Global Forbidden Land: Only I Contract Konoha Genin

Chapter 183 Human Emperor City, Human Emperor's Phantom!

"Human Imperial City!"

Above the city gate, there are three characters of Human Emperor City, engraved on it.

In Su Yu's eyes, the moment he saw the word "Huangcheng", he couldn't move his eyes away.

It seemed that there was some magical fluctuation that directly attracted Su Yu's eyes.

Among the three characters.

Su Yu seemed to see a rickety old man who had tasted all the herbs in the world.

In the end, he died under a plant of poison.

It seems to have seen a naked human race, holding a flame in his hand, with pious eyes.

The flames fell, dispelling the darkness and driving away the beasts.

As if I saw it, a white-haired old man, sitting cross-legged between the heaven and the earth, made one after another practice law, blessing the earth and the earth.

Suddenly, Su Yu's mind couldn't help but fluctuate.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a force that pulled Su Yu's spirit out of the pictures in front of him.

Su Yu's face was slightly pale.

But in the eyes, there is an unprecedented respect.

"Those pictures...are they real?"

In one picture after another, there are human races who have opened up the road, so that people in the future can walk more smoothly.

There are people who smash the darkness and exchange for light, which is on the earth of the world.


For some reason, Su Yu somewhat understood the meaning of the Human Emperor City above the city gate.

Human Emperor Human Emperor!

King of the Human Race!

The so-called emperors of the human race are all existences that bring many blessings to the human race.

Among them, some dispel the darkness, some taste the herbs, and some create the method of practice.

They are all worthy of the emperor!

And this city...

Su Yu was silent for a moment.

According to what King Wu told Su Yu about the matter in the Void Temple, there is no matter about the Human Imperial City at all.

However, from King Wu's mouth, Su Yu was able to confirm that this was the third floor of the Void Temple.

King Wu said.

The Void Temple is divided into three floors. The first floor is where the bodies of those forbidden places are located.

And on the second floor of the Void Temple, there are many magical weapons and many blessed places, which exist on the second floor of the Void Temple.

It's like the cyan long sword in the hands of King Wu, it's the treasure obtained on the second floor.

Relying on the cyan long sword, King Wu even had the strength to fight against the beast lord of the ninth rank.

But the third layer.

King Wu just said a word.

Since the discovery of the Void Temple, no human race has ever ascended to the third floor!


If he had entered the Void Temple, then this must be the third floor of the Void Temple.

"The third floor, is this the `"?"

Su Yu murmured slightly, then walked in.

But they found that when they got to the gate, no matter how Su Yu pushed, he couldn't push any of the city gates.

It seems to have extremely heavy gravity.

You know, Su Yu's current strength is comparable to that at the peak of the sixth stage, or even at the level of the seventh stage.

With such strength, Su Yu failed to open the city gate!

"If you can't push it, how can you get in?"

Su Yu frowned slightly.

The Human Imperial City is right in front of him, there may be many treasures in the Human Imperial City.

However, the first problem that arises is that it cannot be pushed away!

Su Yu scratched his head, a little confused.

If you can't push it open, how can you get in.

Su Yu took a few steps back, raised his head, looked at this ancient city wall, thought for a while, and then flew straight into the air.

But the moment Su Yu soared into the sky, there was a force, as if it turned into a palm print, directly photographed Su Yu, and fell heavily to the ground.

Su Yu bared his teeth, rubbed his buttocks, and looked at the sky.

"Hey, how did he get in? He sent me over, but he didn't let me in!"

Su Yu cursed directly.

Suddenly, the three large characters of Human Emperor City above the city gate began to distort slowly.


Su Yu looked over curiously.

Suddenly, Su Yu's whole soul seemed to be pulled by a force.

As if there was a big hand, it directly pulled Su Yu's soul into it.

Everything in front of me began to change.

The surrounding city has disappeared.

Instead, it was in patches of starry sky.

In the starry sky, there are stars shining with starlight.

Every star is filled with a terrifying fluctuation.

"Here... is the universe?"

Su Yu's eyes lit up slightly.

Unexpectedly, I could still see the universe.

Suddenly, Su Yu's eyes were attracted by a figure.

It was a tall and straight figure in the depths of the universe.

Just looking at that figure from the back, Su Yu seemed to be able to feel that there was a wave of stalwart, which gradually diffused from that figure from the back.

That figure was wearing a yellow robe.

On his head is a bright yellow crown.

In his hand, the golden long sword quietly released a bright light.

Like a small sun.

Terrifying fluctuations diffused from that figure.

""what is that...."

Su Yu murmured slightly.

These two words began to fill Su Yu's mind involuntarily.

"Human Emperor!"

In Su Yu's mind, the moment these two words appeared, the figure in front of him suddenly moved.

All I saw was that the figure suddenly raised the golden long sword in his hand.

At this time, Su Yu was able to see, through a slight gap, in front of the figure, there were densely packed black creatures.

The aura of each of those black creatures was even more terrifying than the Heavenly Holy Ape that Su Yu had seen.

The ferocious black creatures, like distorted devils, exude an evil aura.

They swarmed towards that golden (good) figure, and slaughtered them away.

What he saw, the golden figure suddenly swung his long sword.

"Today, I am guarding the space between the stars, and you are not allowed to enter such filthy places!"

The magnificent sound exploded, like thunder, rolling in.

The surrounding sea of ​​stars, as if in the voice of this figure, began to fluctuate slightly.

At this moment, the golden long sword moved again.

The illusory long sword seemed to become extremely sharp.

In the golden sword energy, one can vaguely see a golden dragon suddenly roaring out.

Surrounded by violent power, go forward indomitably.

Devours all black creatures.

And at this moment, the picture in front of Su Yu's eyes was directly shattered.

Su Yu just felt that the surroundings were full of darkness, and after the darkness, Su Yu's spirit returned to his body.

The imperial city in front of me reappeared.

Everything before that seems to be Kyōka Suigetsu. .

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