Although he was not very interested, Chen Feng did not hesitate and took up his gun and mounted his horse.

An hour later, Chen Feng sat on the sofa, bored.

Zhao Qian in front of him was still looking at Chen Feng tenderly, with one hand on his shoulder.

"Chen Feng, do you want me to accompany you like this every day in the future?"

Zhao Qian said, her fingers still moving in front of Chen Feng.

Although the whole person was full of charm, in Chen Feng's eyes, she looked very ordinary.

The sage mode has been turned on, and he has long been invulnerable.

Of course, if it was Qin Yan or Li Bingyao, he could still fight for 300 rounds.

"Every day?"

Chen Feng shook his head lightly: "No!"

"Chen Feng, don't you want someone to be by your side and serve you all the time?"

Zhao Qian did not hesitate and continued to speak.

She was still confident in her charm. Although she was not as good as Qin Yan, she was obedient and her technical skills were much better than Qin Yan.

If Chen Feng knew what she was thinking at this time, he would probably slap her in the face immediately.

Funny? Why do you compare with Qin Yan?

"If you want, you can have a good meal, and then take three packs of instant noodles back. You can come again next time. If you don't want to, you don't have to come next time!"

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he pointed to the food not far away.

These things had been prepared for her a long time ago, and they were still very rich. The main point was to create a psychological gap for Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian wanted to say more, but Chen Feng had already stood up and walked not far away.

Her eyes, which were originally full of enthusiasm, had become gloomy at this time.

Especially when she looked at Chen Feng, she felt like she was looking at a heartless man.

After dinner, Zhao Qian wanted to try again, but Chen Feng was very firm.

"Qin Yan couldn't stay here either. I hope you know your own limitations. If you want to have a good meal in the future, you can come to me!"

Zhao Qian was unwilling, but she finally left with the three packs of instant noodles given by Chen Feng.

On the way back, she picked up the medicine bottle she had thrown away.

"Chen Feng, since you did it so hard, don't blame me for being rude next time!"

Zhao Qian's heart was completely filled with anger. Since Chen Feng didn't agree, she had no choice but to kill him.

After she robbed the villa, she could do whatever she wanted.

She also didn't plan to let the Su family in.

"How is it? Did you take him down?"

As soon as he got home, Su Zhiqiang rushed over impatiently, looking at Zhao Qian with expectation.

"No, I didn't find a chance!"

"Have you taken a shower?"

Su Zhiqiang pushed Zhao Qian away, staring at the instant noodles in her hand.

"You stayed at his house for so long, what did you do?"

Any fool could guess what happened.

"Dear, listen to my explanation, he didn't do anything to me at all, he wanted to do something bad to me, but he's not good at that, he came out before he even went in!"

Zhao Qian hurriedly comforted him, Su Zhiqiang still didn't believe it, but Su Dahua next to him hurriedly took the instant noodles and started eating.

"Okay, okay, no matter what, he paid for our family, don't be suspicious!"

Three packs of instant noodles, five people, although still not enough to fill their stomachs, but it was still useful.

Su Zhiqiang kept calling Zhao Qian to find Chen Feng more, anyway, the other party was useless.

The family tacitly didn't mention Zhao Qian's affairs, but Su Qing next to him knew the situation a long time ago.

She is Chen Feng's ex-wife, and the other party suddenly became a mess, there is no problem at all!

And she can also guess roughly, it is obvious that Zhao Qian went to curry favor with Chen Feng, but he did not agree, and then was kicked out.

After all, Su Qing was so confident that Zhao Qian could go to find Chen Feng, and she was prepared in her heart.

Just as Qin Yan, such a beautiful woman, was not kept by Chen Feng, she felt that Zhao Qian was not qualified.

Now that Zhao Qian was kicked out, it was also confirmed her guess.

Moreover, this can also make Zhao Qian stand on her side completely.

"What are you going to do next?"

Su Qing came to Zhao Qian and asked.

"Next time I have a chance, I will definitely take him down."

Zhao Qian snorted coldly and continued: "I must deal with this person, and then I can let you move in!"

Su Qing heard

, then smiled and nodded!

Chen Feng was slowly cleaning the battlefield, while Lao Hei looked here and sniffed there.

When he saw the whip on the ground, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.


Is there a dog? Or are you going to fight me with weapons? Isn't this too unethical?

Chen Feng...

"This is not for you, the woman just used it!"

Woof woof! !

The big black dog looked disgusted, you guys are so perverted, the dog shook his head when he saw it!

"Let's not talk about this, let's do a few moves!"

Chen Feng said, staring at Lao Hei and punching him.

There was no way, his energy was not exhausted just now, he had to find a way to release it!

And that night, the official finally spoke again.

"Heavy snow has completely appeared all over the world, and the heavy snow will last for a long time. I hope everyone can protect themselves!"

This statement is very straightforward. It is almost telling everyone to take care of themselves. There will be no rescue. The next days will depend on you!

Many people saw this news and fell into despair. Then, prices soared.

At this time, people have realized the importance of food. A pack of instant noodles is no longer 20,000 yuan. Some people even exchanged Rolex for two packs of instant noodles.

When Chen Feng saw this news, he was also very moved.

For ordinary people, the next may be the real disaster.

Supplies are extremely scarce, and there are so many people. Next, people will trample on dignity, humanity, and law at all costs!

In the next two days, Chen Feng got another news from Qin Yan.

Luo Zhongyuan is not dead, and he has brought the people he once killed to eat.

Because of the nutritional supplement, although Luo Zhongyuan's arm was disabled, his life was not in danger for the time being.

Qin Yan really couldn't eat that thing, so she could only come to Chen Feng every day.

"If there is any news, remember to inform me in time! I won't treat you badly then!"

When sending Qin Yan away, Chen Feng saw Xiao Lulu sneaking around with something in the underground garage.

Like a streetwalker, a man came up to her, and after scanning with his mobile phone, Xiao Lulu took out two packs of instant noodles from her clothes and gave them to the other party.

"It's interesting. In this situation, she actually brought food out to sell. Isn't she mentally ill?"

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