Global Fog: Get the StarCraft System at the Start

Chapter 179 They Don't Dare to Stop What We Want

After Shi Weidong told his group of people about his decision, most of them, or almost all of them, expressed their opposition.

The old god Shi Weidong sat on the chair comfortably, looking at the crowd below who were already arguing, he didn't say a word.

In fact, he couldn't believe that he could make this decision.

But sometimes people are really strange. After seeing a lot and experiencing a lot, maybe they learn to let go.

But there is another possibility, that is, the desire to control is even stronger.

Now that Shi Weidong looked at these people under his command, he felt as if his soul had been sublimated.

Before Taotie attacked the city, it would be anyone who told him to put down the power in his hand and hand it over to others.

Then the person who told him that, there is a high probability that the grass on the grave doesn't even know how tall it is now.

"Let's go, let them make trouble."

Shi Weidong stood up and said to Lin Yang who was standing behind him.

Seeing Shi Weidong standing up, the people in the conference room stopped arguing, then stood up and looked at Shi Weidong.

"You go on, you go on!"

After Shi Weidong saw it, he raised his hand as a signal.

"Commander, you can't do this! No matter what you say about the 069 shelter, you personally supervised the construction. If you say it now, it will be handed over to others."

After seeing Shi Weidong's actions, one of the young officers couldn't help it. They really couldn't figure out why.

The rest of the officers didn't speak, but they looked at Shi Weidong with inquiries.

"It's actually very simple. What are we all for? Isn't it all to preserve the human fire?"

"But after today's battle, do you think we have the strength to protect them?"

"Yes, we still have a lot of weapons and shells, just like the gluttons we encountered today. They are innumerable. Even if we use missiles to bomb, you can see the result."

"If there is no arrival of their support, think about it, what will happen."

Shi Weidong said calmly, because he had a clear mind.

As far as their language is concerned, they are all languages ​​that he is familiar with, and he also saw that the people in the armor are also compatriots with yellow skin and black eyes.

If not, he would not easily hand over the city to outsiders.

And it only said to make 069 their vassal city, and didn't say anything else.

After listening to Shi Weidong's words, the conference room full of people was silent only the sound of everyone's breathing.

"Commander, it can't be just because they support us, we have to belong to them, it can't be justified!"

The young officer was obviously still a little unwilling, and he broke the calm.

You have to know that he finally sat in this position, and now he wants to rely on others, and it is unknown whether he can sit in this position safely at that time.

"Besides, how do you know, Commander, after we took refuge in them,

Those people will be kind to us in Shelter 069, and know that we haven't even seen their commanders now. "

Shi Weidong looked at the young officer in surprise, he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

But what he said was also correct. Indeed, although he decided to join them, he still had to make some things clear.

Otherwise, what's the point of the 069 Shelter becoming a subsidiary city of their City of Dawn.

Shi Weidong sat down, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said slowly:

"It's only now that we've entered the topic of the meeting. I thought you would have to argue for a long time."

"I've already decided to become their vassal city, but I can't let them easily think that our 069 Shelter is the kind that pushes ducks to the shelves and begs to become their vassal city."

"Tell me what you think."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

Shi Weidong is not in a hurry, there is still a lot of time, and he already has some preliminary ideas, and now he is waiting for these subordinates to come up with some good suggestions.

Seeing the arrival of a large number of transport planes and fighter planes, Liu Yi thought that the people in Dawn City felt that they could not solve the problem here, so they sent reinforcements.

Since there are no monsters attacking the city now, and they don't need to jump off the transport planes, under the command of those marines, these transport planes landed within the walls of the 069 shelter.

After the transport plane landed, Liu Yi casually glanced at it.

Then I saw a woman in a silver-gray ghost suit coming down from the transport plane.

Seeing this, Liu Yi quickly walked down the city wall and ran towards the location where the transport plane was.

Among the current interstellar forces, the only one who can wear this ghost suit is the commander's wife Li Mozhu.

"Ma'am, why are you here?"

Liu Yi came to Li Mozhu, saluted slightly, and then asked.

"Before, there were troops following Taotie's trail to investigate the space passage, and there were traces of humans, so I came to investigate, and I didn't expect to have a fight with zombies."

After Li Mozhu saw that it was Liu Yi, the first marine who followed Lin Yubai, he didn't hide it.

"I know about the space channel, but I didn't expect you to come here in person." Liu Yi suddenly said, "Do you need me to send some marines to go with you?"

Li Mozhu waved his hand, otherwise he would not have brought so many troops there because he was afraid that he would not be able to do it alone.

The ghost agent is an infiltration-type unit, a special unit specially used to detect intelligence and assassinate important people.

Sometimes it is counterproductive to bring too many troops.

"I don't need it for the time being. The troops I brought are enough. We will go to the other side of the space passage after they have replenished and rested." She looked at the surrounding environment and continued: "Now you What's going on here?"

"Their group of high-level officials are still negotiating. I don't know if the discussion has reached a result now."

Liu Yi pointed to a very inconspicuous building and said.

"That really needs to be discussed. After all, it seems that I haven't dealt with me three times. Otherwise, I would definitely not accept such a request."

Li Mozhu looked in the direction Liu Yi pointed.

It looks like an ordinary house, but there are indeed a lot of abnormal guards around it. Is it because I am afraid that others will not know what is abnormal inside.

"But then again, are they so relieved of us? It seems that there are not many people watching, and they just let us build turrets on their walls?"

"There are still some watchers, watching us from the city wall." Liu Yi shrugged: "But what's the use of watching, they dare not stop us from doing whatever we want."


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