There are thousands of races in the three thousand worlds of the heavens.

But in fact there are far more than 10,000 ethnic groups.

Those who are famous, the little ones, and those who don't have a big name... don't say it adds up to 10,000, even if it is 100,000 or a million, it is not an exaggeration!

Chen Xuanfeng's current army of clones only covers more than twenty alien races.

There was basically no further expansion of coverage in the follow-up.

There are three reasons.

1. None of these ethnic groups took the initiative to provoke him, and of course it is not easy for him to take the initiative to provoke others.

2. At that time, the strength was weak, not even the immortal level. In order to keep a low profile and develop steadily, Chen Xuanfeng would naturally not take the initiative to expand the battlefield.

3. The area covering more than 20 alien races is already very vast. If you continue to cover it, it will take time to hurry up, and the number of clones will be needed to fill it.

Under various considerations, Chen Xuanfeng chose to be conservative.

But this is the situation now.

Obviously, he is not allowed to choose to be conservative at all!

"However, I slaughtered the more than 20 alien races. I was famous for being a teacher. They attacked me first. I would kill them back. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it... But now I take the initiative to find trouble with 10 other races, which will inevitably cause some troubles. Attention and tongue."

Although Chen Xuanfeng does not need to worry about anyone's opinion at all.

But he still cares about the status of the human race.

You must know that he now represents not only himself.

It also represents the entire human race!

Human race ranks low on the Ten Thousand Races list, and there are not many strong ones. Even the founding emperor of the four major forces is not the super strong one among the ten thousand races in the world... Therefore, the reputation is not considered prominent.

But now as soon as his name spread, these two keywords, endless gods, human race, have been known and spread by countless people, and their popularity has continued to rise!

He heard.

Because the endless gods chased more than twenty alien races to hack and kill by one person, many other alien races were in awe, and they unknowingly listed the human race as a key object not to be provoked, so that wherever the human race goes, others must be respectful. Respect, I don't dare to offend easily.

Especially if you hear of someone who knows the endless gods, or has some relationship with the endless gods, then it is more enthusiastic and thoughtful and careful...for fear of incurring unreasonable disasters to your own race!

The tribes of the imperial ghost tribe and the sky poison tribe don't matter.

It is as powerful as the human race, and it doesn't share the sky... Not only to kill, but also to slaughter to the point that there is nothing left, and no affection is left!

But other ethnic groups are not necessarily all brutal generations.

Therefore, Chen Xuanfeng needs to carefully screen a wave and target the attack.

"I'll choose, trouble."

"It's better to let the human race of the virtual net decide!"

Chen Xuanfeng's eyes flashed.

Public decision, public vote, public discussion.

Anyway, the noise he made was big enough, don't mind being bigger!


Chen Xuanfeng decisively opened the virtual ring and first used 10 million a day to directly purchase the top position in the public channel of Human Race.

The effect is only 24 hours.

But enough.

A few minutes later.


Chen Xuanfeng edits the post and clicks to send it directly.

Post directly to the top.

"After 24 hours, let the race decide which race is the most damnable!"

Chen Xuanfeng's eyes flickered harshly.


"Fuck! Have you seen the sticky post?!"

"No... has the endless gods posted?!"

"Really an endless god! Oh my god, this seems to be the first time he publishes a post, right?"

""Please vote"? This title is bright spot!"

"The title is not bright, but the content... I'll stop it, it's not a little bit explosive... The endless god is actually voting for the next foreign race to be sanctioned!"

"No, it's not one, it's all! As long as it is an alien who has had feuds with the Human Race, caused dissatisfaction, and is extremely unfriendly to the Human Race, and even produced tyranny, this is the area that his clone will cover next!!"

"Which alien race do you want to vote for in public? Tsk tsk, it is indeed an endless god. So far, I have grown up and I have never seen an operation that is so rampant and arrogant... But the endless god really has this arrogant capital. !"

"On the race that the Human Race hates the most, except for the Yexue Race, the Emperor Ghost Race, and the Sky Poison Race, you have to ask? It must be the Dark Monster Race! The bastards of the Dark Monster Race are the same as the Night Blood Race. Blood is food, and the thing that Damn it is more than the night blood race is that they will target those new-born descendants, even babies! What's the use of keeping him in this evil and vicious race? Must be the first to eradicate!! "

"Yes, I voted for the Nether Demon Race decisively, and clean up this damn tribe first, otherwise I'm sorry for those warriors who are still fighting with the Nether Demon Race on the front line!"

"This is not a single-choice question, it is a multiple-choice question! Any ethnic group will do, basically as long as they are well-known on the list, all can vote!"

"Then what are you waiting for? The Minced Meat Race must be on the list!"

"The mad corpse race must also vote! Don't forget, we have countless strong men who have been refined into mad corpses, who in turn kill our own people and eat our human beings... not dying is not enough for civilians to be angry!"

"Ghost spider tribe is also hateful! Obviously it has its own territory and it is not good to be treated. We have to run to our human territory to kill and lay eggs. Every time the ghost spider tribe’s eggs can give birth to hundreds of millions of ghost spiders, forming ghost spiders. Chao, the creatures that died under the mouth of the Ghost Spider Clan are only a lot more than those brought by other alien races!"

"Have you forgotten the Poison Flame Race? Earlier, they had promised to form an alliance with our human race, but afterwards they directly defected, causing our human race to lose an unknown number of powerhouses and 050 sites. Even so far, they are still attacking our human creatures... this Waiting for the race, there is more than guilty death!"


Not surprisingly.

As soon as Chen Xuanfeng's post came out, he immediately evoked the anger in the hearts of countless human races.

Among them, as long as they were at or above the Martial Emperor level, they had more or less been to the frontier battlefield and fought with various alien races... and saw with their own eyes how cruel and terrifying those alien races were.

If it is a purely confrontation with strength, a confrontation with strength, and a human race is not invincible... But in the process of fighting, some races that are extremely bloody, inhuman, betraying, deceiving and other methods are used, how can the human race tolerate it?

It's just so many years.

The fight between ethnic groups cannot be done in a few words at all.

Terran will be angry, hateful, and will fight back, but it wants to be as cool as the endless god, and publicly wants to judge those alien races... The human race has more heart but not enough power.

So far, those ethnic groups are still able to be arrogant, still live well, and even conversely ridicule all kinds of human races.

Finally, the endless gods stepped forward.

All the races did not live up to his questioning, all the sentiments were angered, and they responded with a hundred responses and cast their votes in order to be able to witness with their own eyes that those alien races were shivering and repenting and desperate under the dagger of the endless god! .

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