Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and twenty-six, 1 life for 1 life

There are still 19 minutes until the 500 nuclear bombs strike.

The great Chinese monks took out their strongest defensive magic weapons, magic weapons and even heaven-reaching spiritual treasures to build defensive walls, hoping to withstand this wave of nuclear bombs.

Jun Shiyi and King Arthur stood stunned in mid-air, at a loss.

Seeing the wary eyes of the Chinese monks, the two looked at each other with only wry smiles on their faces.

To be honest, they have never done anything to betray humanity!

But they couldn't produce any evidence to prove their innocence. Now the Chinese monks completely distrusted and even were hostile to them.

It is not important to be hostile to them. What is important is that this incident will inevitably lead to a gap between Chinese monks and Western monks. Unless they can prove their innocence, this gap will definitely not be cleared.

Originally, humans had a considerable disadvantage against the Skrulls, but now that there is a gap between high-level monks, Blue Star's chances of winning this battle are even slimmer.

And the joint defense built by 10 Chinese monks may not be able to withstand the bombing of up to 500 nuclear bombs.

Once they fail to bear the impact on Su Yu, or if several great monks are killed in battle, this will be unbearable pain for humans.

Thinking of this, Jun Shiyi's eyes flashed with determination.

He raised his head high and said loudly to all the Chinese monks: "Now, there is only one way to prove my innocence!"

The Chinese monks glanced at him, then withdrew their gazes and continued busy with their work, without paying much attention to him.

Jun Shiyi didn't care, he continued: "If I use my own life to resolve this nuclear bomb crisis, will it prove my innocence?"

The Chinese monk looked at him again.

Is this person serious?

Or is it some kind of conspiracy?

"I master a magical technique." Jun Shiyi raised his index finger on his left hand and raised his hand high:

"This magical technique is called the 'Great Transfer Technique'. It can transfer all nuclear bombs into space. The condition is to sacrifice my own life. Now, I will use my life to use the 'Great Diversion Technique' to resolve this A crisis!”

Jun Shiyi's voice was deafening, and all the great monks cast their eyes towards him, with disbelief written on their faces.

Jun Shiyi continued: "After I die and the crisis is resolved, I hope that everyone will stop creating gaps between Eastern and Western monks, unite and fight against the enemy together!"

After saying that, he resolutely took off and flew towards the clouds.

In order to prove his innocence, for the sake of human unity, and for little friend Su Yu to break through safely, Jun Shiyi decided to sacrifice himself!

All the Chinese monks present were completely shocked.

Jun Shiyi, are you serious? Could it be that they really wronged him?

King Arthur was even more surprised than the Chinese monk.

He knew the magic of "Great Transfer". It was a magic created by the founding emperor of the Roman Empire, Octavian, after he was promoted to god level. It was passed down from generation to generation, and it had been passed down to Jun Shiyi for more than 1,500 years. .

This kind of magic can be said to be exclusive to god-level experts. Sixth-level practitioners like Jun Shiyi must sacrifice their own lives to use it.

Unexpectedly, Jun Shiyi really plans to use it now!

"Are you crazy?" King Arthur stepped in front of Jun Shiyi and stretched out his hands to hold his shoulders firmly: "If you die, there will be nothing! We still have many ways to prove our innocence. Why take this dead end?"

Jun Shiyi looked at him stubbornly: "In this way, the gap between Eastern and Western monks can be eliminated, and mankind can win. And in this way, you no longer have to worry about nuclear bombs threatening Su Yu. I hope everyone can kill more Skrulls." , avenge me!"

After Jun Shiyi finished speaking, he broke free from King Arthur's hands and flew toward the clouds at extremely fast speeds.

And he activated the life-system magic - "Life Force Burning" during the flight.

"Vital Burning" is a magical technique developed by the last emperors of the Roman Empire. It can burn vitality and greatly increase strength in a very short period of time.

Jun Shiyi burned more vitality, and his strength reached the peak of the sixth level in just 5 seconds, already on the same level as Senior Yang.

However, due to the burning vitality, his lifespan is also running out.

"Jun Shiyi!" King Arthur stretched out his hand to stop him again.

But now Jun Shiyi was no longer something he could stop. Jun Shiyi broke free from his blockage and successfully flew into the clouds.

Seeing Jun Shiyi resolutely running towards the nuclear bomb, King Arthur suddenly felt extremely heartbroken.

How could things become like this!

The Chinese monks are now in complete shock. Is Fellow Tao Qian's conclusion wrong? Were their preconceptions wrong?

Senior Tao was even more surprised and speechless.

The "life force burning" was turned on, which proved that Jun Shiyi was determined to die. He was completely innocent and did not betray humanity.

So what does he himself mean? Could it be that he forced Jun Shiyi to death by speaking out? Created a gap between Eastern and Western monks?

Senior Tao gritted his teeth and took a deep breath: "Then let's go with Taoist Jun Eleven, and you all continue to build defenses here. If Taoist Jun Eleven really sacrifices, I will use my life to Pay for his life!"

After saying that, Senior Tao flew high like an arrow and chased in the direction of Jun Shiyi.

Emperor Taizong and Emperor Liu Che originally wanted to stop him, but they stretched out their hands and did not choose to stop him.

When things develop to this extent, they don't know how to deal with it, whether they stop it or not stop it.

At the same time, the seawater palace where Su Yu was located expanded and contracted more violently, and a pure white light rose at the top of the palace. This was a sign that the breakthrough was about to be successful!


Watching Senior Tao and Jun Shiyi go away, King Arthur stood motionless in mid-air in a daze. His brain was completely numb, and even his thinking had stopped.

The Chinese monks continued to build defensive barriers, but no one spoke, and everyone's mood fell to the bottom.

It wasn't until the moment Jun Shiyi opened "Life Burning" that they realized that they had completely misunderstood Jun Shiyi and eventually forced him to death.

Although they received wrong information from Political Commissar Zhang and Senior Tao and came to the wrong conclusion, they are also responsible for Jun Shiyi's death.

How will they face the great monks from the West in the future?

Emperor Liu Che glanced at the other fellow Taoists and said seriously: "Anyway, let's continue to build defenses. I hope everyone can learn from Tao Qian's lesson, but don't jump to conclusions before there is clear evidence, and... ....”

He took a deep breath and said: "Our enemies will always be the Skrulls. It was the 500 nuclear bombs thrown by the Skrulls that killed fellow Taoist Jun Shi and Tao Qian. Sooner or later, we must fight for them. revenge!"

"Yes, revenge!"

"eye for eye!"

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