Global Forbidden Land: Only I Contract Konoha Genin

Chapter 82 Progress Bar 98, Poros Debuts!

Above the sky, Su Yu's upper body was naked. On his body, he could vaguely see a series of shallow scars.

However, these scars are not a problem at all for Su Yu now.

It only takes a few minutes to fully recover.

After all, the physical fitness of the six-star peak is no joke.

On the ground, in the huge deep pit, the body of the monster King Da She has been blown to pieces.

Pieces of huge flesh and blood scattered around.

And on the property bar that only Su Yu can see.

Break the progress bar that limits the ability.

Impressively, after beheading the big snake, it has reached 96%!

Su Yu couldn't help breathing quickly.


Four percent to go!

Moreover, when the progress bar reached ninety, Su Yu could clearly find that his physical fitness had increased significantly every time he was promoted.

It's just that Su Yu's current physical fitness is at the peak of six stars, when Su Yu's physical fitness is piled up to half a step of seven stars, he starts to stop moving.

Su Yu pondered for a moment.

"It seems that we still have to increase the progress bar to 100% before we can be promoted to Seven Stars!"

Su Yu's 06 eyes slowly looked at the huge body of Elder Centipede above the sky.

At this moment, basically all the S-rank heroes were killing Elder Centipede.

In Sykes Gum, and the weirdo King Orochi was beheaded by Su Yu.

After the black sperm and natural water were sealed by the Heroes Association with a secret device, only Elder Centipede remained among the weirdos in the Monster Association.

This guy who was able to retreat completely after a battle with Blast.

Although it is not the number one existence in the Weird Association, it is also extremely terrifying.

Unlike Orochi who has no weaknesses.

The defense of the elder centipede is very terrifying.

Just from the elder centipede's ability to catch Saitama's continuous normal punches, it has already explained a lot of things.

Although this guy's combat power or destructive power is not as terrifying as that of Orochi, his defensive power is definitely above that of Monster King Orochi.

Even in the face of the teaming up of more than a dozen S-level heroes, Elder Centipede still didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Although the decline has been revealed, it can persist for a period of time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Yu looked at the tornado beside him, smiled, and said.

"Let's go together, and we'll settle the matter."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yu's figure disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Tornado hugged his flat chest, and the anti-gravity skirt swayed quietly.

"Cut, a group of useless guys, even the elder centipede can't deal with it."

Tornado said disdainfully.

But the body still flew towards Elder Centipede very honestly.

After all, now only the Elder Centipede is left in the Monster Association.

If the Weird Association can be wiped out this time, then the Weird Association will not be able to make any waves in the future.

For the whole planet, it is very good.

Facing the huge elder centipede, all S-class heroes come out together!

A series of terrifying and fierce attacks landed on the body of Elder Centipede in an instant.

The artillery fire roared, and the circle suddenly appeared.

Swordsmanship is superb!

Su Yu's eyes, Sharingan's frantic rotation.


Su Yu looked in the direction of the Atomic Warrior.

Atomic Slash!

A pitch-black blade appeared in Su Yu's hand.

Magic Saber Thousand Blades!

Su Yu learned the Atomic Samurai's swordsmanship movements, but they can't be said to be similar, only exactly the same.

The super copying ability was activated by Su Yu in an instant.

Atomic Slash!

Su Yu's blade fell down in an instant.

Wrapped with terrifying power, it swung out instantly.

Forcibly put it on the hard carapace of the elder centipede.


The collision of the blade and the carapace made a crisp sound.

However, under the blessing of Su Yu's power after opening the Jingmen, it is combined with Su Yu's magic knife Thousand Blades.

Ultimate's killing will explode directly.

Forcibly cut the elder centipede's carapace into cracks.

In the crack, the scarlet blood can still be seen.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Sway the earth.


Su Yu's face couldn't help shaking, and he imitated the atomic warrior's movements again, and kept swaying Ultimate killing blades one after another.

The Atomic Warrior at the side watched Su Yu's movements and couldn't help but froze for a moment.

But immediately, the Atomic Warrior also found out, and along with himself, Su Yu seemed to be also stunned.

"This kid..."

"Are you imitating me?"

Atomic Samurai smiled.

"Good guy, I want to see if you can keep up with my speed!"

The Atomic Samurai immediately worked hard, sword lights flickered one after another, and along with the sharpness, they exploded in an instant.

The speed is as fast as that of lightning.

But Su Yu didn't feel the slightest stagnation, and instead began to become smoother.

And on the property bar that only Su Yu can see.

Suddenly and quietly, there is an extra skill.

Atomic Slash!

Su Yu's eyes lit up slightly.

On the progress bar of the ability to break the limit, there are two more points on the progress bar.

Ninety-eight percent!

Learning the hero's skills can also increase the progress bar.

Wasn't it because he learned Banggu's Fist of Flowing Water and Rocks that he crushed the meteorite with one punch back then, so he crushed the meteorite?

At that time, Su Yu learned Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist.

From a five-star warrior, he was promoted to a six-star warrior.

Thus saving the entire Z City.

This time, after learning the atomic slash of the atomic warrior, a progress bar of two 990 points was also added.

The 98% progress bar is also very scary.

Only two points away from breaking through to Seven Stars!

At that time, the trip to the One Punch Forbidden Land will be completely over.

Su Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and immediately looked at the elder centipede in front of him.

At this moment, the huge Elder Centipede was already covered in scars.

Under the attack of more than a dozen S-level heroes, no matter how strong the defense of the elder centipede is, it is somewhat unbearable.

However, at this moment, a white light suddenly flashed out.

After that white flash, Elder Centipede's huge body instantly split open.

Su Yu and the other S-level heroes couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"what's the situation?"

The elder centipede, who was extremely fierce just now, fell directly after a flash of white light?

Su Yu frowned, and suddenly, as if thinking of something, Su Yu suddenly looked up at the sky.

Where, at an unknown time, an extremely huge spaceship suddenly appeared.

The spacecraft covered the sky and the sun, as if covering the entire sun's light.

And that ray of white light suddenly appeared from the spaceship.

Su Yu's complexion began to become serious.

If I remember correctly, the inside should be...


with a smile. .

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