I have to say that the god-level exercises are really too difficult for the wife!

Rao is Chen Xuanfeng has been deducing, has been studying, has been pondering.

Never left that city from beginning to end.

However, thirty days passed.

He just couldn't do it by reluctant rehearsal.

However, within these 30 days, his clones snowballed to 30 again, killing variously in the south and the north...Many of the geniuses of the super base were all killed with embarrassing expressions and miserable expressions!

Those who can enter No. 2997 Hell on the fourth day are basically outstanding.

The lowest limit Wuwang realm.

The tallest can already compete with the general ~ Tongwu Emperor level.

Before they came in this time, they all geared up one by one, ready to show their fists and get a better rating-ranking, and a long face.

The result speaks for itself.

After encountering the avatars, the avatars attacked without saying a word, killing them all on the spot!

Some emperors saw that the situation was not good, and used random teleportation orders to escape on the spot... But it didn't take long before they died under the hands of another clone.

"I ran into that guy's clone again, so bad luck!"

"Who is this black robe long-sword martial emperor? How can his strength be so strong?!"

"The ghost knows that there are his clones everywhere, and his people are everywhere. Whether you see an aboriginal or a person from the Infernal Palace, you will cut it when you come up, and you will not leave any affection!"

"I have mastered the law. He is flashing back in accordance with the rankings, entering the Infernal Purgatory one by one. We have to avoid him... otherwise we will all be in vain if we are killed so endlessly."

The pride of these days bowed their heads, shaking their heads and sighing.

It was also from this time that the geniuses of small bases, large bases, or super bases deliberately avoided the Infernal Purgatory that Chen Xuanfeng entered, for fear of colliding with Chen Xuanfeng.


There was a lot of discussion from the outside world.

Chen Xuanfeng slammed his god-level life attribute exercises.

One thirty days is not enough, then two thirty days.

Two thirty days can’t be done, then three thirty days...until it can be practiced!

Chen Xuanfeng is completely immersed in the "Sacred Law of Shangqing Dayan".

Returned from No. 2997 Infernal Purgatory.

The number of Chen Xuanfeng's clones jumped from 158 to 190, an increase of 32.

Leave 12 to kill monsters, and throw 20 to practice "Hundred Refined Desolate God Body".

Returned from No. 2996 Infinite Purgatory.

There are 24 more clones.

Returned from No. 2995 Infernal Purgatory.

There are 24 more clones.

Returned from No. 2994 Infernal Purgatory.

There are 21 more clones.

Returned from No. 2993 Infinite Purgatory.

There are 15 more clones.

Returned from No. 2992 Infinite Purgatory.

There are 17 more clones.

Returned from No. 2991 Infernal Purgatory.

There are 13 more clones.



It took a full seven opportunities, and a full 210 days later.

"Ding! The god-level life attribute exercise "Shangqing Dayan Sacred Method" has been scanned."

An extremely pleasing system prompt sounded.

"It's done...Finally it's done!!"

"Depend on!!"

In the training room, Chen Xuanfeng lay down on the ground, feeling relieved and could not help cursing.

210 days.

Just for this Raoshizi's "Sacred Law of Shangqing Dayan".

Just to rehearse it reluctantly, it took 210 days!

Fortunately, Huangtian pays off.

Finally got it done.

"System, after "Eight Desolation Burning Sea" reaches the Dacheng state, immediately arrange the clone to start practicing "Shangqing Dayan Sacred Method"!" Chen Xuanfeng directly ordered.

"Good host."

A few hours later.

"Eight Wastes Burning Sea" successfully cultivated to the realm of Dacheng.

Chen Xuanfeng quickly executed the doppelganger return.

Next second.

boom! !

A desolate breath burst out from Chen Xuanfeng, and there were flames rising around him, and the desolate land and the ocean of ancient times appeared in this flame... This is a vision of the exercise technique.

All exercises at or above the king level have exercise anomalies, and the closer they are to Consummation, the more they can arouse the exercise anomalies.

The exercise vision itself is not very meaningful, but its appearance is a signal, which means that this exercise has gradually begun to have the charm of the creator in it, and its power is far more powerful than before!

"For so many days, my practice has been harvesting, and my strength has been improving. I just don't know how much I have improved."

"Now you can take a good look."

Chen Xuanfeng quickly opened the character attribute panel:

Host: Chen Xuanfeng

Realm: Ordinary Wuhou level

The highest power realm: Elite Wuhuang level

The highest defense level: ordinary Wuhuang level

The highest state of body law: ordinary Wuhuang level

Number of clones: 304

The total amount of bad air: 34.8821 million

Now mastered the exercises: "Eight Desolate Burning Sea" (Wang-level·Dacheng), "Seven Killing Cangyun Knife" (Wang-level·Xiaocheng), "Hundred Refining Desolate God Body" (Wang-level·Xiaocheng), "Wanli Chiyou Jue" (Wang-level·Xiaocheng) [Only display exercises above the Wang-level]

Special exercises: "Astrology Sutra" (Fourth Floor)

Have mastered the artistic conception: the artistic conception of sword (Imperial level·Theravada), the artistic conception of power (King level·Entry level), The artistic conception of speed (King level·Introduction), The artistic conception of coldness (King level·Introduction), The artistic conception of destruction (King level·Introduction) ·getting Started)

Currently available functions: [Entering Ding Cultivation] / [Killing Monsters] / [Cultivation Techniques + 1] / [Sense of Artistic Conception]


"The total number of clones reaches 304!"

""Seven Killing Cangyun Knife", "Hundred Refining Desolate God Body", "Ten Thousand Miles Chiyou Jue" all reached the realm of Xiaocheng, and "Eight Desolation Burning Sea" reached the realm of Dacheng!"

"The "Astrology Sutra" broke through to the fourth floor, with an 8 times increase in enhancement, and the four king-level artistic conceptions were also smoothly understood..."

"However, even with so much growth, my realm strength has only been promoted from an ordinary Martial Emperor to an elite Martial Emperor... It is still too difficult for the Martial Emperor to be diligent!"

Chen Xuanfeng shook his head.

Obviously, Chen Xuanfeng was not satisfied from the ordinary Wuhuang to the elite Wuhuang in seven days.

However, if these words are spoken out, it is estimated that Chen Xuanfeng will be sprayed to death!

That is not Wuhou, nor is it Wuwang, but the dignified Wuhuang emperor...It is the realm closest to the Wushen!

Do you really think it is Chinese cabbage, can you be promoted casually?

The realm of warriors has always been more difficult as it goes backwards...especially after reaching the martial emperor rank, it is more difficult to increase the difficulty of a small realm than the entire stage of the ordinary martial king to the sub-emperor rank.

This is why, as it goes on, it becomes extremely difficult to cross the realm.

King Liyou Wu was able to rank in the top 20 of King Wu's gold list by being able to compete with the Emperor Wuhuang at the sub-emperor level.

The Golden Blood Martial King has worked hard for so long, and he is only hovering at the top of the sub-emperor rank, and it is difficult to even cross the realm.

Even the super geniuses who backed by the super big family, some can already be comparable to the ordinary Wu Huang level, but apart from Chen Xuanfeng, no one can reach the level of comparable to the elite Wu Huang!

"The clones are cultivating the "Sacred Law of Shangqing Dayan"... the time it takes to reach the entry level is 28 days."

"With 149 clones, plus the acceleration of cultivation time shortened by one time, it will take 28 days...If I were to go by myself, how long would it take?"

· 0 Seeking flowers·········

The answer came out quickly, 17,300 years!

That's right.

It's Wannian!

Moreover, it is still non-stop, 24 hours of continuous cultivation, it is possible to reach the entry level of this god-level life attribute exercises in 17,300 years...If Chen Xuanfeng sleeps in the middle, eats a meal or something, I am embarrassed. It is estimated that it will be impossible for 20,000 years.

This time, Chen Xuanfeng no longer doubted his savvy, he already knew himself.

"The "Sacred Law of Shangqing Dayan" has been arranged, and then we will conquer "Immeasuring Blood Kill"!"

"I won’t have any royal skills to practice once "Immeasurable Blood Kills" is completed... What's the matter with those big base super base guys? The front is fine, but the back disappears one by one, and it’s hard to find one person. ?"Chen Xuanfeng complained and complained here.

If you say it, it is estimated to cause a lot of resentment!

All the pride of the sky, arrogant, enter the Infernal Purgatory full of confidence, full of doubt that life has been sent out... and have gone back and forth several times, who can withstand it?

So now they are all avoiding Chen Xuanfeng.

Some geniuses are even more exaggerated. They have to wait for the people in front to enter and come back alive an hour later to make sure that Chen Xuanfeng is not in this infinite purgatory before they are willing to enter.

......... ........ 0

Chen Xuanfeng's clone casts a psychological shadow!

Of course, there are some who do not believe in evil.

For example, the Zixue Wuhou of the ancestor of the Emperor Wanxue.

Not only didn't hide, but also faced difficulties... The result was obvious, and I was killed once by the clone.

However, the killings are the same. They are all prepared. There is nothing in the space ring, only some of the most basic pill weapons and treasures, and the slightly more valuable things are deliberately not brought...so that Chen Xuanfeng has been in the past few days. , There has been little gain from them.

"Hey, the trust between people is too weak!"

"Golden Blood, come here!"

Chen Xuanfeng called the King of Golden Blood.

Soon, King Jinxue Wu came.

"Master endless." King Jinxue Wu respectfully saluted.

"You said before that the three thousand infinite purgatory, the bottom 100 are all newcomers. If the old man can't enter, can the newcomer enter the infinite purgatory of the old?" Chen Xuanfeng asked.

"Of course!" Jinxue Wuwang nodded, "Three Thousand Infinite Purgatory, apart from the rules for newcomers, there are no more rules, as long as you don't mind.

, You can enter any Infernal Purgatory at will! "

"Okay, then you can open No. 2899 Infernal Purgatory for me, I'll go take a trip."

Since the newcomer avoids him, Chen Xuanfeng can only go to trouble the old people.


Jinxue Wuwang waved his hand, and a new entrance was formed. "Lord Endless, I need to remind you that No. 2899 Infernal Purgatory, there are a large number of ordinary Wushu, a large number of elite Wushu, a small number of extreme Wushu, and very few sub-God. Please be careful."

Massive ordinary martial emperors, a large number of elite martial emperors?

Isn't this just agreeing with him?

Without unnecessary nonsense, Chen Xuanfeng took a step forward and went straight to No. 2899 Infernal Purgatory.

Just entered.

Chen Xuanfeng can feel the fullness of the spiritual energy here, which is obviously higher than that of any Infernal Purgatory he has been to before...If the previous practice speed has been increased by two times, then it can be increased to about four times here, even if it is not. Cultivation is also a good choice.

"Ordinary Wuhou level?"

"Are you a newcomer to experience again?"

"Die to me!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the sky, and then a giant hand with a sub-emperor aura fell from the sky.


Chen Xuanfeng smiled.

"You are the first one, start with you!" Yi.

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