Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and sixty-eight, [Fantasy Showdown] (11): The war has entered a fever pitch

Alex and ??!?! led the army quickly south, marching towards the coordinates given by Mr. Ke.

During the march, they encountered the cavalry sent by Qi Yue Wuyi to conduct reconnaissance, and knew that Qi Yue Wuyi must also be leading his troops south to return reinforcements.

So they asked the magicians in the army to release acceleration spells and go south as quickly as possible, trying to reach their destination before Qi Yue Wuyi.

At the same time, they did not forget to discuss countermeasures while rushing on the roadside.

Alex now holds a hand-drawn sketch in his hand. The sketch marks the areas that the scout soldiers have explored. It is clear where there are camps, where there are gold mines, and where there are strongholds.

They also sent cavalry to investigate the southwest area, and several important strategic points were marked on the map.

Alex pointed to a gold mine in the lower left corner of the map and said to??!?!: "The coordinates sent by Nemesis overlap with the location of this gold mine, which means that the candies are not in the stronghold, but stay near the gold mine. .”

??!?! nodded: "It will be much easier in the gold mine. We don't need to do anything else in the next battle, we just need to concentrate our fire to kill him."

"I think so too." Alex held his hair: "But before going to the target location, I suggest you visit this place first."

Alex pointed to [Fire Camp] on the map.

"[Fire Camp]?"??!?! His brows furrowed slightly: "We have to turn around and not go in a straight line to get to this place. This will affect our marching efficiency!"

"It's okay, listen to my analysis." Alex said seriously: "First, go to [Fire Camp] and we can exchange all the gold for troops to improve the combat effectiveness of our army;"

"Second, Sandwich Candy is so close to this camp, so he will definitely go there to buy troops. We can guess which troop type he is recruiting by looking at the exchange list at Lieyan Camp."

??!?! thought for a while and finally replied: "Okay, then I'll do as you say."


3 minutes later, Alex and ??!?! arrived at [Fire Camp].

After reading the exchange list in the camp, Alex nodded and said: "According to my speculation, Sandwich Candy should recruit the 'Flame Guardian Knight'. The 'Flame Guardian Knight' is the unit with the highest defense in the camp and can perfectly deal with our troops. Shock.”

??!?! thought for a while and agreed: "I think so too. It's been six minutes since the game started. Assuming they have 3 mines, they now have a total of 3,000 gold, which is 10 'Flame Guardian Knights' '."

Alex shook his head: "Definitely not that many. After all, we still have to prospect for mines at the beginning. They only have 8-9 'Flame Guardian Knights' at most."

??!?!: "Then which unit should we exchange for?"

"Redeem this, [Fire Mage]." Alex checked the list confidently, and a magician wearing a fiery red magician's robe appeared beside them.

"Magicians can restrain heavy armored knights. Their team of guardian knights is certainly not strong enough for one of our magicians." Alex was full of confidence.

??!?! He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Alex, a woman, made decisions without his consent, which made him a little unhappy.

But considering that this was a noble white woman, he didn't show his displeasure.

"Now that the exchange is complete, let's set off." He said stiffly.


Half a minute later, at coordinates [324, 223], Alex and ??!?!'s troops were only the last 100 meters away from Candy's 2,000-strong army.

Alex was both surprised and exchanged surprised looks.

Sandwich Candy has been staying here untouched, and they concluded that the Flame Guardian Knight they redeemed is not in his military formation. What is going on?

Could it be said that he has given up on the game and started to mess up?

But soon, they realized it wasn't.

Because Sandwich Candy, wearing a red and blue mage robe, walked to the front of the team, raised the wand in his hand high, and laughed at them: "You have been fooled!"

"What?" Alex and ??!?! were startled at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking shout of killing came from the mountain col on the side and behind.

A cavalry team of a hundred people stepped on the accelerating magic circle and rushed towards their fragile bow, magic and animal husbandry troops as if flying close to the ground.

And after the cavalry troops passed by, the land they ran through churned, and 24 [Flame Skeleton Archers] emerged from the ground.

[Flame Skeleton Archer] The biggest advantage of this undead species is that it does not need to breathe and can hide under the surface for a long time.

Now that they crawled out of the ground, they immediately became the biggest threat to Alex's army.

"All remote professions listen to the order! Focus on the 'Fire Mage' at the center of the fire mage army!" Qi Yue Wuyi scanned the audience and immediately discovered the biggest threat, the Fire Mage.

The flame mage is as high as the fourth level, and as a fire mage, his best skill is large-scale destructive spells. Once he is given no pressure to output, the consequences will be disastrous and must be eradicated first.

After receiving the commander's instructions, the archer troops, magician troops and 24 flaming skeleton archers launched an attack on the flaming mage at the same time.

Spells and arrows all over the sky were thrown at the flame mage.

Alex was shocked.

She hurriedly commanded the priest and mage troops to release layers of spell shields to protect the flame mage.

However, archers can restrain magicians after all. 24 level 3 flaming skeleton archers fired a salvo, the power was beyond imagination!

Under the command of Qi Yue Wuyi, the long-range troops fired three consecutive volleys. The knight troops also rushed into the crowd, raising their sharp lances and striking hard at the enemy's spell shield.

The spell shield was completely unable to withstand such a high amount of physical damage, and was penetrated when the third salvo arrived.

The Flame Magister tried his best to defend, but was eventually killed by the fourth volley from the Flame Skeleton Archer. Find bookstore

The balance of victory began to tilt towards Qi Yue Wuyi and Sandwich Candy.


Faced with this sudden turn of events, ??!?! did not panic, but calmed down.

"Now, all troops listen to my order!"??!?! shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't worry about what's behind you, go forward with all your strength and kill the candies at all costs! Everyone should target the candies!"

"Understood!"??!?! The soldiers and knights around them ignored the dilemma of being attacked behind them, gritted their teeth and launched a full charge towards the location of the candies in front.

Alex glared hatefully??!?!. This lowly Nanbang man dared to pass her orders and give orders. Does he understand what "order of superiority and inferiority" means?

But she also knew what ??!?! was right, so she didn’t say anything more and urged her troops to rush towards the candies.

There are only 2,000 troops around the candies. As long as they kill the candies, they will win!

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