to allow a sub-divine level to master the three holy level exercises. At the same time, he can also master nearly three thousand god-level moods!

However, it is not over yet.

boom! boom! boom! ...

The road paved by dozens of galaxies emerged out of thin air, broke through the sky, and filled the entire world.

"The law of space."

"The law of power."

"The Law of Defense."

"The law of speed."

"And those...I rely on!"

In the end, Emperor Xujin couldn't help it anymore.

Thinking of him back then, he could be regarded as a dragon and phoenix among people, an unparalleled genius.

Mastering the ten laws of heaven and earth, hundreds of god-level artistic conceptions, countless people looked up and sighed.

The result is good.

Chen Xuanfeng came up with dozens of laws of heaven and earth, three thousand god-level artistic conceptions...This level of horror is far more than his exaggeration back then!

"God-level mood, the laws of heaven and earth, but there is no'origin rules'... It seems that he hasn't realized the original rules yet, he has completely broken the shackles of the holy level with brute force, and stood at the top!"

If the characteristic of the Valkyrie level is the birth of the kingdom of God in the body, it is the ability to master the laws of heaven and earth.

Then the characteristics of the holy rank are the original rules!

The original rule is a combination of the god-level artistic conception and the law of heaven and earth.

Back then, Emperor Xujin successfully broke the shackles of the holy rank with a "gold origin", stepped into the holy rank, and stood at the top of the geniuses!

The same goes for other genius evildoers who can stand by his side.

Basically, each one has mastered the original rules, and only then can the sub-god level possess the superb strength to slay the little saint level!

Apart from this, no other channel can succeed.

On Chen Xuanfeng, there is no trace of the original rules at all.

Therefore, he practiced a total of three holy-level exercises, and he also improved to the level of small achievement and great achievement.

He has won nearly three thousand god-level moods, and almost all of them have reached the Xiaocheng level, and more than a hundred god-level moods have reached perfection.

Even the laws of heaven and earth have mastered dozens of them, and some of them have become small...

With these "brute force", Chen Xuanfeng broke the shackles abruptly without the blessing of any original rules and stepped into the holy level!


The emperor Xujin's eyes dazzled, and he put away all the shock and shock in his heart, only showing his fighting will to the sky, "Remember, my enemy's name is Heixie the Great!! If you see him in the future, you must kill me. That guy!!!"

When the voice fell, Emperor Xujin made a move.

He waved the dark golden wide benevolence giant sword in his hand, bursting out a shocking light that filled the entire world.

A terrifying force that is almost destroying the world has no reservations and is free to release.

Where the blade has passed.

Countless spaces shattered.

It crashed down towards Chen Xuanfeng.

"Don't worry, I will."

Chen Xuanfeng's eyes were fierce.

The god-level burning blood technique broke out on the spot!

The previous blood burning technique "Immeasuring Blood Killing" was an emperor.

Now Chen Xuanfeng has been updated and upgraded to a god level.

After reaching the realm of Xiaocheng, once the blood burns, the boosting power it brings is - a full ten times!

boom! ! !

The blood gas exploded, skyrocketing to a hundred thousand meters.

The golden armor giant has changed into a bloody demon.

In the hand of the saint-level long sword swinging, the blood energy, the five elements, the wind thunder ice poison, the dark light space... and many other attributes burst out.

It collided fiercely with Emperor Xujin's lenient sword...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The boundless power blooms.

The light shines to the extreme at this moment.

All the space is destroyed.

The collision of the two undead little saints, the power it caused, and the scene it showed were no different from that of Mars hitting the earth.

And the only ones who can see the whole scene through the boundless light are those above the holy level.


Emperor Xujin regressed and vomited blood. There was surprise and panic in his eyes, but only

The fighting spirit is not weakened at all!


Very strong!

After exploding with 10 times the blood-burning power, Chen Xuanfeng clearly surpassed the Emperor Xujin!

It was even almost comparable to the Second Tribulation Little Saint Grade.

"Hahahaha...Have fun!!"

"Come again!!!"

While Emperor Xujin laughed, the long sword and the wide sword collided again!

boom! ! !

Every collision is a release of world-destroying power.

The aftermath of each confrontation is enough to make the Semi-Holy Grade annihilated on the spot!

If the power produced by those Saint-level projections exploding in the past is roughly equivalent to a Saint-level blow... Then every time they make a shot, the power is more than a hundred times higher than that of the Saint-level blow!

· 0 Seeking flowers···········

"Is this what it feels like to fight to your heart's content?"

"Really extraordinary!"

"Senior Xujin, you have to take this cut!!"

Chen Xuanfeng is also enjoying the joy of fighting.

He had been letting the clones fight before.

It has been a long time since he personally confronted the strong...Even the last time he confronted the 120th floor, he couldn't make him feel such a sense of joy.

Now the war is on again.

He occupies an all-round advantage in strength.

However, Emperor Xujin had been fighting for many years and had an advantage in experience.

The two were evenly matched, without any reservations, to show them all...This feeling made Chen Xuanfeng fascinated, immersed in it, and enjoying the joy of fighting!

Half an hour passed.

The two are still fighting.

One hour passed.

Emperor Xujin was still drawing his sword.

Two hours passed.

Chen Xuanfeng is still swinging his knife.


"It's been so long? The battle is not over yet?"

"Have you encountered an opponent? After all, it is on the 201st floor. It is very likely that the opponent is a little saint-level existence. It is difficult to defeat it."

"The last time I broke through the 120th floor so fast, how did it become so slow this time?"

"..."Countless people from the outside world are paying close attention.

The information came back every 10 minutes instead of once every 10 seconds... just to know for the first time that there is news about whether the endless sub-God can rush through the 201st floor.

Due to the long time, more and more people come here.

0. 0

More and more people are participating in guessing and waiting.

Finally, just three hours later.

"Passed!! The 201st floor!! He really passed!!"

"Come out!!! Successfully broke through the 201st floor!!!"

"The first existence of the ten thousand races in all realms to break through the 201st floor, the endless sub-god!!!"

"Immediately investigate this endless sub-god, I want all his information!"

"An incredible genius was born... He must not be allowed to develop freely, otherwise, if he rises in the future, it will be me who is unlucky... I will find out his specific identity immediately, and if he can be attracted, he will be attracted, and he cannot be attracted. Killed!"

"Is the Terran going to rise this time? It is estimated that the big figures on the Ten Thousand Clan list will not be able to sit still? If they don't make a move again, within ten thousand years, the Terran will be in the top 100!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... In the end, I lost, and I was convinced of the loss. Although I had expected it a long time ago, it is still a bit unacceptable now."

"From now on, the geniuses of all realms and all races will give way to the endless sub-god. This is the well-deserved number one genius of all races!"

"Why am I so unlucky? I thought this was the generation with the most chance, but in the end, it turned out to be the most desperate generation!"

"The endless sub-god... an incredible guy, turned out to be..."


At the moment the 201-story record emerged, countless people boiled.

Shocked and exclaimed.

Solemn and cold.

Sigh and sigh.

With a lot of emotion.

Envy and jealous...

It is destined that from this moment on, the name of the endless sub-god will resound through all the worlds!

At the same time, a large wave of spying, soliciting, making friends, assassination... and so on against the endless sub-god was also quietly unfolding at this moment.

Good and bad brains all rushed in.

As the center of the whirlpool, Chen Xuanfeng is the absolute focal point.

At this time, in the 201st floor of the Xujin Pagoda, he received the inheritance of the virtual gold given to him by the Great Emperor Xujin-Shocking Secret Vault·Body!

The body is the largest part of the whole person.

It is also the inheritance of the greatest shocking secret left by Emperor Xujin.

After the fusion of Chen Xuanfeng, the film completely disappeared, all the shackles in the body had disappeared, and the aura and aura began to soar fiercely again!

One minute later.

Two tribulation little saint level.

Two minutes later.

Three Tribulations Little Saint-level.

five minutes later.

Four Tribulations Little Saint level.

At this point, the body shaking secrets have all been integrated.

However, Chen Xuanfeng's aura is still rising!

"Still rising?"

The look of Emperor Xujin was extremely complicated and wonderful.

At that time, although he had reached the Little Sage Level of One Tribulation without the blessing of the Shocking Vault... But he knew that even if he was given the Vault of Shocking Heavens, he would only be promoted to the Second Tribulation, or Three Tribulations of the Little Sage level at best.

It is simply impossible for Chen Xuanfeng to continue to improve after reaching the Four Tribulations Little Sage level.


Five Tribulations Little Saint level.

After a while.

Six tribulations little saint level.

Still non-stop.

Seven Tribulations Little Saint level.


When it was almost the Eight Tribulations Little Sage Level, Chen Xuanfeng's momentum finally stopped. indivual.

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