Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Fifty-five, returning to reality for the second time

Players are still immersed in the huge shock and cannot extricate themselves.

But Su Yu's voice sounded again:

"The second point I want to make is that I plan to form a guild called the 'Yellow Turban Army'."

"Unlike the 'relevant departments' guild, our guild does not have welfare subsidies, but follows the principle of equal exchange. You help me work, and I will give you satisfactory remuneration. If you want to join, you can join, and if you want to quit, you can quit at any time, that's it Simple."

"This time [Howling Moon Wolf King] exploded 40 pieces of level 10 green equipment, 10 pieces of level 10 blue equipment, 10 ordinary skill scrolls, 3 green quality skill scrolls, and even 3 green quality pet eggs. pieces."

"Except for one pet egg and two ordinary skill scrolls, I keep them for myself. The rest will be exchanged to guild members on a first-come, first-served basis!"

After hearing Su Yu's words, the players looked at each other. The nemesis boss is actually starting a guild?

When I first heard "no welfare subsidies", most players didn't care.

But when they heard "equivalent exchange", many players looked attentive.

"I like equal exchange! This way you won't have any burden if you quit the guild." One player said.

"That's right, although there is a 2,000 subsidy for joining the 'relevant departments', it is short-handed. After taking the money, you will definitely be embarrassed not to participate in guild activities, and embarrassed to quit the membership easily. It is not as free as the nemesis boss."

The players were talking a lot.

At the end, when Su Yu mentioned the drop of the Wolf King, many players showed shocked expressions.

There are too many things dropped by the Wolf King!

Level 10 blue equipment! Green quality skill scroll! Tamagotchi!

As long as you get any of them, you will be enough to become one of the top one thousandth of the entire player group! Many core members of big guilds don’t have these!

Many players have already become excited and have memorized the name "Yellow Turban Army", ready to join as soon as they reach level 10.

As long as you get these good things, you won't have to worry about no guild asking for them even if you quit the guild in the future!


The total duration of the ad must be limited to one minute.

So Su Yu immediately said:

"As for the third thing, I plan to cooperate with the Emperor's Blood Guild to solve most of the questions asked by Yangcun Village Chief, the final boss of the [Qingqing Grassland] dungeon. We will put the cracked answers on the official forum so that they can be given to all players. A free benefit!”


"That's great!"

"Thank you, Mr. Nemesis!"

Hearing this, many players became happy.

Solving the problem of Yangcun Village Chief means that ordinary players can clear the dungeon at will!

Everyone can get the level 5 green equipment produced by the village chief!

This is good news for most players!

Players are full of gratitude to Nemesis.

The three things Su Yu said are big things for players!

Not long after, these three things were uploaded from online to offline forums, and then to major social software.

As long as players are playing "Evolution", they are having heated discussions on these three things.

Red Eyes Black Dragon's game time has long been used up. At this time, he was chatting with several teammates about this matter in the Q group:

True Red-Eyed Black Dragon: "The nemesis boss actually wants to open a guild? Alas! If the emperor's blood hadn't tied me down, I would have wanted to give it a try. (?????)"

Winged Dragon: "Just give it a try! What are you afraid of?"

Sky Dragon: "That's right! Brother Nemesis can challenge the siege boss alone. Only by following him can you have meat to eat!"

True Red-Eyed Black Dragon: "Oh, I don't want to do that anymore. As a middle-aged man, I have a family to support, so I can't take such a big risk on a transfer. I can't afford the millions of liquidated damages! (;へ:) "

Giant God Soldier: "Yes! The emperor's blood gave me too much."

Giant God Soldier: "By the way, I have compiled the questions for Yangcun Village Chief. Do you want to post them to the forum now?"

True Red Eyes Black Dragon: "Send it now, the nemesis will be offline soon."

Sky Dragon: "Since you don't go, then I will go alone!"

The other three people: "???"


Back to the game.

After Su Yu left the dungeon, he walked towards the warehouse.

Along the way, almost all the players were discussing what he just said.

However, because of the benefits provided to the players, the players' favorability towards him soared, and they became much more friendly when mentioning his name.

After throwing the unwanted equipment and skill scrolls into the warehouse, Su Yu casually checked the harvest from yesterday's auction.

The [Deathly Strike] skill scroll that was put on the shelves yesterday has been sold. The buyer is Emperor Blood Slayer, and a total of 4,900 psionic coins were sold!

"As expected of a super rich second generation, he spent so much money on a low-level skill scroll." Su Yu sighed.

Today, the offline Psychic Coin exchange price has dropped slightly, but it still remains at around 1:17 flower coins.

4899 psychic coins, equivalent to 80,000 yuan!

Only a rich man like Emperor Xue Shitian would pay such a high price for a low-level scroll.

In addition to the [Deathly Strike] scroll, the remaining [Power Word Shield] from the Silver Snake boss sold for 407 psychic coins, and [Black Iron Boots lv3 (Excellent)] sold for 115 psychic coins.... ...

They were all small coins. Su Yu didn't look at them much and put them all into his backpack.


After 12 hours of game time, Su Yu quit the game.

"Ding! Do you want to realize the strength in the game into reality?"


A large amount of spiritual energy once again overflowed from the helmet and was infused into Su Yu's body.

Although he was a magician, Su Yu still felt that the muscles in his body were bulging and full of power.

This feeling of increased strength is indeed fascinating.

Ten minutes later, go to Shuyuan and the psychic infusion is completed.

Su Yu's real-life template appeared on the top of the helmet.

Player: Su Yu

Realm: Junior Magician

Level: Level 10

Skills: [Magic Bullet (Epic)], [Lightning Bolt (Epic)]...[Lightning Shield (Epic)].

Spell Power: 53

HP: 170

Mana: 280

Equipment: [Village Chief’s Staff lv5]

Props: [Intermediate Restoration Potion]


"Well, the attributes are not bad, and today's harvest has reached the expected goal. But now is not the time to relax."

Su Yu stood up, stretched his waist and stretched his muscles in the rental house. At the same time, he secretly reminded himself: "At least in the year before the invasion of the Skrull army, I cannot relax for a moment!"

After the event, he ordered a takeaway and opened the official forum.

At this time, the Titan Soldier had collected more than 800 questions and posted them on the official forum.

Many players commented on the post, looking forward to Su Yu's answer. It has now reached more than 1,000 floors.

Su Yu didn't hesitate either.

He copied the questions posted by the Titan Soldier, answered the more than 800 questions in order according to his memory, and then opened a post and posted it on the official forum.

The official forum and the game are integrated, and Su Yu is not afraid of exposing his real-life information through posts.

After doing all this, Su Yu did not pay attention to the replies from forum netizens.

You can wait until tomorrow when leveling is boring to read the official forum.

He opened the search engine and started browsing local news in Donghai City.

See if you can pick up any clues about ghosts from the news again.

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