Global Forbidden Land: Only I Contract Konoha Genin

Chapter 206 The Big Three Fight Thanos!

It's over, let Thanos come out!

This was Su Yu's last thought.

After this thought, the entire building collapsed directly.

But fortunately, none of the few present were ordinary people. Even Hawkeye's physical fitness surpassed that of ordinary people.

Even under the ruins, you can easily escape.

The energy in Su Yu's body burst out suddenly, broke through the ruins, and rushed up directly from the ground of "413" with Hawkeye and others.

Together, there are raccoons and Banner.

Banner held the glove in his hand, and there was some disbelief in his eyes.

"Isn't Thanos dead, why did he still appear?"

Su Yu was silent for a while, then said in a deep voice.

"Among us, step into a past!"

Banner is very smart, the moment Su Yu said this sentence, Banner thought of who it was.


There was some heaviness in Banner's voice.

Except for Xing Yun, no one else has a reason to destroy all of this.

Because, in the previous Xingyun, she was the most loyal daughter of Mie Kai.

"Then what's wrong with Nebula now?"

Su Yu was silent for a moment.

"Shouldn't be dead, it's still where Thanos is!"

Banner looked at the huge battleship in the sky.

From the battleship, a person jumped out directly.

Purple skin, burly body, holding a two-way sword in his hand.

He fell heavily onto the ground, smashing the ground directly into a huge deep pit.

Falling down from the high sky, it did not cause the slightest harm to Thanos.


Bursts of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

At this time, Iron Man Captain America and Thor also rushed out of the ruins.

Their three giants, their combat power, are already terrifying, especially Thor.

The three walked ahead, and Thanos, at some point, had already sat there, quietly waiting for the three.


Thor looked at Thanos in front of him, and a ray of hatred burst out of his eyes.

Thanos looked at the three of them quietly, and said lightly.

"Although I don't know you guys, judging from your reactions, the future me should be successful!"

"I originally thought about creating a world without memory, but you all want to change all of this. It seems that after this time, I have to destroy all life in the entire universe..."

"Let new life be born in the universe, and create a real universe without any nostalgia!"

Thanos said to himself.

However, just where Thanos sat, he brought an extremely depressing atmosphere to everyone.

Under this aura, the three Captain America glanced at each other.

Thor opened his hands gently.

The giant thunder ax and Thor's hammer suddenly flew into the hands of Thor.

The thunder exploded in an instant.

Packed with violent power.

"Then fight!"

Thunder God let out a roar, and the whole body was filled with endless thunder, which roared out in an instant. 5.8


Captain America and Iron Man also shot one after another.

A beam of energy beams shot out suddenly, killing Thanos.

Captain America also threw out the shield in his hand, trying to hit Thanos hard.

However, at this time, Thanos put the helmet on his head, and the big knife in his hand cut open in an instant.

The battle between the Big Three and Thanos.

Instantly, strike!

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