The old man was very angry.

"Chen Feng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Luo Zhongyuan's voice suddenly became gloomy, and his voice was extremely low, as if he was forcibly suppressing his anger.

That feeling made people feel a little creepy. Most people would probably be scared when they heard this.

But Chen Feng didn't care at all. He had encountered too many such things and was no longer surprised.

"Don't threaten me here. If you are unhappy with me, just come and smash my door. I will let you smash it at will!"

Chen Feng seemed very relaxed, and the other end of the phone fell into silence!

Since he had already made such a safe house, he was naturally not afraid of the other party. What's more, Luo Zhongyuan had suffered a setback last time!

"Chen Feng, I'm telling you this sincerely. As long as you give me antipyretic medicine, I won't bother you anymore. You know the situation. It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy!"

Luo Zhongyuan spoke again, his tone obviously softened.

"Friend? Do you still want to make friends with me? Do you have a mirror at home?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Look in the mirror and see who you are and whether you are worthy!"

"You... beep beep!"

Before Luo Zhongyuan finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

"What's going on? Will that man give medicine?"

Mrs. Zhou came closer with a nervous look on her face. She asked anxiously.

"No, I have to kill that damn thing!"

Luo Zhongyuan was covered in blood. When he went to deal with that man before, the other party was half dead and basically could not survive.

But unfortunately, he could not find any medicine from the other party's home.

"I'll take the tools and try again tomorrow at noon!"

Luo Zhongyuan got the cutting machine out of the house. When the electricity comes back tomorrow at noon, he will cut open Chen Feng's door.

He doesn't trust these things, and he can't take down the other party!

"Husband, let's just forget it. Chen Feng is not easy to mess with!"

Qin Yan was really worried, especially when she saw the blood on the other party's body, she was scared.

"Shut up!"

Luo Zhongyuan looked at Qin Yan, and when he thought of what Chen Feng said, he was furious.

"You useless thing, people have bullied you to the head, and you still speak for others. Who is your husband?"

Mrs. Zhou glared at Qin Yan fiercely.

"Go and take care of Xiaolong. If he has any problems again, I will have to deal with you!"

Qin Yan hesitated and finally left in disappointment.

This kind of weather is relatively friendly to fever. If the body temperature is high, it can be immediately reduced in a low temperature environment.

But Xiaolong is a child after all, so he still needs to take medicine.

That night, Chen Feng found himself being pulled into another group, where there were fewer people, and most importantly, there was no old lady Zhou's family.

"He's dead, Wang Qipeng is dead, and that Luo Zhonghua is simply a lunatic!"

"This... can't be?"

"I just went to see him next door, he's no longer breathing, not only is his life gone, but even his home has been looted by Luo Zhongyuan!"

A group of people in the group became nervous, and Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh, he didn't expect that someone would die in such a short time!

The most important thing is that this is different from people who died of freezing, they were directly beaten to death by Luo Zhongyuan.

This situation indicates that the situation will become more and more chaotic.

In a cruel living environment, human nature will be annihilated bit by bit, and when all laws and moral bottom lines collapse, it is the most terrible time.

When that happens, human life is as cheap as an ant!

Chen Feng didn't chat too much in the group. This group of people kept saying that Luo Zhongyuan was too much, but no one wanted to solve the other party. Even if they continued to communicate, they would just shout slogans randomly, which would not have any practical significance!

The next day, when the power was turned on, Luo Zhongyuan, who had been waiting outside Chen Feng's garage, immediately took out the cutting machine and started cutting the door!

However, after a minute of cutting, he was full of confidence at the beginning, and his face began to change.

"What's going on? Why is there still no trace?"

Under normal circumstances, metal should have problems under the attack of the cutting machine.

"What the hell is this?"

Luo Zhongyuan reluctantly increased the strength in his hand, but the next moment, the cutting blade broke on the spot and broke into pieces, almost taking him away!

"Hahaha, Xiao Luo, why don't you remember to fight? My door

If you can open it so easily, wouldn't my money be wasted? "

Chen Feng held the megaphone and laughed jokingly.

"I still say the same thing, if you want antipyretic medicine, let your wife come!"

Luo Zhongyuan clenched his fists, and although he was trembling with anger, he had no way to deal with it.

He couldn't even see the other party's face, and it was impossible to deal with him!

After returning to his residence and finally warming up his body, Luo Zhongyuan's mother came over anxiously.

"What's the matter? Did you get the antipyretic medicine? Xiaolong's problem is too serious, he must take medicine immediately!"

Luo Zhongyuan hurried to his son. As expected, his son had seen it for a night and a morning, and he was almost delirious with fever.

"No, Chen Feng's door cutting machine can't cut it."

"What should I do? "

Mrs. Zhou was almost crying, but Luo Zhongyuan's eyes fell on his wife.

"Chen Feng asked you to accompany him for one night, and he was willing to give you antipyretic medicine. You prepare it!"

Qin Yan's beautiful eyes widened when she heard this, and she could hardly believe it.

"You want me to accompany someone else?"

"Nonsense, you go if I ask you to, don't you see that my grandson is in urgent need of medicine? If he has any problems, I will not forgive you!"

Mrs. Zhou cursed and was obviously in a desperate state!

"Mom, husband, I won't go, can we ask others?"

Qin Yan looked aggrieved, she really didn't expect that the two of them would ask her to do such a thing.

"Ask others? My son can't hold on that long!"

"Husband, listen to me..."

"Enough, I just asked you to go and pretend to agree, and find a way to lure Chen Feng out, so that I can take action at that time! "

Luo Zhongyuan said without hesitation, and hurriedly pulled Qin Yan to Chen Feng's villa.

Old Mrs. Zhou followed behind, and she had to deal with Chen Feng today.

After arriving outside the garage, Luo Zhongyuan hid in the corner, and Qin Yan also took out her mobile phone to call Chen Feng at his suggestion!

I may not win Chen Feng head-on, but with a sneak attack, plus I have weapons, I don't believe I can't take him down!

Little did they know that their actions were all seen by Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, I agree to your conditions!"

"Okay, you stand back first, I'll open the door!"

Qin Yan took a few steps back as prompted, and then, before she could react, a water pipe stretched out from her head.

The freezing cold water rushed directly to Luo Zhongyuan who was hiding in the corner, and instantly soaked him like a drowned chicken!

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