Chen Xuanfeng did find his own mark.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with the tracking, plush was always here. It turned out to be entangled with this demon, but looking at his appearance, Chen Xuanfeng didn't have the intention to stand up for him.

I don't know if I can't fight with that demon lin. It can be said that I and Bai Rongrong have met in a peaceful water. It is better to have more things than less. Naturally, I watched indifferently.

Suddenly, Bai Rongrong called out loudly.

"Friends, I know that you have been observing by the side, come out and help me, I will give you a great opportunity."

As soon as he said this, Chen Xuanfeng's complexion also changed, and his heart trembled, his eyes staring at Fluffy in amazement, and he didn't know how the guy found out-himself.

Just when he was about to speak out, Chen Xuanfeng heard a hearty laugh.

"Is it true that the enemy doesn't get together!"

A man wearing animal skins came out, it was a god.

Chen Xuanfeng froze for a moment. It turned out that Shen Tiancheng was discovered. It almost meant that he was spotted by the white velvet. He was almost in a mess. Just now he thought that the white velvet was deceiving himself!

The result was true, and it was really unexpected that Chen Xuanfeng felt a little surprised.

Seeing Shen Tiancheng came out, Mo Lin was obviously a little unsatisfied, and the two of them should have been grudges for a long time.

Chen Xuanfeng carefully watched the situation on the court, and the white velvet once again took out a superb spiritual stone and began to recover his strength. He knew that if he was still a little sure about it now.

You can use this guy to check and balance these guys. If you don't recover now, it may not be so easy and easy in the future.

After thinking about this, if no one beside the white velvet started to absorb the spirit stone, it was true that the devillin and Shen Tiancheng ignored him.

Obviously he had his own self-confidence, and he was sure that the white velvet was something in their palms and couldn't escape at all, so he didn't care about the recovery of the spiritual power in the spirit stone by him.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet you here. It is really interesting. I have to say it is an extremely coincidental thing. After all, our goals are exactly the same."

When Shen Tiancheng's voice fell, that Mo Lin seemed to disdain to talk to him, and sneered.

· 0 Seeking flowers···········

"Don't put gold on your own face either. That thing has nothing to do with you, and the purpose is the same. I advise you to go back home early! Don't be ashamed in front of me. After all, you and I are not the so-called all-road. people."

After the words were spoken, Shen Tiancheng was a little uncomfortable at the time, and after murmured a few words to himself, he lost the interest in continuing to talk with him, and looked at the fluffy.

0 ........ ...

"Inferior race, doesn't it mean that you have the chance to give it to me? I came out to save your life, why don't you tell me what you know?"

Hearing the words of God Tiancheng, Bai Rongrong looked at Demon Lin unabated with his movements.

"I heard everything you two said before, and I am not deaf. Since you also know the eternal heart, why bother with me! It seems that this opportunity is better for me."

Speaking of the white velvet, his claws opened the void in an instant, turned around and got in, ready to leave.

Shen Tiancheng snorted coldly.

"Are you treating Laozi as a kid to play with you? Let you play with it? Die to me."

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