The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

While Chen Feng was talking, he couldn't help but come close and kicked Wang Hao.

"You are really interesting, kid. I treat you as a brother, but you cheated on me and asked me to raise your son. You even want to kill me. You are really a heartless person."

While Chen Feng was talking, he kicked again.

Wang Hao screamed miserably, but his eyes were full of suspicion.

He admitted everything he did before, but he didn't think of killing Chen Feng.

I just slept with your wife, and you let someone rape me, but you even framed me.

Killing is illegal, how can I have the courage?

After Chen Feng finished cursing, he couldn't help but look at Su Dahua on the ground, and walked over again with a smile.

The intensity of the electric shock he adjusted was not too exaggerated, at most it could only make people lose their movements for a short time. If he used a high-intensity electric shock directly, it would probably electrocute these people to death on the spot.

The apocalypse is so long, it would be too boring to solve them all at once!

"Chen Feng, what do you want to do? I warn you that you'd better not mess around!"

Ma Cuilan was trembling all over, looking at Chen Feng nervously.

Several men were lying down, how could she stop Chen Feng!


Chen Feng slapped him without thinking.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of me, I'm not as patient as before!"

Chen Feng kicked one person, causing several people at the scene to be furious. Almost everyone's eyes were spitting fire, wishing to cut Chen Feng into pieces.

When he came to Wang Hao again, the anger in his heart was still there, and he stepped on Wang Hao's arm.



With Wang Hao's miserable cry, his hand was broken again, and this time the situation was obviously much more serious than the previous injury.

In the absence of a doctor, it is estimated that the only outcome that awaits him is a broken arm.

"You... You actually broke my hand!"

Wang Hao roared with great reluctance, and the whole person was tortured by the heart-wrenching pain and rolled around!

The other Su Qing and the others were originally extremely unhappy, but now, they were so scared that they dared not say a word.

They had never seen Chen Feng so cruel.

Zhao Qian originally wanted to show goodwill to Chen Feng, but was also directly scared and dared not speak.

Chen Feng waved to Lao Hei who was not far away.

"Hurry up and do it. Let's go back quickly after we're done. We're freezing!"

Lao Hei hurried to Su Dahua, skillfully lifted his right hind leg, and started to pee!

Su Dahua didn't understand what the other party wanted to do at first, but when the hot soup poured on his head, he was completely confused.

You fucking...

I'm going to kill you today, you...

Before he could say anything, he saw Chen Feng staring at him with a fierce look, and his eyes glanced at Wang Hao's arm, and finally he shut up.

Lao Hei marked Su Zhiqiang and Wang Hao's faces again, and then he followed Chen Feng back to the garage triumphantly.

The garage slowly closed, and Ma Cuilan hurried over to help.

But the smell of urine made her feel sick.

"Chen Feng, you're breaking the law, just wait for us, I'll make you go to jail!"

Wang Hao roared unwillingly.

He had never expected that the other party would be so cruel!

"Dad, that bastard seemed to have planned it in advance. This door is specially made. We can't open it at all. What should we do?"

Su Zhiqiang frantically wiped his face with clothes, making his whole body smell of urine.

In such a cold day, if he doesn't dry it, his face will be frostbitten!

"What should we do? Isn't he arrogant?"

Su Dahua looked at the garage with a sinister look, and said angrily in a cold voice: "Let's spread the situation of his family. I don't believe he can still be so arrogant!"

When several people heard it, they suddenly became excited.

"Yes, why didn't I think of this method?"

Several people hurriedly supported each other and rushed back, only Zhao Qian looked at Chen Feng's villa with reluctance.

"Qianqian, don't worry, I will definitely take revenge. He won't be arrogant for long. Then I will let you live in a big villa."


Watching the family leave, Chen Feng didn't care at all.

The end of the world is still long, he wants to make this family feel completely desperate.

"You are worse than dogs. What I suffered in my last life, I will pay you back a hundredfold!"

Woof woof?

Lao Hei looked at him with dissatisfaction.

Chen Feng.

Did the dog provoke you?

"Lao Hei, you know, I didn't mean that!"

Chen Feng stroked the dog's head and said with a smile: "In the future, we should try to go out less and stay at home as much as possible. It's too dangerous outside!"

Woof woof!

"Lao Hei, will my love luck be good this year?"

Woof woof woof!

Chen Feng played with Lao Hei for a while, and suddenly thought of Li Bingyao. He didn't know how this girl was.

After all, before the end of the world, the other party was still running a high fever.

Picked up the phone and called the other party, but unfortunately, the other party had turned off the phone!

Until the evening, Chen Feng tried to contact the other party, but unfortunately, he couldn't get in touch.

In the end, Chen Feng was too lazy to continue calling.

"All the food, supplies, and warmth have been left behind. If she really can't make it, that's her fate!"

It's the end of the world, an era where everyone is in danger, and Chen Feng can't care too much.

However, during the time when he contacted Li Bingyao, the public opinion of the entire owner group was directed at Chen Feng.

It was obvious that Su Qing's family took the initiative to spread the situation of Chen Feng's home.

A group of people did not believe it at first, but after watching Chen Feng's video, they reacted one by one.

The other party's home was actually very warm.

He even wore a vest directly.

No one would be calm if this happened!

A group of people began to tag Chen Feng, and Mrs. Zhou even directly proposed a constructive idea, asking Chen Feng to open the door and let everyone in the community live in!

"You are an old woman, how can you be so shameless? I kicked you too lightly a few days ago, right?"

Chen Feng cursed and went online and directly attacked Mrs. Zhou.

This person is notoriously shameless, and he didn't have the slightest good face for him.

"Chen Feng, don't go too far. Now everyone is in dire straits, and you are enjoying yourself alone. Don't say I am unhappy, the neighbors are unhappy too!"

"The house and the generator are my own things. Isn't it natural for me to enjoy them? If you have the ability, you can do it yourself. You are the only one who is nagging here all day long!"

"Chen Feng, I don't like to hear what you said. I asked everyone to take refuge in your house. Is that for me? I am doing it for our neighbors!"

"Besides, your villa is so big, what's wrong with dividing it into a few rooms for everyone to live in? It won't cost you your life, why are you so selfish?"

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