Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and ninety-four, Trip to Busan

"The appearance of a 'gravitational funnel' over neon Kyoto" immediately caused a huge sensation around the world.

From the Internet to the real world, every Blue Star citizen has been attracted by this incident.

Although everyone knows that the Skrulls will definitely throw out all 3533 monsters they created in the near future.

But when that day came, everyone was filled with shock and despair when they saw the huge blood-red "gravitational funnel" over Kyoto in the official video.

Speaker Hu Jing also hurriedly ended the meeting with Su Yu and others.

He returned to the capital of China and recorded a video to address citizens around the world.

In the video, Speaker Hu Jing is sitting upright behind a wide conference table. The flags of the Chinese state and the coalition government are placed on the background wall behind him.

Speaker Hu Jing crossed his fingers and said solemnly:

"Residents of Blue Star, I am Hu Jing, Speaker of the Coalition Government. Our world is currently at an extremely critical moment."

"A month ago, the Skrulls used the psychic energy in various psychic springs to create monsters. Finally, 3533 monsters were produced, and all were released today. The release location is in Kyoto, Neon Country."

"If not stopped, these more than 3,000 monsters will sweep across the entire continent and completely destroy mankind!"

At this point, he paused for a moment, and about 5 seconds of footage of the neon country of Kyoto being overwhelmed by monsters and devastated was inserted into the video.

The screen ended 10 seconds later, and the screen returned to Speaker Hu Jing. He continued to say to the camera:

"This is a huge disaster, and it is also the first battle between us humans and the Skrulls!"

"Now I declare that all war zones in the world under the coalition government have entered a state of first-level combat readiness! We are determined to destroy all monsters and crush the Skrulls' conspiracy!"


The video quickly spread throughout the online world as soon as it was posted.

Seeing the speaker's statement, most citizens felt reassured and silently prayed that this war could be won.

At the same time, troops all over the world have entered a state of combat readiness, and countless fighter jets have taken off from various military bases around the world, converging towards China.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles all over the world are also aiming at Neon Country, quietly waiting for the launch order.

But Speaker Hu Jing did not rashly order the launch of these nuclear missiles.

Monster groups are now mixed in the most densely populated area of ​​Neon Country. Neon Country's population density is second to none in the world, with 130 million people living on four small islands.

Killing all the monsters would require at least 6,000 megaton-yield nuclear bombs, and the two nuclear bombs "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" that Neon Country had fought with had a yield of only about 20,000 tons.

6,000 nuclear bombs are enough to wipe Neon Four off the map, and not a single one of the 130 million people living on the island will survive.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Speaker Hu Jing will definitely not use nuclear bombs without authorization.



As for Su Yu.

After the meeting, he and Political Commissar Zhang and others had a brief discussion and finally decided to go somewhere.

This place is Busan, the second largest city in Korea.

The silver-white teleportation array unfolded in the square in front of the relevant department building. Under the watchful eyes of the comrades from the relevant departments in the building, Su Yu activated the teleportation array and left Donghai City with Senior Tao, Political Commissar Zhang, Zhong Feng and Xue Wenli.

The next second, the teleportation array appeared on the beach southeast of Busan, and the figures of Su Yu and others appeared on the beach.

Busan is located in the southeast corner of Koryo Kingdom and is the nearest big city to Neon Kingdom.

Southeast of Busan are the Korea Strait and Tsushima Strait. It is only 200 kilometers away from the two straits to reach Fukuoka Prefecture in Neon Country.

According to Su Yu's judgment, it is very likely that the monster swarm will land in Busan through the two straits after destroying the Neon Kingdom.

So this can be said to be the front line against the monster swarm.


Standing on the beach in Busan, the group of people looked towards the east of Kyoto, the neon country.

Although they couldn't see or feel the tragedy happening in Neon Country because they were too far away, everyone felt that a storm was coming.

After about a few seconds, Political Commissar Zhang threw a "3D projection positioning plate" on the sand on the beach, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and dialed Speaker Hu Jing's internal phone number.

After about a minute, the 3D projection device released a burst of dazzling white light, and Speaker Hu Jing's 3D projection appeared above the positioning plate.

Speaker Hu Jing had been very busy just now, and it was only now that he took a breath.

After he appeared, he first turned around and looked around the surrounding environment, and then asked: "Is this Busan?"

"Exactly." Political Commissar Zhang replied.

"Very good." Speaker Hu Jing nodded, his face extremely serious: "We need to build the first line of defense here and Tsushima Island in the southeast, and the second line of defense in the country."

"Of course, we can't completely count on the second line of defense. It's best to wipe out all the monsters on the first line of defense!"

"No problem." Political Commissar Zhang replied: "We will start building the first line of defense now... So what should we do if the monster group wants to bypass the defense line and enter the Asian continent via the East China Sea or Hokkaido?"

When political commissar Zhang raised this question, he actually already had the answer in his mind, which was to use nuclear bombs to bomb the monsters and force the monsters to take the Busan road.

But the decision-making power for the war lies in the hands of Speaker Hu Jing. He could only ask this question and get a positive answer from Speaker Hu Jing.

"Don't worry about this." Speaker Hu Jing said seriously: "If the monster group crosses the sea from other places, we will use nuclear bombs to force them to take this route... Now that time is running out, let's summarize what we have in hand Let's play cards, this will also make war deployment easier."

"Okay." Political Commissar Zhang and others replied at the same time.

"First of all." Speaker Hu Jing looked at Su Yu: "Su Yu, please tell me first, what resources are there in the "Evolution" game to help us win this war?"

"Well. Find Shuyuan" Su Yu replied after a brief thought: "There are not many things in the game that can help reality. Apart from the cats Chenxing and Tina, the main ones are the seeds of various plants. and five camps.”

"Currently, the number of golden seeds cultivated in the game is close to 200,000. Planting these plants in Busan and Tsushima should be able to greatly delay the attack of monsters."

"As for the five camps, if we exchange a large number of fifth-level troops from the camps, we should be able to withstand the attack of the monster group on the frontal battlefield."

"Yes." Speaker Hu Jing nodded and looked at Xue Wenli: "Wenli, you and your colleagues in the department will rush to plant 200,000 plants in Busan, Tsushima Island and the waters between them. Because time is rushed , plant as much as you can.”

"Understood!" Xue Wenli replied immediately.

"Then it's you, Zhong Feng." He turned to look at Zhong Feng: "I will contact the Treasury Bureau later and ask them to exchange the reserve gold for 2,000 fifth-level Warcraft units. You will be responsible for controlling these Warcraft units."

"Okay!" Zhong Feng replied immediately.

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