The man was so angry that he wanted to eat him.

This guy actually wanted to eat himself.

He had never expected that the other party would be so shameless.

"Dear sir, I just came here to buy something, please don't joke, okay?"

Chen Feng's tone also became very murderous.

Flory really doesn't keep an idle person.

"Fuck, if you say another word, I won't even spare your life!"

The man sneered and gestured with the weapon in his hand, as if he could pull the trigger at any time and anywhere.

"Don't think I don't know that you have a strict ban on this kind of weapon. If I report it to you, I can get a banner. Do you believe it?"

When Chen Feng heard the other party's words, he no longer concealed his murderous intention.

I came to you to do business, but you want to mess with me. Isn't this funny?

Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon that you can squeeze at will?

"I'll give you one last chance. Either give me what I deserve, or I'll take it myself."

Chen Feng didn't care at all when facing the weapon against his forehead.

He seemed to be completely fearless.

When the man heard this, he was also stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Feng to be afraid of death.

"Fuck, since you want to die, I'll help you!"

The man didn't hesitate at all. It's very simple to get rid of a person here.

What's more, this is a person from another country?

However, just as he was about to take action, he suddenly felt his feet empty, and then the whole person fell directly into Chen Feng's space!

"Psycho, you come here to make trouble all day long. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Chen Feng's space, a living person will die instantly if he falls into it.

Of course, no matter how long it takes to get it out, the other party will still be a fresh and hot corpse.

He can open a space crack at will within a three-meter range. The other party threatening him in front of him is no different from seeking death.

Looking at the weapons in front of him, he did not hesitate and directly put them into the space.

This is almost a warehouse of weapons, enough.

However, Chen Feng did not hesitate at all and found Ye Tian to ask the nearby arms dealers.

"Don't mess around, I can't help you with this matter. If you go on, there will be big problems!"

Ye Tian shook his head and refused directly. After all, once he was found out, he would not even have his life.

"This group of people bullied us before, and we couldn't raise our heads in Shenzhou. I just collected some interest for our nation and Shenzhou!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go. It happens that I know a local snake. His stockpiles are much more than here!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng shook his head directly.

"Just tell me the exact location of the other party. You are not suitable to get involved in this matter!"

Although the doomsday is coming soon, Chen Feng does not want Ye Tian to be arrested in the last few days.

This is no different from killing him.

Ye Tian did not continue to insist. After giving the address to Chen Feng, he hurried away.

Chen Feng came to the place Ye Tian said.

This place is much more exaggerated than the place just now. There are even guards all around.

Chen Feng looked at the surrounding situation and started digging a hole in the grass 500 meters away from the warehouse.

He can open the hole in the space in the ground and then suck the soil in. Even if it is a rock, he can easily cut it with this method and then collect it into the space.

At the end of the world, he relied on this ability to protect his family very well in an increasingly harsh environment.

If he had not been attacked by Su Qing in the end, he would not have died.

Digging a tunnel quietly to the warehouse, Chen Feng's eyes widened when he saw the situation in this place.

There are much more weapons here than the old bitch just now, not to mention the common AK470, even RPG and Gatling are available.

"With these things, I can definitely form a strong team in the doomsday!"

Chen Feng was filled with emotion. Even if he encountered a superpower, he could rely on these things to fight!

Chen Feng did not hesitate. He immediately collected all the weapons in this place and left here along the tunnel.

He even did not forget to fill the tunnel back.

"The next stop is supplies!"

Chen Feng muttered, and after saying goodbye to Ye Tian, ​​he began to rush to the place he planned.

Before leaving, he did not forget to ask Ye Tian to stock up quickly.


He had a good relationship with Ye Tian, ​​so he should remind him.

Three hours later, Chen Feng came to the warehouse of Wonima and dug a tunnel to the bottom.

The supplies here are all-encompassing. It is no exaggeration to say that everything you need for food, clothing, housing and daily necessities can be found.

This time, Chen Feng did not rush in as he did just now. There were many staff members in these warehouses during the day. He waited until the evening, and only came out of the ground when it was late at night.

What pots and pans, fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, clothes and pants, he took them all in without hesitation.

Wherever he passed, it was like a locust passing through, leaving only empty shelves.

"Who is it? Stop!"

Although his movements were very light, he still found a guard uncle.

"The supplies belong to the company, and your life belongs to yourself. Do you understand?"

Chen Feng pointed the weapon in his hand at the uncle in front of him, and the other party almost peed on the spot.

"I understand, I understand!"

The uncle nodded in response. If he still didn't understand, he would probably lose his life.

After Chen Feng knocked him out, he continued to buy for free.

After emptying the Warnima warehouse, Chen Feng rushed to the Amazon warehouse overnight without any hesitation.

Chen Feng collected all the food, clothes, supplies, and toys in one night.

Even when passing by a base, he got five tanks and a bunch of tracked vehicles.

When he counted his spoils and found that there were even a bunch of snowmobiles, he was heartbroken and shouted that he had lost a lot.

If he had known that this thing could be bought for free in the Ugly Country, he should not have bought it at the Thunder Modification Shop.

Isn't this a complete waste of money?

"Well, these maid outfits, JK, and stockings of various colors are pretty good. In the future, someone will inevitably need them."

Chen Feng laughed like a pig. After the doomsday, with his huge amount of supplies, wouldn't it be easy to collect a few goddesses?

"You can collect women, but you must handle them well. If it's not necessary, you must never bring them with you!"

Chen Feng muttered. He still remembered the scene of Su Qing betraying him.

I am quite strong, but I can't withstand a sneak attack!

"Get some more fresh water, and then go home."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng rushed to the Ugly Country Reservoir without saying a word.

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