Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and fifty-three, what happened to the hymn?

Latest website: "???" After hearing Su Yu's narration, Donna's face was full of doubts.

When Su Yu finished speaking, she said confusedly: "I know that the compensation given to you by Psalm is to upgrade the 'Blue Whale' from level one to level two, but isn't that right?"

"What's wrong?"

"As far as I know," Donna replied: "It doesn't take long to upgrade the first-level AI to the second-level AI, which is only 1 to 2 standard universe hours, which is about 3 to 6 days of your Blue Star time.

Your blue star is located in a single star system, and the upgrade can theoretically be completed in 3 days.

Stars with relatively complex motions, such as Proxima Centauri next door to your solar system, are making complex three-body motions with the other two stars. It will be more difficult to upgrade the AI ​​there, but it will not take more than 6 days at most.

Now how many years do you think it will take to upgrade AI? How can this be? "

"???" Su Yu was stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he immediately sent the curve graph shown by AI Blue Whale to Donna, and said at the same time: "I will send you a picture for you to take a look at. This picture was shown by AI Blue Whale. The picture shows The only thing is that it will take about 3 to 5 years to complete the upgrade. Could it be that Blue Whale is lying to me?"

"Did you, the Blue Whale, make a"

Donna received the picture from Su Yu. After reading it, especially after seeing the watermark in the lower right corner of the picture, she immediately stopped talking and was in a sluggish state.

After about 10 seconds, she gradually came back to her senses.

Then, she took a deep breath and said slightly panicked: "I don't know what's going on... How about this? I'll ask my brother Link, and I'll give you the answer later."

"Okay... please." Su Yu immediately felt his heart sinking.

Before this, he had never seen Donna show such a panic look. Even though Psalm did not allow her to return to the Holy Silver Secret Court some time ago, she did not panic.

Now seeing Donna's panic during the video call, Su Yu realized that things might not be simple!

After that, Su Yu and Donna ended the call.

Half an hour later, until Su Yu was impatient with waiting, he received another call from Donna.

"Hello, Senior Sister Donna." Su Yu quickly answered the phone.

At the same time, he noticed that Donna's face did not look good in the video. Her expression was very gloomy, similar to the last time she was refused by Psalm to return to the Holy Silver Secret Court.

It can be seen that what she wants to say is not a good thing.

"Su Yu, I had an exchange with my brother just now." Donna said straight to the point: "First of all, I remembered it correctly. We just checked it again on the search engine inside the Secret Court, and the AI ​​has been upgraded from level one to level two. It cannot exceed two universe hours at most, which means it cannot exceed 6 days of Blue Star time.”

"No more than 6 days...Does that mean the graph is wrong?" Su Yu turned to look at the curve graph left by AI Blue Whale.

Could it be that Blue Whale mislabeled the legend and mistakenly labeled three days as three years?

However, what Donna said next was beyond Su Yu's expectation.

She shook her head and said: "No, the curve diagram is not wrong. Look at the lower right corner of this picture."

Following her instructions, Su Yu looked towards the lower right corner of the picture and immediately saw a golden rhombus drawn there, which seemed to be some kind of symbol.

Donna answered: "This golden diamond-shaped icon is the watermark drawn by Anthem, which means - this picture was not made by your Blue Whale, and Anthem was sent to it together with the upgrade components."

"This..." Su Yu was confused for a moment and couldn't think straight.

It only takes up to 6 days for the AI ​​to upgrade from Level 1 AI to Level 2, but the diagram drawn by this hymn is marked with 3 to 5 years. What is going on?

"My brother and I have been thinking about this issue for a long time." Donna did not look at Su Yu in the video, but touched her chin and said solemnly: "In the end, we concluded two possibilities."

"Which two?"

"The first possibility." Donna held out a finger: "The AI ​​system that Psalm has upgraded for you is very special and has super powerful functions, so it will take more time to successfully upgrade. The upgrade time is 3 to 5 years. If so...under normal circumstances, it would be enough to upgrade level one AI to level four AI."

"Is that so?" Su Yu frowned and touched his chin.

Is the AI ​​system very special after the upgrade?

Is this anthem good intentions? Or is Psalm deliberately trying to trick them?

"What about the second type?" Su Yu asked.

"The second possibility is that the chant is wrong." Donna answered directly: "As you know, the Holy Silver Federation was recently attacked by another civilization of the same size, and all the rebel organizations also launched attacks at the same time.

Anthem now uses all computing resources on the frontline battlefield, so this kind of low-level error occurs. "

"Is that so? That's a bit inappropriate!" Su Yu shook his head.

Although "the hymn was wrong" was a very reasonable explanation, Su Yu didn't believe it.

He looked at Donna and asked: "Song, such a powerful AI, wouldn't make such low-level mistakes even if it has no resources, right? You want to say that she made an error in some extremely complex mathematical high-dimensional operation? I can still I understand. Marking three days as three this a too low-level mistake?"

After hearing Su Yu's words, Donna was stunned for a moment.

Then she lowered her head and said: "Well, this mistake is indeed very low-level. Before this, I couldn't imagine that Psalm would make such a low-level mistake. I have lived for more than 60 years and have never heard of such a thing happening... But haven’t you noticed that the recent hymns are unusual?”

Donna raised her head and looked directly at Su Yu on the screen: "The recent chant is very strange. First she sent my ex-sister-in-law Mona to the Skrull planet in a very malicious way, and then she sent your Blue Star planet-level existence Di Xin sent him back. This was completely impossible before!"

Donna paused slightly here.

Su Yu also understood what she meant, and it was indeed unusual to say that.

Whether it is sending Di Xin back, looking for Shuyuan or asking Mona to come over, these two orders may indeed disrupt the balance of the war.

In fact, the return of King Zhou Di Xin has destroyed the balance. He has made the Blue Star people no longer afraid of death, which greatly boosted their morale.

Until now, Su Yu still didn't understand why Sheng Ge did this.

After a pause, Donna continued: "Besides that, there are some other details, such as your demand for 'fair war' sent to Psalm, Psalm responded within seconds but did not issue a verdict;

During the process of issuing the judgment, the time was changed. It was first said to be 7 days, but in the end the judgment was given after only one hour.

These details are completely impossible to happen in previous hymns, and she cannot be so careless.

Therefore, my brother and I agreed that there should be a problem with the Anthem system, and there was a disorder in the internal operation, so it became what it is now. It is for this reason that low-level errors occurred in the picture. "

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