Global Forbidden Land: Only I Contract Konoha Genin

Chapter 16 Picking A Target, Tanjiro

After Duan Binglan saw Su Yu appearing.

She came over.

She pointed to the light and shadow of the cards all over the sky, and said, "The characters on these cards."

"They're all members of the Ghost Killing Squad."

"Among them, the nine members at the front are the nine pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad."

"Basically, the top characters, they have been in the Ghost Killing Squad for a long time."

"And the later the characters, the shorter the time they have to join the Ghost Killing Squad."

"The strength is relatively weaker."

Su Yu nodded.

He glanced over, except for Jiuzhu, most of the members of the ghost killing team had never appeared in the original work.

Although there were a lot of lights and shadows in front of him, from Su Yu's perspective, most of the people were just nonsense without even their names.

Not worth choosing.

There is only one goal for him, and that is Tanjiro!

"Tanjiro has just joined the Demon Slayer Squad at this time. According to my senior, Tanjiro should be behind."

Su Yu looked behind the light and shadow.

Sure enough, at the end of the light and shadow of the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

The familiar figure with fiery red hair and a red brand on the top of his head appeared in Su Yu's eyes.

"I found it, Tanjirou!"

Su Yu was overjoyed.


But at this time, Duan Binglan said again: "School brother, when you choose characters, try to choose as far forward as possible."

"Although the previous members of the Ghost Killing Team may not be very strong, they have been in the Ghost Killing Team for a long time."

"Choose them, and the possibility of obtaining better breathing techniques is also higher."

"These information are the conclusions drawn by my predecessors at Yangcheng University who explored the forbidden area of ​​"Blade of Ghost Slayer"."

At this time, Duan Binglan pointed to Tanjiro who was at the back of the members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

She said: "Look, junior, that red-haired figure is the one who joined the Ghost Killing Squad just recently."

"In our school, every time the students explore the forbidden area, they will record what happened in the forbidden area."

"In this way, we can get more information about the forbidden area."

"And according to the information obtained from the last time the students explored the forbidden area, the members of the ghost killing team behind that are all new members."

"Strength is often relatively weak, and the possibility of obtaining powerful breathing techniques is also very small."

"So, it is not recommended for you to choose."

Hearing Duan Binglan's introduction, a warm feeling flashed in Su Yu's heart.

Duan Binglan did this entirely for Su Yu.

If the things she introduced are of great help to ordinary students.

Can take some detours less in the choice.

But for Su Yu who is familiar with the plot.

Tanjiro, the new member of the Demon Slayer Squad, is his target this time.

"Senior sister introduced so much to me, it's entirely out of kindness."

"But it's impossible for me to choose those tricks that don't even have names."

"Don't choose the strongest breathing method, but choose those who don't know what the situation is, isn't it a waste of the opportunity to enter the forbidden area?"

Su Yu thought silently in his heart.

"Although senior sister has introduced so many, let me not choose the members of the ghost killing team who are behind."

"But I still have to choose Tanjirou."


At this time, the three of Cao Ying had already chosen their challenge target.

The ones they choose are often the most advanced members of the ghost killing team except for the nine pillars.

"Su Yu, you can just choose one of the top members of the Demon Slayer Squad."

"After all of us have chosen, we will challenge these people in turn."

Duan Binglan watched Su Yu freeze in place, and she said something again.

Afterwards, Duan Binglan had to do the same as Cao Ying and the other three to choose the top members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Seeing Duan Binglan's actions, Su Yu spoke.

"Sister, wait a minute."

"Don't rush to choose."

He interrupted Duan Binglan's movements.

"What's the matter? Primary school brother?"

Duan Binglan looked at Su Yu with some puzzlement.

But Su Yu didn't say much.

Instead, he chose Tanjiro's light and shadow directly among those lights and shadows.

"Choose a challenge target, Tanjirou."

At that moment, the final member of the Demon Slayer Team, Tanjiro's Hikage, was chosen by Su Yu.

Let alone Duan Binglan.

Even the three of Cao Ying were very puzzled when they saw this scene.

Then An Ruoruo said: "Student, what's the matter with you, sister Duan told you, don't choose the members at the back of the team."

"Those people tend to join the ghost killing team for the shortest time, and their breathing skills are very weak."

Wu Dun also said: "Yes, you have three-star strength in your freshman year."

"Originally with this forbidden area, if you choose a high-strength breathing method, maybe you can break through a four-star warrior."

"With such a talent, you have wasted this opportunity to enter the forbidden area. I don't know what to say to you."

There was deep regret and incomprehension in the tone of the two of them.

In their view, Su Yu's behavior was tantamount to wasting Duan Binglan's kindness.

He also wasted his chance.

Cao Ying, who spoke very little, looked at Su Yu at this moment, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Su Yu didn't explain anything.

Because he couldn't explain it at all.

However, even if he is misunderstood, he will not give up choosing the Breath of the Sun.


Duan Binglan stopped the action she chose at this time.

She looked at Su Yu, obviously wanting Su Yu to give her an explanation.

"Student, I just said so much, did you not listen to a word?"

In Duan Binglan's words, she was already a little angry.

Su Yu's behavior, in her eyes, was extremely unwise.

"Sister, you know mine." Su Yu thought for a while before speaking.

"I was in the forbidden area of ​​"Hokage" before, and I contracted Konoha Genin, whom everyone is not optimistic about."

"But as a result, the ability I obtained is not bad."

"It's like a personal intuition, I can feel what kind of character to choose is more suitable for me."

"This time, too, I can feel that the target I chose is more suitable for me."

Duan Binglan glanced at Su Yu, and found that the expression on Su Yu's face was extremely serious.

She sighed and said, "Student, I really don't know what to say about you."

"Forget it, anyway, the members of the Ghost Killing Squad have the ability to breathe at the last time."

"Even if it's a new addition, there will be some benefits."

"It's not in vain."

After finishing speaking, Duan Binglan wanted to choose the front character of the Ghost Killing Squad as the challenge target.

But Su Yu spoke again.

Interrupted Duan Binglan's actions.

"Sister, if you believe me, I think this character is very suitable for you."

Su Yu's finger pointed to a member of the Ghost Killing Squad.

And that person's deep position, like Tanjiro's, is at the back of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Apparently, a newcomer too.


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