King Lan Yanwu sighed next to him.

If the strength of King Tiangang Wu is equal to him, then King Feng Lingwu is not as good as him... In this case, taking the initiative to challenge King Wulang Wu, what good results can there be besides losing?

"It's really the woman I'm after."

The Dark Wolf King Wu Xie Xie smiled, "I will show mercy to you."

"I do not need!"

King Feng Lingwu turned into an icy blue streamer and flew out.

In an instant, the whole world behind her became a world of ice and snow.

The sky is ice crystals and frost.

The ground is the Ice Age.

A sword swept out, and the extreme turbulent momentum seemed to cut through the entire world!

"Women are all surrendered to the strong!"

"Feng Ling, look good!!"

The Dark Wolf King Wu laughed wildly.

The blood-colored gloomy giant claws that are thousands of meters long suddenly appeared in the center of the world, and in an instant, all the offensives of King Feng Lingwu were crushed!

At the same time, another blood-colored gloomy giant claw appeared, and directly rushed towards King Feng Lingwu.

Feng Lingwu King Yinya bit.

There was a mighty fighting spirit in the beautiful eyes.

The Tianluo Emperor's "Nine Wonders of Tianluo" was launched, the momentum skyrocketed in an instant, and the combat power reached an unprecedented level in an instant!


The two were fighting together.

The tragic situation of the battle is even more exaggerated than King Tiangang Wu's!

"Sister Feng Ling has actually become stronger?" Wang Lan Yanwu was quite surprised.

He understood in an instant.

It should be within these days that King Feng Lingwu’s "Nine Dragons of Heaven" had a breakthrough in perception, otherwise, normally speaking, it would be impossible to be the opponent of King Wuluo.

So it seems...who is the one who will kill you, it is not necessarily true!

The great war broke out.

Tianjiao, the emperor of each family, looked with radiance.

Since the two were evenly matched, no one could gain an advantage in a short period of time, and the battle continued.

"The emperor of the Soul Devouring emperor is fighting with the emperor of the Tianluo emperor?"

Later, the war boat of the saints stayed deliberately and joined the war boat team.

When I heard that the emperor and the emperor were fighting together, and there was also the famous Minglang Wuwang among them, all of them were immediately intrigued.

In this way, seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

What surprised everyone was.

Feng Lingwu King actually fought against the Dark Wolf King Wu abruptly for seven days!

We must know that because of the characteristic of the Wraith Wolf King, it can not only swallow the essence and blood, but also swallow the power of the heaven and the earth, the aura of the heaven and the earth, the more courageous in Vietnam, the strong endurance, and the fierce endurance that is famous.

On the other hand, King Feng Lingwu.

Although the techniques of the Tianluo clan also emphasized the endless and continuous...but it shouldn't be so fierce, right?

However, seven days is not a rare event for a confrontation at the level of the sub-god.

As long as the combat power is equal, both sides have long-term endurance capabilities, and have the means to fight and recover at the same time, and they can fight for almost indefinite periods.

This is the same as the previous avatars in order to kill the Mingyingya god, instead of fighting back and forth for several days.On the contrary, in the back, the avatars all adopted a suicidal style, and it was abnormal if they tried to solve the battle in two or three times.

"No, Junior Sister Feng Ling is about to lose."

Suddenly, King Lan Yanwu sighed.

"Feng Ling, your breath has gradually declined, can't you hold it?"

The Dark Wolf King Wu smiled evilly, "It is your glory to be able to fight against me for seven days, but you are still my defeat after all!"

As soon as the voice fell, King Wuluo's offensive strengthened fiercely.

King Feng Lingwu was hard to fight and retreated steadily.

In the end, he still couldn't resist, his figure was knocked into the air and crashed into the ground, triggering a violent earthquake.


King Feng Lingwu coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, his beautiful face was pale, and the breath radiating from his body was much weaker than it was seven days ago.

"you lose."

King Wuluo embraced his chest and smiled, "For the sake of your future becoming my woman, I won't charge you the price of losing."


The students onlookers shouted in exclamation, and saw King Feng Lingwu cut off his right arm himself and flung out, with a face of determination and said: "You and me, two cleansing!"

"Good, good! As expected of the woman I'm after!"

King Wuluo laughed.

Immediately, King Feng Lingwu's arm was swallowed directly.

His breath rose again by one point.

"I just ask..."

"Who else?!!!"

The Dark Wolf Wu dynasty roared at all the emperor Tianjiao on the battle boat, shattered the sky, and went straight into the sky, "Who can challenge me?!!!"

Everyone heard clearly.

But no one dared to answer.

Even if the emperors of Tianjiao were upset, they still had to admit that... the Dark Wolf King is too strong!

It is too strong for them to contend, so they can only choose to endure silently.

"Sister Feng Ling..."

King Lan Yanwu looked at King Feng Lingwu who had taken the pill and flew back silently with a helpless expression.

To be honest, he really wanted to rush out to fight against King Wu Lingwu to take revenge for King Feng Lingwu... But he knew that with his strength, he was basically the same as King Wu Tiangang, and might not be as good as King Feng Lingwu.

At that time, apart from putting one of his arms up to make King Wuluo even more arrogant, nothing has changed.

"It would be great if the King of Endless Martial Arts could make a move."

The next Lingyu King Wu pouted, "If he makes a move, he will definitely be able to beat that bastard Dark Wolf to the ground!"

"Of course he can't make a move." Lan Yanwu Wang shook his head, "These days the endless martial king's ranking on the Asian gods list has risen again, and has reached 23rd... With such outstanding strength, he came to take the initiative to find the Dark Wolf King Wu. Even if you win, it’s not honourable at all. Maybe it will be hated by the Soul Eater emperor."

During the seven days of fighting between King Wulang Wu and King Feng Lingwu.

Infernal Palace Intranet is as lively as ever.

With the endless warlord conquering and raging one after another, the SSS evaluation has never stopped. His strength ranking and the popularity of his topic are also constantly rising rapidly!

From the previous bottom 44, gradually promoted to 23.

According to the calculation of the ranking, outside speculation, the strength of the endless warlord has skyrocketed, not only reaching the level of rivaling the elite deity gods, but even possessing the strength to kill the elite devas...what's more, I feel that the endless warlord might have reached the level. Extreme Celestial God level, but because there is no corresponding strong opponent in Infernal Purgatory, the ranking has not risen so fast...

The more guesses, the more confusing the truth, but it is also true that people are paying more and more attention to the endless king. The title of the endless king has almost reached the level of public discussion...Even the other three forces have already begun. There is a legend about the endless king of martial arts.


While King Wulang was still arrogantly clamoring, and the Emperor Tianjiao felt helpless, all of a sudden, everyone noticed that a huge aura was approaching quickly.

Everyone turned their heads.

I noticed that a large golden warship was flying by in the distance, and in just a few breaths, it was almost reaching the front.

"That's... the war boat of the Golden Emperor?"

"I remember that the Golden Emperor Clan is not in the same position as us at all, right?"

"Couldn't they come here specially making a big circle?"

"Don't ask, I must be looking for the endless warlord again."

The golden imperial clan warship quickly approached.

In the eyes of everyone, it deliberately chose to dock on the battle boat of the Devouring Emperor Clan.


"Who gave him the courage?!"


"Golden Emperor Clan, looking for death!"

Seeing this situation, the emperors of the Devouring Emperor Clan became angry one by one, and directly flew out, surrounding the battleships of the Golden Emperor Clan.

"The Golden Emperor?"

"Your emperor is coming to challenge me?"

The Dark Wolf King Wu also flew over at this time, joined the encircling army, narrowed his eyes and sneered.

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the students onlookers brightened up again.

This is a great show to be staged!

The Golden Emperor Clan and the Biuyou Emperor Clan are comparable in rankings, and their overall strengths are almost the same.

The two forces collided.

Who will be more fierce?

"Dark wolf, I advise you to go away."

Inside the Golden Emperor Clan battleship, a figure of an emperor wearing a golden armor floated out, his eyes were indifferent, "We are not here to look for you."

"I didn't come to see me, so I stopped the warship on top of my Soul Eater Emperor?"

"Give you a chance, I just finished two battles together, and the loss of energy and blood is great, we two come to fight together, and lose, leave your arm!"

The Dark Wolf King Wu issued another challenge.

"Rugged man."

The emperor of the Golden Emperor Clan shook his head, his gaze fell on the battleship 108 below, "Wang Wuwang, is it in that battleship?"

"Why? Like them, you are here to visit King Wu Xian specially?" King Wu Wu said indifferently.

".` Tiangang Wuwang, have you seen the endless Wuwang with your own eyes?"

The emperor of the golden emperor clan ignored the thoughts of King Wuluo at all and asked other people.

King Wuluo was a little upset.

How dare to ignore me? !

"I didn't see it, but I heard the sound." Tiangang King Wu responded.

He is not very familiar with the Golden Emperor Clan.

But the so-called enemy's enemy is a friend.

If the Golden Emperor Clan didn't deal with the Soul Eater Emperor Clan, it was an invisible ally to him.

"Ignore me?" The Dark Wolf King Wu said coldly, "I will give you three breaths time and immediately move your war boat away, otherwise, don't blame me for doing it!"


The emperor of the Golden Emperor family glanced at King Wu of the Dark Wolf, shook his head, and then walked into the warship without looking back.

"Two breaths!"

King Wuluo was angry.

The emperor of the golden emperor has disappeared.

"Three breaths!"


boom! ! ! !

Suddenly, an aura of extreme terror suddenly spread from the Golden Emperor Clan Warship.

Then three figures with boundless golden light all over their bodies flew out from the inside.

In an instant.

King Wuluo's stature became stiff.

Everyone's expression changed.

"Limited Celestial God Level?!"

Hei Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

next moment.


The earth-shattering cry of killing made the whole world tremble.

Three unparalleled attacks, wrapped in a terrifying power that would shatter the world, slammed toward the cover below!

"Golden Thief!!"

The guardian of the Devouring Emperor Clan, an elite heavenly god-level figure rushed out, his eyes were cracking, he directly stood in front of the Dark Wolf King Wu, and used all his best to defend.

But soon, his horror turned into astonishment... The power is not towards the Dark Wolf King Wu and others, but the Devouring Emperor Clan (Nonuo's), the battleship No. 108...

They are here for the endless king of martial arts!

The three ultimate gods...this posture is clearly to kill the endless king of martial arts here!

It wasn't just he who found out.

All the guardians of the emperor, the immortal, and the holy clan were aware of this...In order not to be affected, they immediately set up the battle boat defense formation to protect the completeness of their emperor Tianjiao.

at this time--

"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?"

A more disdainful, more violent voice came from the battleship 108.

Next second.

The offensive of the three ultimate gods suddenly stagnated.

It's like entering the world of slow-moving actions, all the power has been slowed down by at least ten times!

The battleship No. 108 was completely broken.

Three incomparable sword lights rose up against the sky and slashed towards the three ultimate gods respectively!

Wherever the blade light passed, it was completely destroyed and could not resist the change.

The first to be destroyed was the Soul Devouring Emperor Clan warship that hadn't even had time to raise the protective formation, and it was completely submerged on the spot.

The second is the attack of the three ultimate gods. Under the sword's light, their attack is so fragile, not as good as glass, like a bubble, it bursts with a single poke, and collapses on the spot.

The third one is the three ultimate heavenly god level.

The three of them, at this time, there was an unstoppable look of horror and horror on their faces, and at the same time their mouths were still trembling:

"Top...the pinnacle god?!"

After shivering, their bodies were overwhelmed by the sword mans on the spot.

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Fengyuan" for the 1000V point reward~~Thanks to the book friend "I don't deserve to have the i" for the 100V point reward~.

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