"Senior Fantasies."

Remnant Soul Zhundi stepped forward, "During your absence for hundreds of millions of years, our families have abandoned their previous suspicions and formed an alliance. Please be merciful."


The Great Emperor Huan Yan raised his eyelids and glanced at him. All of the Great Emperors suddenly felt as if they were transparent, completely seen through, "There is indeed no evil intention."

"Boy, the endless gods you are talking about can separate hundreds of millions of clones, and each clone is a perfect body of flesh and blood... is it true or not?"

The Great Emperor Huan Yan didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and when he came up, he directly asked the information he cared about the most.

This time he was in the realm of the Ten Thousand Realms, only after he received the message from the lower realms that he paid a great price, and then he was willing to accept the invitation and return to the lower realms.

According to the description on the information.

In the three thousand worlds, there was an incredible little guy named the endless god.

His talents are extremely savvy, his strength increases extremely fast, he can reach the semi-sacred realm, possess the strength of the first ring golden immortal...It can be called an unprecedented super genius since the ages, there is no one!

Of course, these alone are not enough to interest Emperor Huanyan... What about super geniuses? As long as one does not grow up to be a great emperor, there is a possibility of ten deaths in one day.

A genius who died is nothing at all!

It really moved his heart.

It is the means by which the endless god's clone is hundreds of millions!

The strength of the clone is exactly the same as the deity. The breath of life is independent, and the cause and effect are independent. Therefore, it is impossible to trace the position of the deity through the clone. The position of the deity can only be calculated through the technique of heavenly secret deduction.

The clone cannot be killed, even if it disappears now, it will be resurrected again after 24 hours.

The number of clones is constantly increasing, and it is a new number almost every day... Recently, the number has soared to the stage of hundreds of billions, making the night blood tribe, the emperor and the ghost tribe, and other ethnic groups miserable, and even the emperor of the advanced world is helpless.

To be honest, the Great Emperor Huan Yan frowned when he saw this, a little unbelievable.

He hadn't even heard of this kind of magical method of avatar!

As a member of Tianying Pavilion.

He can almost be sure that in the entire Ten Thousand Realms Realm, I am afraid that no such methods have appeared...Even those strong in the ancestral realm and ancient realm, have heard of anyone who can display such techniques!

But when he saw the attached images of the clones slaughtering each base city, his expression finally changed.

"It actually exists..."

The Great Emperor Huan Yan was surprised.

If you can master these methods, what will it be like?

At this point, the Great Emperor Huan Yan brightened his eyes and decided to take a trip to the lower realm against this endless god.

"Senior Huihuanyan, in order to prevent the stunner from smashing the grass, I did not easily attack those clones... The endless god can control those clones all the time. Once I catch the clones, he will know it the first time. I'm afraid by then. Will be prepared."

The remnant soul quasi emperor replied.

"Okay, take me there now, I'm going to see, where did these strange methods come from!"

"Senior Huanyan, please!"

Following the many quasi-emperors and the great emperor, the remnant soul quasi-emperor led the phantom and emperor, and went straight through the teleportation array of the high-level world to the middle-level world.

As soon as he reached the Intermediate Great World, the realm of the Great Emperor Huanyan quickly fell. From the original half-step ancestral realm, he continued to fall until he finally stopped at the Jiu Jie quasi-emperor level.

The other great emperors are the same, their realm strength has been suppressed by the world will of the Intermediate Great World.

Since the clones are sufficiently wide, almost covering the entire imperial ghost clan's territory, they can be seen everywhere... Therefore, they did not spend too much time and they came to a fairy-level giant city that was being attacked by many clones.


As soon as the Great Emperor Huan Yan came, the tyrannical consciousness was instantly covered, and within a short time, he noticed the tens of thousands of clones that were constantly shooting out swords outside the immortal-level defensive array!

"Interesting... really interesting!"

Great Emperor Huan Yan's eyes were filled with hot meaning, "Every one is a clone of perfect appearance, no matter the law, cause and effect, destiny, life level... there is no flaw!"


After hearing this, the remnant soul Zhundi and others at the back also had a new understanding of the clone of the endless god.


The Great Emperor Huan Yan couldn't wait, took a step, and instantly came to the fairy-level defense formation, and at the same time, with a single finger, thousands of clones were frozen in place, as if time and space had been stagnated, even the air was no longer there. flow!

Breathing, aura flowing, laws imprisoned, even the light is completely frozen in place...

The emperors who followed were amazed by this method.

They can also solidify these clones, but they absolutely can't achieve such a situation...The return from the realm of ten thousand realms is really different, and the methods they use at random are enough to make them beyond the reach!

"Master, we have encountered a powerful enemy at the Quasi-Emperor Rank."

On the other side, Chen Xuanfeng received the news from the clone.

"The quasi-emperor class has appeared again?"

This is not the first time that Quasi-Emperor Level has appeared.

Jinxuan Zhundi from the beginning.

The Emperor Fengxue came to the back.

Then many quasi-emperors came to join in the fun, trying to study the mystery of the clone... Chen Xuanfeng had already seen no less than 10 quasi-emperor-level existences.

And every time, he can go to watch with great interest.

This time is no exception.

He directly chose the grafting sight and saw the situation at the scene at a glance.


When he saw the Great Emperor Huanyan not far away through one of the clones, as well as the many quasi-emperors, the Great and other characters behind him, he couldn't help but laughed, "So many quasi-emperors are really enough to save face!"

"But the one who shot the clone should be a great emperor, right? And even among the great emperors, it is a very powerful role."

"Otherwise, the Emperor Zhun could not be able to imprison even the laws."

Chen Xuanfeng finally fixed his gaze on the foremost Emperor Huanyan, "This is a great emperor, and it is very strong!"


The Great Emperor Huanyan, who was studying the clone, suddenly noticed something, turned his head, and collided with the clone's sight taken over by Chen Xuanfeng.

"You are the deity, the endless god, right?"

The Great Emperor Huan Yan said indifferently.


There were many quasi-emperors behind, the great emperor and others moved their expressions and quickly looked in that direction.

Some of them have noticed the appearance of the deity.

It's just that as the strength of the endless gods rapidly increased, they became somewhat undetectable.

"Sure enough, he's a ruthless character, all of whom can find me." Chen Xuan 047's eyes condensed.

He had little mastery of the laws of heaven and earth before, so he would be easily discovered.

But after the Three Thousand Rule was almost mastered by him, he would basically not be noticed by the quasi-emperor...Only the emperor-level existence who mastered the Dao of Insight might be able to detect him.

"it's me."

Chen Xuanfeng spoke through the clone.

"Too illusory!"


Great Emperor Huan Yan burst into light, and the quasi-emperor-level aura suddenly dispersed. An extremely huge formation covered hundreds of thousands of miles around him, shrouding everything in it.

"Move... Do it?!"

"Is this going to be shot?!"

"Too illusory Yantian...This is the fame of the Great Emperor Huanyan, he actually used his big move when he came up?!"

The quasi-emperors were amazed again and again.

Chen Xuanfeng frowned, and an unknown premonition rose in his heart...


The Great Emperor Huan Yan pinched his finger, raised his hand and took a shot in the void, only to see the creatures in the entire city base, instantly annihilated, turning into boundless blood, soaring into the sky, and blending into the huge formation that moves above the sky!

It's not just this city base.

Any place covered by the formation.

As long as there are creatures below the immortal level, all will suffer!

Countless blood light rises from the sky.

Every ray of blood represents a broken life!

The other quasi-emperor-level emperors were shocked to see.

Use big moves when you come up.

Come up and sacrifice so many powerful creatures.

This method... is far more brutal than they realize! ! .

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