Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventeen, Smart Sid

After three days of digestion, Darak had digested a lot of the two remains.

At least it has been able to control the release speed of the residual body's power. Controlling the release speed at a reasonable threshold allows it to absorb it more effectively.

And it is no longer as vulnerable as when it first left the wave space. Now it can free up at least half of its own power, and can dispatch the Holy Silver Army at will.

However, it is not in a hurry to send away the Holy Silver Army now. It wants to wait and wait.

Wait a few more days, wait until it has absorbed the two broken bodies further, and the absorption of the broken bodies will no longer affect its own strength. At that time, it can suddenly rise up and join forces with its subordinates to swallow up the entire Holy Silver Army!

At that time, in addition to the two broken bodies, there were hundreds of Saint Silver God-level corpses in his body. By then, his strength would be even greater!

Darak had this idea in mind, so it remained in its original position, motionless, and continued to work hard to absorb the power in the remaining body.

However, what it didn't expect was that Su Yu had arrived!

Not only did Su Yu arrive, he also brought a proposal to deal with him together with his younger brother!

The weak humans in Sid usually have blue stars with their minds buzzing, and they stand in the sky completely at a loss, completely losing their ability to think.

"You guys, Darak, are really wrong. Just now you were just motivated by greed..."

So, it opened one eye and looked at the sky, scanning every god level in the low sky.

"They said just now that they want to split you up in a partnership? They are quite timid."

Seeing Darak's eyes open, almost all the gods were frightened. Su Yu and Bruce, who were closest to Darak, were so shocked that they flew hundreds of meters away!

But all the gods present were in a state of shock.

"You still think that you...his strength can be restored! It's too bad!"

Now that vote of "approval" plays a key role. When it flashes the vote of approval, the eyes of the audience immediately focus on it.

The huge wings covered the sky and the sun, and the space where the wingtips crossed was almost slowly torn apart. Its dark white scales have become darker and deeper. Any beam of light can escape the shackles of its scales and be absorbed completely, making its entire body look like a white block.

Bruce, the temporary commander of Holy Silver, immediately saw that Darak was definitely seriously injured and dying. Given how majestic it is, even if the Holy Silver Army attacks together, they will definitely be able to defeat it!

The AI ​​system is very slow to give feedback - Mou Gang did vote for approval.

"Little Darak wants to believe me, but that big guy is cheating!"

Now that everything is important, the most important question is - what the hell should we do now? !

Seeing this scene, Darak felt a smile in his heart. It even looks forward to seeing what the Holy Silver Army and its own younger brothers will look like when they see their current state.

When Darak saw the voting results like that, his group was probably going to die miserably, right?

It quickly climbed up from the ground and flapped its wings.

And it slowly instructs the AI ​​system to retrieve the voting records just now.

"Mou Gang didn't want to vote in favor just now. He even orchestrated the vote!"

In the situation just now, Mou Gang was very confused about whether he voted "agree" or "approval". In the end, if the "agree" votes accounted for a small minority, there would be a 50:50 situation.

Darak is in such a can we fight?

"Withdraw! All troops advance!"

How could it be in such a bad state just now? Could it be that it's just pretending?

Seeing Human Sid standing dumbly, Mou Gangqun was kind enough.

The Holy Silver Army is evacuating, and they must have left Mou Gang and us out there. This will definitely lead to death.

Although it was frightened and flew hundreds of meters backward, as soon as it stabilized its body, it immediately said in the smallest volume: "Little Darak, in fact, you were coerced by public opinion. In the vote just now, In fact, what you voted for was a ‘vote of approval’!”

Just now we thought things were dead, and humans found a glimmer of hope in the cracks. But suddenly the situation took a 180-degree reversal. With Darak in such a bad state, are we destined to be doomed?

"Bah! You want to save face!"

Darak's thick voice echoed in the field, with a hint of ridicule.

Fire Locust Su Yu's reaction was also quite quick.

The dark energy rebel troops were worried that they would not stop us and Darak had the ability to stop us, so they could only watch us escape. The Mou Gang group gave the order to advance, and the mages in the army who mainly attacked the space system opened the portals one after another. The Holy Silver army immediately turned around and completed the evacuation.

The small amount of curses was deafening, and most of the people who just voted in favor wanted to go down and tear Su Yu into pieces!

The reason why Su Yu voted in favor was mainly due to the cautious character inherited from the Yingluo clan.

As for the other side, the weak people of Sid and the Holy Silver Army were completely chilled.

Do these people really think that they are seriously injured and unconscious?

Darak was seriously injured and on the verge of death? !

And what’s even more ridiculous is that my group of younger brothers actually voted unanimously!

The overwhelming voice of apology immediately sounded, and the gods of the Dark Energy Rebel Army quickly expressed their repentance to Darak.

Ying Locust Su Yu only used the smallest volume possible, and also added an accent to the three words "vote of approval".

"I never thought that Su Yu would be so despicable!"

The only thing that was the same was not the Dark Thunder Dragon Tribe and the Dark Thunder Dragon Descendants. They all puffed up their chests and looked at their colleagues around them with mocking faces.

Darak's condition is so bad, what should we do? What should Sid do?

"You are wrong, little Darak!"

"That big man Mou Gang is quite stupid. He is worthy of being your right-hand man." Darak thought happily in his heart.

At the same time, Darak's weak aura swept over the entire audience!

So Bruce opened a portal leading to the Chinese Imperial Capital and looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. ccom Throw away all the stunned Sid humans.

Because of this, it simply voted for it just in case, saying that it could save its life at a critical moment.

Mou Gang and others did not resist, and allowed Bruce to throw us back through the portal like wood and leave the battlefield.

Lan Xing and other weak people's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. We all stood in mid-air, like lifelike sculptures, with every movement.


! "

"Do you really mean this? It's the Mou Gang natives and the Holy Silver Army who are deceiving you..."

There's nothing you can do about it, just run!

As of now, there is only one way to escape. Taking advantage of the fact that the rebel forces are interested in dealing with us, how long should we wait?

The advance efficiency of the Holy Silver Army was very low. It took only half a minute for the Holy Silver Army to move in like a tide.

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