Chen Xuanfeng is heartbroken, this is too prodigal! It's really tragic to shatter so many scriptures all at once. Is this what people do?

Chen Xuanfeng couldn't bear it. At that time, he turned his gaze to the other side. It was shining with extreme aura. The second floor had a protective defensive array, but the first floor did not.

Therefore, Chen Xuanfeng frowned tightly and looked to the other side. Because his clone had no strength to resist the attack of the bronze man, the basic battle was also destroyed.

But this guy is obviously just looking at himself to fight, so he can't let his clone go upstairs to get the exercises he wants?

After trying to understand and clear, Chen Xuanfeng didn't hesitate either. He turned into a spiritual light and immediately impacted away, like a bird, and fought with the bronze man violently.

You come and I go, fists to the flesh, the world's explosive fist wind is completely unstoppable, and the ultimate aura burst out in an instant.

Like a flying eagle in the sky, Chen Xuanfeng's divine and human form was instantly condensed in his figure, and his clone was also directly shining with strong power, and headed towards the second floor, Chen Xuanfeng frowned tightly.

Although his clone can go up, he also found a problem when fighting with this bronze man. When the bronze man on the opposite side took those exercises with his clone, his power went crazy. , This also made Chen Xuanfeng dumbfounded at the time.

Chen Xuanfeng's strength is the stage where the Daluo Jinxian level has just arrived, but the guy in front of him has reached the late Daluo Jinxian stage, and even gradually completes, approaching the level of the Chaos Immortal~.

Even if he has the ability to fight across levels, Chen Xuanfeng is a bit of a headache at this moment.

"Good fellow, this strength is simply a tyrannical group!"

After being punched directly on his stomach by the bronze man, he was knocked into the air in an instant. Chen Xuanfeng's complexion changed and his complexion was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't make sense!"

Spitting out a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, he understood that he could never take away all those exercises. Otherwise, he must have made this bronze man possess extremely strong power. Once he reached the Chaos Immortal, if he wanted to do it again. To beat him, then it must be impossible.

· 0 Seeking flowers···········

"Fortunately, I and those clones are connected with each other. I can use their perspective to choose a good technique and let myself have it."

This is also the reason why Chen Xuanfeng has not left this Tibetan Gong Pavilion. As long as the previous messy exercises are put back in the distance, there will be no such thing.

. 0 0

So he knew that he couldn't serve it in one pot, he had to pick the good ones and accept them, and put the others aside for the time being, and ignore them.

After thinking about it, he didn't hesitate, and ordered his clone to put all the exercise books back to their original places.

However, as the exercises returned to their previous positions, the strength of this bronze man remained unchanged, and Chen Xuanfeng was stunned.

"Damn, what's going on, it doesn't work! Isn't this teasing me?"

The fists of the two collided, and the fist wind continued, as if the squally wind roared. The bronze man still carried a bit of cold power on his body. It can be said that Chen Xuanfeng was cold all over his body when he hit it instantly. indivual.

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