The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Hahaha, Chen Feng is just deliberately trying to piss off Luo Zhongyuan's family. I'm dying of laughter!"

Many neighbors saw the photos Chen Feng sent, and they all laughed through their phones.

Everyone in the community knew about the conflict between Chen Feng and Grandma Zhou's family. Even if he had cold medicine, he wouldn't give it to them.

After seeing what Chen Feng said, Grandma Zhou was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

She wanted to kill Chen Feng.

But because she needed cold medicine, she could only suppress her anger and started typing in the group.

"Chen Feng, as long as you give me the cold medicine, I will consider letting you go, and I won't sue you then!"

"Are you crazy? After all this time, it's still my fault?"

Chen Feng pouted, too lazy to type, and directly voice output, cursing.

"How is it not your fault? My son was beaten by you twice. You are intentionally hurting people. So many neighbors in the community saw it, and they can all testify!"

Old Mrs. Zhou snorted coldly beside her, her tone righteous.

Unfortunately, no one in the group still spoke up to testify.

"I beat your son, it's that loser who deserves it, okay? He wants to deal with others, and he's so arrogant, but the terrible thing is that this idiot has no ability!"

Chen Feng complained to the phone.

"If he had beaten me today, you would have been so happy, but your son is useless, what can you do?"

"Chen Feng, you are right to beat someone? I will call the police now. When the law enforcement team comes, you won't even have a chance to regret it!"

"I am not afraid of you, don't blame me for not reminding you, you'd better not come to my house to make trouble in the future, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you!"

It's time, the other party is still threatening me with these, isn't it funny?

If the law enforcement team is useful now, he won't be so arrogant!

Mrs. Zhou listened to Chen Feng's words, and her nose was crooked.

She had never met such a person who made her so powerless. She couldn't beat him, scolded him, and didn't care about him throwing a tantrum.

For this kind of ruthless character, she really felt that all her fists were hitting the air.

And the neighbors in the group were secretly happy when they saw it. This family had completely met their match.

Old lady Zhou knew that she couldn't win the argument with Chen Feng, and it was impossible for her to get cold medicine from him, so she could only continue to beg in the group.

"Who can lend me two boxes of cold medicine? I will repay you by working like a cow and a horse!"

"Old lady, what's the use of these empty promises? It's so cold now, and no one will give you cold medicine even if they have it. Who doesn't want to keep it for emergency use? You pay for it!"

Well, as soon as Chen Feng said this, all the people who wanted to help shut up at this time.

Yes, the temperature is so low now, and the community is blocked by heavy snow outside. If you catch a cold, you can't buy medicine at all.

Take medicine to help old lady Zhou's family? Are you crazy? Isn't it better to keep it for yourself?

Old lady Zhou looked at Chen Feng constantly making trouble, and her nose was crooked with anger.

"That bastard, I will destroy him sooner or later, son, you have to vent my anger for me!"

Lying on the bed, Luo Zhongyuan took a while to react and said in a deep voice: "Wait for me to rest, I must kill him."

"Private message those neighbors to see who can give some medicine, don't make trouble with him in the group!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhou hurriedly started a private chat.

But the situation is still not good. After all, Chen Feng just said that almost no one is willing to help.

Chen Feng looked at the group that had no news for a long time and was too lazy to watch it. But just when he was about to put down his phone, a friend request came.

It was Luo Zhongyuan's wife Qin Yan!

Interesting, he didn't expect this woman to add him.

After Chen Feng accepted the friend request, the other party sent a message directly.

"Mr. Chen, do you really have so many cold medicines there?"

Obviously, Qin Yan also came for cold medicine.

It is almost impossible for them to get cold medicine under such circumstances.

"Yes, there are a lot, I believe there must be something you need!"

"Can you give me two boxes?"

"This thing is very precious now, but if you are willing to exercise with me, I can give you two boxes!"

Chen Feng replied in an extremely calm tone.

Qin Yan is beautiful, even in the entire community, she is one of the best, and countless owners want

Want to sleep with her.

Chen Feng is an ordinary person, so naturally he is no exception.

In the end times, medicine is an extremely precious thing, so there is no reason for him to give it away for free.

On the other side of the phone, Qin Yan did not respond again, and it was unknown whether she was angry or hesitant.

But Chen Feng did not care at all.

The group became lively again, and a group of people were complaining that the weather was too cold.

At this moment, a message suddenly attracted Chen Feng's attention.

"I have cold medicine here, where are you, I will send it to you!"

The person who said this was a person with a nickname of "Peace of Mind" on WeChat, and the other party also directly tagged Mrs. Zhou.

"Thank you, Dr. He Jing, I'm in 301, Building 2, thank you so much!"

Mrs. Zhou was very excited. She had asked a lot of people, but no one replied to her, but she didn't expect that there would be a way out, and there were still good people in the group.

"It's okay, I'll be there right away!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After saying that, Mrs. Zhou started to speak in the group again: "Look, what is the pattern? Doctor He Jing has the pattern. Now that we are facing such a big problem, we, as neighbors, should help each other to overcome the difficulties together!"

"Unlike some people who keep a lot of emergency supplies and don't take them out, I won't help such people even if they kneel down and beg me when they encounter problems!"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes speechlessly and clicked on He Jing's circle of friends, and found that the other party's dynamics were all some information about hospital promotion.

Obviously a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

If he wasn't a doctor, he probably wouldn't help in this situation.

Unfortunately, this kind of kindness will not have any benefits in the cruel environment of the end of the world, but will kill him.

Chen Feng didn't blame the other party for ruining his plan. Instead, he was muttering in his heart that if Dr. He Jing was beautiful, he might be able to help her and make her his own.

After all, doctors are very important in the end of the world.

He only had medicine, but no ability to treat illnesses. He had no way to solve some complex problems.

"You have to find a time and opportunity to contact him."

In his previous life, he only heard that there were doctors in the community, but he didn't have much contact with them, and he had no impression of He Jing.

After getting something to eat, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

What happened in the outside world was a trivial matter to him, and he was too lazy to care.

It was not until the next night that the lights in the house suddenly went out, and then turned on again two seconds later. Chen Feng got up and went to the window.

The community outside was already pitch black at this time.

The community had a power outage, and the difficulty of survival in the end times increased again.

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