Global Forbidden Land: Only I Contract Konoha Genin

Chapter 161 Recasting Yangcheng, A Request From Tianwu University!

Lu Fang is dead!

Many teachers and students of Yangcheng University heard this news before they even woke up from the joy of victory.

Many teachers and students of Yangcheng University felt extremely sad.

Lu Fang, an old man, is very important in the hearts of many Yangcheng University teachers.

Lu Fang is considered an old man of Yangcheng University.

When the teachers of Yangcheng University were still young, Lu Fang was already in Yangcheng University.

It can be said that many of the teachers in Yangcheng University today are taught by Lu Fang.

Not only the teachers of Yangcheng University, but even the students of Yangcheng University were extremely sad.

In their hearts, if Li Yeshan has always been the serious principal, then Lu Fang has always been an amiable grandfather.

Taking care of many Yangcheng University "330" students.

But today, the old man left.

After regaining Yangcheng, he left forever.

Many teachers and students of Yangcheng University shed tears from the bottom of their hearts.

When Lu Fang's body was cremated, many people burst into tears.

Even Lan Yu and the others couldn't help their eyes turning red.

Clenched fists.

Soon, Lu Fang's funeral was arranged.

After that, he was buried in Li Yeshan's tomb.

Li Yeshan is Lu Fang's disciple. It can be said that Lu Fang and Li Yeshan are family members.

Therefore, without much hesitation, Su Yu directly arranged for Lu Fang to be buried next to Li Yeshan.

No one objected either.

Soon after Lu Fang died,

Yangcheng University also slowly restored order.

Before, those who fell in Yangcheng were added as martyrs, and their families were properly arranged by the human race government.

Their bodies were brought back and buried in the cemetery of Yangcheng University.

Although some of them are only in the realm of three or four stars.

But as long as no one dies in Yangcheng, they are all martyrs!

They fight for the human race, as long as they fight for the human race, they are martyrs!

No one can change that.

With the passage of time, in the blink of an eye, it was already half a month later.

Su Yu sat cross-legged on his bed, and above his body, there was a faint radiance that diffused out, enveloping a powerful force.

The power of Qi and blood in the whole body hovered over the surface of Su Yu's body like ferocious pythons.

Suddenly, a violent force erupted from Su Yu's body in an instant.

The surrounding space fluctuated slightly.

It seemed to be oppressed by a powerful wave.

It started to twist directly.

Suddenly, Su Yu opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst out from Su Yu's eyes.

"It's the middle of eight weeks!"

Su Yu slowly let out a mouthful of foul air, and a white air flow slowly emerged.

A smile appeared on Su Yu's face.

In half a month, relying on the ability to break the limit, Su Yu continued to exercise, and after Su Yu came back, he found King Wu and asked for a book of exercises that only nine-star powerhouses can practice. .

The current Su Yu was originally a genius of the human race, so King Wu did not hesitate to give Su Yu the skills that only the nine-star powerhouses of the human race can practice.

In just half a month, he was directly promoted to a small realm.

Such a speed, if it is said, the entire human race will probably be shocked.

After all, this is eight stars.

It's not six stars or seven stars.

For an eight-star grandmaster, even if he raised a small realm, he might not make progress for several years.

But it only took Su Yu half a month to advance to a small realm, and this speed is already very fast.

However, Suning was not too happy.

Because Su Yu found that even if he raised a small realm, his limit still didn't seem to break through the seventh stage.

Even with the limiter fully open, plus Susanoo and Death Gate, they are still only at the peak of the sixth rank.

It was as if there was a door blocking Su Yu from Qiduan.

However, Su Yu was not too discouraged. From King Wu's mouth, Su Yu learned that the seventh segment is already in the extraordinary, and they all belong to the existence of pyramids, just like the gap between eight stars and nine stars.

That is very insurmountable.

No matter whether it is the beast lord or the human race, there are so few strong people in the seventh stage, and it is entirely because of this reason.

too difficult!

"Perhaps, when I reach the real nine-star level, I will be able to have a seven-level combat power..."

Su Yu sighed. Originally, he thought that if he was promoted, he might have a seventh-tier combat power, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible.

At least in a short period of time, Suning is not sure that he will be able to break through Nine Stars.

And at this time, Yunmo sent someone to inform [Yangcheng has been recast.

A ray of light burst out from Su Yu's eyes.

"Is it fixed?"

Su Yu's figure disappeared directly into the room.

When it reappeared, it was already in the office.

Su Yu called some senior officials of Yangcheng University over.

After hesitating for a while, Su Yu still called Lan Yu and the others over.

Not long after, the senior officials of Yangcheng University came to Su Yu's office.

There is a trace of expectation in their eyes.

During this time period, Su Yu called them over.

There is only one possibility, and that is Yangcheng!

After they came in, they didn't speak, they just waited quietly for Su Yu to speak.

Afterwards, Lan Yu and the others also came to the office.

In half a month, they have also been promoted from five-star to six-star, and they are already regarded as the top powerhouses in Yangcheng University.

So, Su Yu still called them.

After all the people arrived, Su Yu said without any ink marks.

"Yang City has been recast, let's go down and prepare, maybe in a few days, we will move there!"

Excitement appeared on everyone's faces.

Although they have lived here for a long time, they know that Yangcheng is their foundation.

Returning to Yangcheng is the real return home.

While excited, Lan Yu seemed to have thought of something, and said to Su Yu.

"Principal, you were practicing before, and people from Tianwu University came over."

"Tianwu University?"

Su Yu frowned slightly.

To be honest, even Su Yu didn't know why Tianwu University came to find him. After all, Yangcheng University and Tianwu University didn't have any intersection!

Lan Yu nodded, followed.

"They lined up a seven-star powerhouse before, let me tell you."


"Tianwu University said..."

"They want to merge into Yangcheng University!".

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