Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One Thousand and Sixty Two. What’s wrong with the hymn?

Chapter 1001 What’s wrong with Psalm?

Now the question comes - why did Anthem reject Blue Star and Skrull Star's request?

"Blue Whale, please help me analyze why Psalm rejected our request." Su Yu ordered.

"Okay." AI Blue Whale replied and started calculating.

The calculation speed of the blue whale is very fast. In just one second, it immediately replied: "Just now I calculated 14 million possibilities. Looking at these analyses, two possibilities have the highest probability of being correct, accounting for all The probability is more than 95%."

"Oh? What are the two possibilities?" Su Yu's eyes lit up.

It’s great to have blue whales! The calculation speed was so fast that he didn't have to rack his brains to think.

AI Blue Whale replied: "The first is - the battle between Blue Star and Skrull is of great significance to Anthem, and it cannot be terminated unless it is absolutely necessary.

This possibility has the highest probability of being correct, about 60%. "

"Is it of great significance?" Su Yu touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

What Blue Whale said is indeed possible.

Su Yu remembered hearing Donna say before that the "Evolution" game was an important "test field" for the Holy Silver Secret Court. This was the first time that the powerful men of the Secret Court had created a world like the Creator.

Moreover, this world can be connected to the real world. Not only Blue Star, but other worlds also have interfaces that can connect many civilizations.

"Is it because the "Evolution" game is too important that Hymn forces us to continue the war?" Su Yu whispered to himself.

"But even if the "Evolution" game is really important, so what if it is delayed for a while? If Blue Star is destroyed by the dark energy rebels, Anthem can't see the effect of the "Evolution" game, right?"

Su Yu thought about it, but still wasn't sure whether this was the truth.

He sighed: "Oh, forget it! Blue Whale, what is the second possibility?"

AI Blue Whale replied: "The second possibility is that the five major rebel organizations used a high-tech method that even the Anthem cannot defend against.

They used this method to forcefully erode the Anthem. The Anthem was eroded out of control and made one after another wrong decisions. And Anthem's rejection of our Blue Star's request was a wrong decision.

The probability of this possibility being correct is about 35%. "

"..." Su Yu was speechless for a moment. Blue Whale's imagination must be too big!

Anthem eroded by higher technology? How can this be?

Psalm is the cornerstone of the entire Holy Silver Federation. If something goes wrong with her, the entire Holy Silver Federation will be destroyed!

"Blue Whale, don't let your imagination run wild. This possibility should be ruled out." Su Yu scolded.

AI Blue Whale retorted: "But I think it is really possible. The reason is very simple. Behind the five major rebel organizations stands a technological civilization from an alien galaxy.

If I were the leader of that technology-side civilization, I would definitely attack the super AI Anthem first if I wanted to attack the Holy Silver Federation. Almost all intelligent creatures know the fragility of the overall structure of the Holy Silver Federation. Once the super AI Chant collapses, the entire Holy Silver Federation will be finished!

The Psalm is a purely technological product and has little to do with psychic practitioners. Therefore, the technological side civilization is very likely to attack the chant, and it is expected that the chant will suffer a large number of attacks and make mistakes. "

"Well...listening to what you makes sense." Su Yu was persuaded by the AI ​​Blue Whale, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

What Blue Whale said is indeed correct.

The structure of the Holy Silver Federation is very fragile, and even the Blue Star humans know this.

The hymn is like the spider's silk. Without the spider's silk, the spider's overall skill will be reduced by at least 90%.

If he were that technological civilization, if he wanted to attack the Holy Silver Federation, he would definitely attack Psalm first. As long as the Anthem collapses, they have won 90% of the time!

Moreover, Anthem is indeed a technological product, and that technological civilization can use its own strengths to attack its own weaknesses.

"This is also a possibility..."

Su Yu was a little confused. Both possibilities seemed reasonable. Which one was the real situation?

"By the way, Blue Whale." After thinking carefully, Su Yu suddenly thought of another question: "Then if our Blue Star and Scrooge start the war on time, who can guarantee our safety once the Dark Energy rebels invade? Where’s the safety?”

Cecilia's plot is very clear. She wants to summon the dark energy rebel army when the war between Blue Star and Skrull is in full swing to destroy the two planets in one fell swoop.

Then Psalm must provide some security, right? Otherwise, the two planets will perish, so why should we listen to her?

AI Blue Whale replied: "Regarding this question, Psalm has already explained in the reply - the Holy Silver Federation will send a planet-level superpower, and he will be followed by a group of elite combat troops, codenamed 'Red Kite' '.

The dark energy rebels are handled by these strong men, who have full authority.

Our two planets don't have to worry about the threat of dark energy rebels. We can just worry about fighting our own. "

"That's it... okay then." Su Yu nodded.

Anthem has taken on all the threats from the dark energy rebels, which is definitely good news for Blue Star.

Is it just normal for Anthem to make decisions now? This is still doubtful.

Originally, Su Yu wanted to shake hands with the Skrulls and unite with the outside world, but it seems that a fight is necessary now!

After thinking again, Su Yu asked: "Blue Whale, have you told Speaker Hu Jing about this?"

"Of course." Blue Whale replied: "Not only Speaker Hu Jing, but also Political Commissar Zhang Ling, Zhong Feng and Yang Jian were notified, and their questions to me are similar to yours."

"Then should we organize a meeting?"

"Speaker Hu Jing just mentioned the idea of ​​holding a meeting. My suggestion is to hold the meeting directly in the game. The meeting location is set at the Blue Star head office in Forest City, where the four of you can easily get there.

As for the meeting time being set in 15 minutes, Zhong Feng is far away from Forest City now, and he can reach his destination smoothly in 15 minutes at the fastest. "


Fifteen minutes later, Su Yu walked through the portal and arrived at the "Blue Star Headquarters" located in the south of Forest City.

Forest City was severely damaged in the battle in the first expansion pack. After that, the Blue Star United Government set up its headquarters here, purchased a large amount of land and began to rebuild it.

After nearly 8 years of hard work (game time), the entire Forest City has basically been bought by the coalition government. High-rise buildings have risen from the ground. At first glance, they are not much different from the real world. It looks like a completely modern city. city ​​of.

Su Yu went directly to the 23rd floor of the main office through the portal and walked into the conference room.

Entering the conference room, Speaker Hu Jing, Political Commissar Zhang and senior Yang Jian were already waiting inside. Zhong Feng hasn't arrived yet, but he is almost here considering the time.

Speaker Hu Jing and Political Commissar Zhang have achieved fifth-level strength through [Mage Tower] type buildings. They are now sitting in front of the conference table, wearing high-quality equipment and looking full of energy.

The reason why they have upgraded their strength to the fifth level is because only after reaching the fifth level can they work 24 hours a day.

Although they consumed two precious promotion quotas, they also realized their own value. They did not rest for a quarter of an hour after the promotion was completed and kept working. They can be said to be super-god-level existences in the model worker world.

Senior Yang Jian has not improved his strength in the game. He is now only a second-level magician, and his strength is not even as good as that of most ordinary players.

Moreover, he has not changed his equipment and is still wearing a zero-level gray novice robe. I don’t know how he increased his strength to level 30 wearing a novice robe.

Seeing Su Yu arrive, the three of them smiled and nodded to him.

But this was an unusual moment, and Su Yu could clearly see that there was a lot of reluctance in the smiles of the three of them.

Entering the conference room, Su Yu sat down on the right side of the conference table where senior Yang Jian was.

He opened his mouth but didn't say anything yet. At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Zhong Feng strode in.

"Sorry, I'm late. I've been in the [Water Boundary] strategy copy recently, and it takes a lot of time to teleport across dimensions." Zhong Feng explained while sitting on the left side of the conference table where Commissar Zhang was. Down.

"It's okay... Now that everyone is here, let's get started." Speaker Hu Jing put his elbows on the table and crossed his index fingers in front of his mouth.

A wry smile appeared on his face: "Everyone, everyone must have read the reply to the chant, right? I'm afraid we have to fight the Skrulls!"

Political Commissar Zhang sighed softly: "Oh, we really can't violate the order of the chant. And I really didn't expect that the chant would reject our request. What did the chant think?"

"Ahem." Su Yu coughed twice and replied: "I asked Blue Whale this question just now, and Blue Whale gave two guesses - the first is that our war is very important to the chant; The second is that Anthem was attacked and made wrong decisions..."

Su Yu elaborated on Blue Whale's guess.

At the end of his words, he added: "At present, both speculations are very logical, and it is possible that both speculations exist at the same time - it is possible that the Psalms both think that our war is very important and make mistakes because of the attack. decision-making. We still have no way of judging what the specific truth is.”

"Yes." Speaker Hu Jing nodded thoughtfully: "This analysis seems to make sense. I also think that the hymn may be these two states, or a superposition of the two states. What do you think? "

"I think it makes sense too." Political Commissar Zhang nodded.

"Second the proposal." Senior Yang Jian replied.

"I agree too." Zhong Feng also said seriously.

Apart from these two possibilities, they really couldn't think of a more reliable explanation.

"Since everyone agrees, let's continue. No matter what, the war between us and the Skrulls is unavoidable." Speaker Hu Jing's face turned dark.

Su Yu curled his lips: "Yes, who dares to disobey the hymn?"

But at this moment, Zhong Feng suddenly said: "Actually, it is not completely unavoidable. I asked the blue whale just now and it said there is a way to avoid it."

"Oh, what method?" Upon hearing this, everyone perked up and immediately turned their attention to Zhong Feng.

If they can avoid fighting this war, the Blue Star people will definitely not be willing to fight it. After all, war will kill people. Blue Star is absolutely justified in not fighting the Skrulls.

"That is - find a way to join the rebel organization." Zhong Feng said seriously: "Now that the rebel organization is powerful, joining them may also be a feasible option. And after joining the rebel organization, we no longer need to listen to hymns. order."

"..." Upon hearing this, everyone else present was stunned for a moment.

Join a rebel group? Are you kidding me? Is this method too abstract?

Moreover, the ancients of Blue Star already had a term to describe this behavior, called "drinking poison to quench thirst." I didn't expect that this word would come out of Zhong Feng's mouth.

"Zhong Feng, are you serious?" Su Yu wiped his sweat and said, "Join the rebel organization. Are you afraid that the planet-level ones sent by Chant will kill us along the way?"

Zhong Feng shrugged: "I didn't say you must join the rebel organization, I just said there is such an option.

And if we really want to join the rebel organization, we definitely can't show our cards and chant the hymns to be tough, but join the rebel organization secretly, while we are in the Cao camp and our hearts are in the Han Dynasty.

According to the information sent by Psalm, there are actually many civilizations that sit on the fence between the Holy Silver Federation and the rebel organizations, swinging back and forth to get the maximum benefit from it. "

"Uh... this..." Speaker Hu Jing felt his mind was a little confused. He had never thought of this possibility.

Join a rebel group? This is too risky!

After thinking for a long time, Speaker Hu Jing said: "Forget it, we will discuss this matter later. And even if we join the rebel organization, there are only two "honorary rebels" and "fire savers" who can join us. They are the 'Dark Energy Rebels', and these two organizations may not be able to protect us."

"Okay, let's discuss this later."

"Let's talk about what we need to do now." Speaker Hu Jing stood up and said seriously: "What we need to do now is to quickly restore the state of yesterday and find Shuyuan to continue to recapture the psychic spring.

I believe it won't be long before the Skrulls will reopen the anti-barite drill to extract psychic energy. We must recapture as many springs as possible before they drain them dry. Su Yu, Zhong Feng, and senior Yang Jian, this matter will be left to the three of them! "

"Don't worry, leave it to us!" Su Yu and the others replied one after another.

Political Commissar Zhang interjected: "But at the same time, we must always pay attention to the movements of the Anthem Dark Energy rebels and make real-time adjustments and reactions based on their movements."

"Okay." Su Yu and others responded one after another.

Senior Yang Jian said: "And let's not ignore the possibility that the chant may go wrong. The situation is so complicated now that anything can happen.

In addition to dealing with the Skrulls, we must also retain part of our strength to prepare.

In case the strong men sent by Psalm cannot stop the dark energy rebels, we can also mobilize our strength in time to protect ourselves. "

"That's right." Su Yu and others looked serious, and they all felt a lot of pressure.

The situation is so complicated now that they really can't relax for even a moment.

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