"From this point of view, it is not difficult to enter the realm of ten thousand worlds. What is difficult is how to enter."

"And after entering, how to deal with yourself."

Chen Xuanfeng is still digesting the information Han Yueer narrated.

According to the other party, the lives of the three thousand worlds are at the pseudo-emperor level, and even the quasi-emperor level in the realm of ten thousand realms is not as good as the quasi-emperor level... It is conceivable that all the emperors who were invited to the sect can only settle down. People down.

Even the ancestral realm is too.

In the Three Thousand World, their strength can be comparable to the Ancestral Realm, but once they reach the Ten Thousand Realms Realm... they can only be compared to the Great Emperor.

If someone knows what Chen Xuanfeng is thinking at this moment, he will laugh dumbly and think that he thinks too much... He is not even considered a holy level, and his true strength has not yet reached the immortal level, so he will go to consider the great emperor and consider the world. Isn’t this redundant?

But Chen Xuanfeng knows.

As long as the quasi-emperor-level legacy does not go empty in this wave, his promotion to the immortal level is only a matter of minutes.

And once the immortal level is in place, then in these many intermediate worlds, his hegemony power will reach an unprecedented level...It won't be long before the emperor level is also at your fingertips!

"According to the current progress, the most recent quasi-emperor-class remains can be reached in half a month at the earliest."

"In this case, you don't have to worry about the temporary gains and losses. You can wait for half a month."

"But now I have to go back to the Intermediate World."

Chen Xuanfeng hasn't forgotten that he is still positioned by many quasi-emperor-level figures and is conducting a carpet search...Although this is a primary world, those alien races will definitely sneak in here and do everything possible to search for their own tracks.

He doesn't care.

But Chen Qinger is here.

In order to prevent her from being involved, Chen Xuanfeng decided to be more cautious before actually blocking the deduction tracking.

However, before leaving, he did not forget to provide Chen Qinger with some protection... Ten thousand clones are like ghosts, lurking around Chen Qinger. Once they detect any suspect approaching, they will be eliminated immediately!

After doing this, Chen 10 Xuanfeng and Chen Qinger greeted him, and then he used the clone to replace and returned to the intermediate world.

Chen Qinger understands this very well.

At present, the endless god has provoked many foreign races, and has long become a thorn in the eyes of many foreign races, thorns in the flesh...For safety reasons, it cannot stay in the same world for a long time, and it is easy to be found.

And she happened to be able to improve her strength faster while Sister Han wakes up, and strive to catch up with Chen Xuanfeng's back...


Time flies.

Half a month passed quietly.

In the past half month, the outside world is still full of noise, the endless army of avatars of gods, still in the mighty and mighty, carrying out crazy massacres of all foreign races!

Chen Xuanfeng did not delay either.

Every day, they tirelessly count the trophies, exchange treasures, fill in new members for the clone army, and also arrange and distribute various system functions, calculating how the excellent immortal level exercises can minimize the time.

Since all his clones had soared to the Nine Tribulations Quasi-Sage level before, the value of the treasures harvested every day had already reached 5 billion!

5 billion.

One billion in the clone.

2 billion is placed in the system function.

One billion is used to strengthen various fairy-level techniques, fairy-level weapons, artistic conception, laws of heaven and earth, and so on.

In the end, there are 1 billion left, and then keep it and accumulate.

It seems that the number has soared so much, Chen Xuanfeng's immortal level skills should be greatly improved...Facts have proved that it does not exist at all!

It's like 【Combination of Everything】.

It still takes 120 days to synthesize excellent immortal level exercises with 15 billion clones before.

Now it has skyrocketed to 4 billion clones, and the number of clones has increased by about 2.5 times...It still takes 48 days to synthesize.

Apart from these days of waiting, it still takes nearly 30 days.Obviously.

The farther you go, the higher the difficulty of synthesis. Now it is only excellent, and there is excellence and perfection behind it... Just think about it and know what a huge number it takes.

5 billion per day, which may seem like a lot, but in fact it is not enough!

Therefore, the greatest hope can only be pinned on the quasi-emperor-class legacy.

"There are a lot of people here."

From the perspective of the clone, Chen Xuanfeng saw that around the Quasi-Emperor-Class Relics, many immortal and quasi-xian-level figures had gathered.

There is a "human-shaped flame life" that is full of flames, and there is no eye, ear, mouth, and nose. This is the "Yanyan tribe", who is born to be good at various fire attribute methods, and uses the fire attribute techniques to perfection.

There is a humanoid life that looks like a big tree. The appearance is withered vines, but the aura that emanates from it is not to be underestimated. It is a well-known existence on the list of thousands of races. It is the "extreme spirit race"... These are all blood bulls, their attack power may not be high, but their vitality is absolutely powerful!

There are also ghost-like beings with only human silhouettes. Through their mysterious and unpredictable shells, you can clearly see the countless stars in their bodies... This is the "star clan", which is good at the laws of stars, and Bright attributes, regardless of their appearance is not outstanding, but the actual strength displayed is absolutely top-notch!

Chen Xuanfeng kept sweeping past.

He found that basically all life would remain in human form.

It's just that their human form may have three heads, may have more than a dozen arms, may have wings on their backs, etc...

In addition to these life groups that he had only heard before, but had never seen before.

Chen Xuanfeng also found some "acquaintances".

"Isn't that the Yeblood clan guy?"

The skin was bright red, like the appearance of a devil, without a single hair, a pair of blood-colored bone wings unconsciously stretched out behind him, and the scarlet eyes were full of greed.

"There are also imperial ghosts."

"Sky Poison Clan."

"Yinscale tribe."

"It's all here!"

These aliens have killed too many, Chen Xuanfeng can hardly recognize it.

"All of them are of the Nine Tribulations Quasi Immortal...I can kill them well later!"

The corner of Chen Xuanfeng's mouth twitched, "It's the Golden Emperor Clan. I killed them so much that no one came."

There have also been many quasi-celestial powerhouses in the human race.

For example, the Wujian emperor of the Wujian Palace, the Bloodkilling emperor of the Imperial Corps, the Xuhe emperor of the Xuhe King City, and the Xingfo emperor of the Star Buddha Palace... Among them, there are many human emperors that he does not know. , All present.

But the people of the Golden Emperor are not among the ranks.

The reason is also very simple.

Except for the existence of the golden emperor clan and above, people below the immortal level dare not stay in the middle-level world at all...this is the case in this middle-level world!

If one comes, the clone will kill one.

Don't tolerate it at all!

And it specifically caught the people of the Golden Emperor Clan and killed them.

The quasi-immortal ranks of the Golden Emperor Clan are panic. They would rather give up the quasi-emperor-class relics than to lose their lives...Anyway, according to Jinxuan Zhun's words, one year, as long as one year later, everything It can be restored to the original state. In that case, it is better not to participate in anything this year.

"I have to say, there are so many people involved!"

Except for those present.

Later, quasi-celestial ranks of various foreign races continued to arrive.

The number of participants in the single-person race to compete for the Quasi-Emperor-Class Remains reached more than 3,000 people...Each of the emperor clan basically dispatched more than a dozen Quasi-Emperor-Class.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of races in all realms.

The number is only a lot more than the human race, the highest is directly broken, not to mention, each one is still the best in the quasi-immortal level!

Those with a little aptitude or mediocre strength are not qualified to compete for this kind of opportunity.

You can get it with just a simple calculation.

The number of people participating in this quasi-emperor-class heritage is as many as a million...It is conceivable that once you slow down half a step, you basically don’t want to get the treasure without any effort, and go and fight with others to snatch it. .

"You said...Will the endless gods come?"

"not sure."

"With such a great opportunity, how can the endless gods be absent?"

"But there are many opportunities ahead, and the endless gods didn't participate either."

"That's because of his lack of strength! The Quasi-Emperor Level Heritage Realm must be at the Nine Tribulations Quasi Immortal Level to be eligible to compete... This time his strength has been reached, how could he not come?"

"The night blood tribe, the imperial ghost tribe, and the sky poison tribe are all here. I bet the endless gods will come!"

"Look, in order to prevent the endless gods from being attacked and killed, they deliberately let a number of immortal figures escort them... probably because they were afraid of being killed by the clone of the endless gods."

"It's strange if you can't be afraid! The clones of the endless gods can't kill, their strength is so strong, and the number is so large that even the quasi-emperor-level can't completely settle them. With their quasi-immortal-levels, how can they fight the endless gods?"

"If the endless gods really appear later, I guess they will be scared!"

"It's best to pray that the endless gods never show up... I don't want to meet him, I really want to meet him, remember, hand over the treasure obediently, surrender, and don't hold any fluke, otherwise there is only one word in the end: death !"


Chen Xuanfeng was still observing secretly, and he heard that he started talking about him again.

"These guys, guess half right."

Chen Xuanfeng smiled.

He didn't participate in these opportunities before, because he didn't know at all...Where can I go to the slaughter?

What's more, this kind of information is basically transmitted after the quasi-emperor-level deduction. It can't be bought by the intelligence dealers. Let alone participate, Chen Xuanfeng has no idea that there is such a thing!

If Han Yue'er had not given him three coordinates and time, he would not have noticed here at all.

But they guessed the other half right.

Once you join by yourself.

Then this trip to the Quasi-Emperor Level Heritage Realm is more than just a fight for treasure...

After a while.

As people continue to increase.


A peculiar lingering sound suddenly rippled out, drew the attention of everyone in the audience...All the ongoing conversations and noises stopped abruptly in an instant, and their eyes all converged in the direction that the lingering sound came from.

It is a void above a desert.

It looks nothing unusual.

But there was a small spatial crack cracked in the void, only about the size of a palm of a hand, and inside was revealing an aura that made all the Quasi-Emperor Classes present feel palpitation——

Quasi-emperor-level breath!

"Remains, it's about to open!"

Everyone's eyes are hot.

They did not rush to approach, but took out many defensive methods, stepped back a certain distance, and kept a distance.

The fairy-level characters who specialize in protecting them even took out a posture of parry.

Because they know very well that at the moment the relic is born, the coercion of the Quasi-Emperor Class will erupt completely, and even attacks comparable to the Quasi-Emperor Class will overflow from it!

Although it's just a powerful attack that can't be more ordinary.

But for them, it is no different from the catastrophe, of course they have to be prepared in advance!

"Is that how the legacy is opened..."

Chen Xuanfeng curiously watched the fissure in the void grow bigger and bigger, and the light revealed more and more.

at this time--

Wow! ! ! !The fissure, which was originally only one person high, suddenly rose to a huge 10,000 meters, and the dazzling light 023 burst out of it that reflected the sky and the earth.

What followed was an extremely terrifying shock wave... Its power had reached the level of a normal emperor-level blow!

The shock of terror disintegrated many defensive methods in an instant.

Fortunately, many immortal figures resisted together and prepared in advance, so no one was injured or killed.

And just after the three breaths passed, the power of the shock wave became smaller at the moment.

"It's now!!"


"Quick! Go in!"


"Can't let people get on first!"


The quasi-celestial class who mastered the law, collectively broke out at this moment, scrambling to swarm into the fissure!

Chen Xuanfeng looked from a distance.

Just like a million locusts covering the entire 10,000-meter void gap, filling the gap abruptly...Everyone is afraid that if you take a step slower, the treasure will be robbed by others, especially those who know in advance what is true The quasi-xian-levels who were the most precious treasures, and the approximate location, were even more crazy, and went straight to the fissure.

Chen Xuanfeng was not in a hurry.

He followed in slowly.

Although it was about ten minutes slower for others.

But he didn't panic at all.

He didn't even take a stroll in the courtyard at all.

Therefore, he almost became the last person to enter.

As soon as I entered, the scene in front of me changed suddenly, no longer a desert, but a lush fairyland!

However, what attracted him was not the beautiful and picturesque fairyland here, but the blood feud that broke out between the various races as soon as he entered!

These races have been feuds for countless years on the outside.

Basically, as soon as we meet, we will never die.

If there are unspoken rules outside the intangible cultural heritage, and they can't do it at will, they would have long been unable to bear it.

Now as soon as he enters the ruined territory, there is no longer any jurisdiction, and there is no need to worry about any retaliation, and immediately start fighting and confrontation.

Chen Xuanfeng watched all this.

The treasure of the treasure.

Kill the enemy.

A lively scene.

At the same time, he also looked back at the rift in the void that gradually became smaller.

The entrance to the remains is only open for about half an hour.

The entrance to the remains will disappear completely.

Instead, there are various crack exits appearing in various places in the relics...but be aware that some are exits, and some may be chaotic void spaces. Once you enter the chaotic void spaces, Wushuang Gangfeng will instantly churn you into powder!

"Almost there?"

"Do it!"

Chen Xuanfeng gave an order.

The clone who had changed his appearance and messed up his breath directly returned to its original state.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of clones began to descend on this side of the relic!

"I'll take over this relic!".

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