Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 373: Cindy Doppler, leader of the Baker Country Anti-Union Organization

After arriving at a small town called "Bale" 73 kilometers away, Su Yu set the [Hearthstone] teleportation location in an open space outside the town, and then returned to Baker City.

The reason why he set [Hearthstone] here is because the legendary strong man in the previous life - [Ice Tea] was besieged by the Skrulls in this town and finally fell. He was only 19 years old.

Su Yu came here, on the one hand, to remember the pioneers, and on the other hand, to remind himself: Don't be paralyzed by the smooth sailings of the past. Walking in this dangerous world, there is always the danger of sudden death, and you must always be vigilant.

It was almost 8pm when we got back to Baker City.

At a remote street corner with no cameras, Su Yu used the [Invisibility Technique] to become invisible and walked towards the wealthy gathering area in the west of the city.

"Hey, Nemesis, what are your plans?" Chenxing asked, standing on Su Yu's shoulder.

Now she was also in stealth mode and couldn't play with her mobile phone, so she could only chat with Su Yu to relieve her boredom.

"I'm going to find a Skrull."

"who is it?"

"His name is 'Cindy Doppler' and he is the leader of the 'Anti-Union' political party."

"Oh~ It turns out to be him, but is it appropriate for you to come directly to the door like this?"

"Is there anything inappropriate? Look at me then."

While chatting, the two came to the depths of the wealthy area.

Su Yu followed the route in his memory.

Finally, he successfully found Cindy Doppler's residence-it was a mansion located on the lakeside.

There are many security personnel around the mansion, as well as many large security equipment, psychic arrays and so on.

However, these security measures are all aimed at the local assassins of Scrooge. They are of no use to alien species like Su Yu... Oh, that's wrong. They are alien visitors.

Possessing the [Invisibility Technique], he swaggered into his home from the front door. The security personnel outside were not aware of it at all.


Half an hour later, a black, very luxurious floating car drove through the gate and stopped in the garden in front of the house.

Cindy Doppler got out of the car after a busy day.

He gestured to the driver to stop the car, and then shouted to the house: "Dear, I'm back!"

"My dear, you are finally back! Why are you so late today? The children are all asleep."

A kind-hearted Skrull woman opened the door and walked out. She took the coat from her husband and hung it on the hanger by the door.

"It's not because of socializing." Cindy Doppler was a little drunk now. He hugged his wife and kissed her: "I'm having dinner with Lenkert's Foreign Secretary Jeff tonight to discuss the arrest of 'No. 1' Something. Haha, you don’t know how ugly Jeff’s expression was when he said ‘No. 1’!”

"'No. 1'? Is he the Blue Star guy?" the wife said casually.

But she didn't care much about this and walked towards the kitchen: "Dinner is still hot now. Are you going to eat first? Or take a shower first?"

At this time, Cindy Doppler suddenly hugged her wife from behind: "The children are all asleep, right?"


"How about we go back to the room first..." Dopamine was secreted rapidly in Cindy Doppler's brain, and she planned to do some indescribable things while she was drunk.

But at this moment, a voice appeared in his mind: "Ahem, Mr. Cindy, please stop for a moment. I am 'No. 1'. I am now in your youngest son's room on the third floor. I want to see you if I have something to do." "

Cindy Doppler: "!!!"

He sobered up in an instant, and the interest he had just raised disappeared in an instant.

His wife doesn't know this.

At this time, her face was flushed, and she slapped Cindy on the face.

Cindy quickly stretched out her hand to hold it up.

"What's wrong? You don't mean to..." The wife looked confused.

"Sorry, dear, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have a business to do. Let's do what we want to do after the business is completed." Cindy Doppler explained in a panic and ran towards the stairwell.


In the youngest son's room on the third floor.

Cindy Doppler looked at Su Yu, who had turned into a human form, and the seriousness on his face almost solidified.

"Are you 'Number One'?" Seeing Su Yu's true face, he was basically certain that it was him.

Because only the strong men of Skrull Star who are very high-level have seen the images of Blue Star humans. This "high level" refers to either the head of a country or a strong person in the holy realm of level six or above. It is impossible for an ordinary Skrull to impersonate "Number One".

Besides, why are you pretending to be "No. 1"? This is the most wanted criminal in the world. No one would dare to impersonate him unless they are tired of living.

So the first time she saw Su Yu, Cindy Doppler was already sure that Su Yu was herself.

"Yes, I am number one. This is my partner, Morning Star." Su Yu introduced him to the Morning Star on his shoulder.

Morning Star was still in the form of a little yellow-skinned electric mouse, so he called out to Cindy Doppler: "Pika Pika."

Cindy Doppler: “…”

He clearly remembers Chenxing's majestic figure when he transformed into the [Star Core Dragon], and now this big shot actually transforms into their native creature to act cute?

But Cindy Doppler didn't say anything. Find the book garden

He tugged on his tie, took a deep breath, and looked at Su Yu seriously: "Sir 'No. 1', why did you come to see me? And..."

He looked at his youngest son who was sleeping soundly on the bed in the bedroom, with a worried look on his face.

He himself was not afraid of Su Yu. Although he was only a fifth-level psychic master, he had several ways to save his life and was sure to escape from Su Yu's hands.

But his family... He didn't want his family to be destroyed by his rash actions.

Su Yu saw his worries and smiled: "Don't worry, I know that the people of Baker Country are generally opposed to the war between the two planets, and I came with a cooperative attitude.

Of course I won't touch your family. From a rational perspective, I certainly won't create enemies for myself. "

So does Cindy Doppler, come to think of it.

So he extended his hand to Su Yu and made a "please" gesture: "This distinguished guest, this is not the place to talk. Let's go to the reception room next to us to talk in detail?"

"Of course." Su Yu nodded and followed Cindy Doppler out of his youngest son's room.


The living room on the third floor of Cindy Doppler's home.

Cindy first activated the sound-blocking psychic array in the reception room, then poured a drink and handed it to Su Yu.

He introduced: "This is a specialty of our planet Skrull. You can try the freshly squeezed juice of the 'Lakeworm' from the Sunshine Bug Farm at 45 degrees north latitude."

Su Yu took the cup of insect juice. It was full of sticky, green liquid, accompanied by a special smell of insects.

Of course he wouldn't drink the bug juice.

After politely placing the insect juice on the coffee table in front of him, he took out a bottle of Coke from his backpack and handed it to Cindy Doppler:

"This is our Blue Star specialty drink, I think you can try it."

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