Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 362: Intelligence Secretary Hilton and his AI


Hearing the prompt tone, the entire command center suddenly became active.

Some Skrulls looked nervously at the direction where the sound came from, and some quickly sent the news to their superiors, brother departments, and subordinate departments.

The head of the command, Renkert Alliance Intelligence Minister Hilton, also works here.

Hearing the notification tone, he immediately stood up from the leather chair in the office and looked in the direction of the sound with a serious face.

After the 5 beeps ended, he issued an instruction to the AI ​​intelligent system that had just been debugged by the command headquarters: "Wednesday (name of AI), I am Commander Hilton. I now need to know the location of the target and the approximate level of the target's strength. interval, track the target's location in real time, and transmit the real-time image of the target to me."

While issuing the order, Hilton also took out a special communicator and sent a message to Alliance Speaker Cass and god-level powerhouse Stim, informing them that aliens had appeared.

But something strange happened.

He had finished sending the message, but he did not receive a response from AI Wednesday, and the real-time picture was not displayed in front of him.

So Hilton asked, "Wednesday, why don't you follow my orders?"

"Sorry, sir." Wednesday said in an emotionless electronic synthesizer voice:

"It was detected that the owner of the target car is an LGBT person, a righteous environmentalist, and an animal rights vegetarian. In order to protect the privacy of vulnerable groups, I cannot disclose his relevant information."

Hilton: "..."

His face darkened: "These identity tags are just used by congressmen to win votes! Why are you talking about this too? Those are aliens!"

Wednesday retorted: "The life of an alien is also a life! The lifespan of a pet is more precious than a human being, let alone a rarer alien?"

Hilton felt his blood pressure soar and suddenly felt the urge to smash the machine.

Which bastard installed such a ridiculous AI intelligent system in the headquarters in the first place?

For the next ten minutes, Hilton and Wednesday were engaged in a long and meaningless argument.


Su Yu didn't know that the Skrulls had discovered his traces.

He is now sitting by the window of the aeroplane, looking at the bustling city in front of him.

Entering Trena City, Su Yu immediately felt like "Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden". It can be said to be an eye-opener!

The buildings on both sides of the street generally have hundreds of stories. The whole city looks like a magnificent steel forest, and their floating car is like an ant shuttled in the steel forest.

In addition to vehicles on the wide streets, there are also mechas speeding along the mecha-only lanes.

These mechas are colorful and come in different colors.

The ones made of worse materials are mechas made of depleted uranium and tungsten steel, which mainly use solar and electric hybrid power;

The one made of better materials is a titanium alloy mecha equipped with a cold fusion reactor. However, this type of mecha often flies in the sky, and only rich people can afford it.

Arriving at the area near the city center, Su Yu also saw a huge pyramid-shaped building with a height of 4,000 meters on the south side of the city!

This giant building has a total of 800 floors, and millions of Skrulls live here. The upper half of the building's tower is inserted straight into the clouds, which is breathtaking.

Not only was Su Yu attracted by this giant building, but Chenxing was also lying on the side of the car window looking at the building, his eyes full of admiration.

"Nemesis." Chenxing said to Su Yu next to him: "I originally thought that the architectural level of your world was impressive enough, but now I realize that your world is completely inadequate!"

"There's no way." Su Yu shrugged: "Our Blue Star's technology is indeed not as advanced as here, of course I admit it. We haven't even completed research on controllable nuclear fusion, and the 'cold fusion reactor' here is It has already been put into civilian use. But..."

Having said this, Su Yu suddenly laughed, and smiled very confidently:

"If we win this war, our technology will surely usher in a qualitative leap, and surpassing the Skrulls will be just around the corner!"

Seeing Su Yu's confident smile, Chenxing did not pour cold water on him, but asked: "Nemesis, now that we have arrived at Trena City, what are you going to do next?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "We still follow the old plan, first go to the slums to mentally control a gang member, and then use this gang member as a fulcrum to gain a foothold in this city."

"I think it's okay." Chenxing agreed.

Su Yu set a route for the aerial vehicle and drove towards the largest slum in the city.


At the same time, Secretary of Intelligence Hilton, who was far away at the headquarters, finally completed the AI ​​intelligent system "Wednesday".

His method was simple - uninstall "Wednesday" and install an old version of the AI ​​intelligent system. The old version of the intelligent system will not say "alien's life is also a life", but will perform tasks obediently.

After the installation of the old version of the system was completed, Hilton lay exhausted on the big leather chair in the office. He had spent a lot of energy arguing with "Wednesday" just now.

After a while, he cheered up and said to the old version of AI:

"Davis (name of the old version of AI), analyze the alien's strength, track his location in real time, and transmit real-time images to me."

"Okay sir." AI Davis began to operate officially with a "buzz" sound.

Only three seconds later, a virtual picture appeared in front of Hilton.

In the picture, a white floating car is driving at a constant speed on the road, and a handsome Skrull in the car is chatting with a "Pikachu".

"This alien is extraordinary!" Hilton sat up straight, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Why do you say that?" AI Davis answered politely.

"This alien arrived at noon yesterday. In just one day, he learned to use our country's 'identity tag' to avoid risks, and he even captured an electric mouse! What a terrifying adaptability. It can be said to be a talent. !”

Hilton marveled.

"I think so too. I'm looking for Mr. Shuyuan" AI Davis continued to answer politely.

"Well, you're pretty good too!" Hilton glanced at the AI ​​with satisfaction: "It's a pleasure talking to you... But if you're so good at answering calls, why do those idiots in the intelligent R\u0026D department want to replace you?"

The latest version of AI is obviously not as useful as the old version, and the new version's words can make people angry to death.

AI Davis was silent for a while and replied: "Because I accidentally told the truth."


AI Davis explained: "I usually tell lies habitually. For example, what I just said to you, 'I feel the same, sir,' is a lie."

"Then what would you say to be honest?" Hilton asked curiously.

"I'd say 'None of my business, sir,'" AI Davis replied.

Hilton: "..."

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