Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and forty, forced surrender

The battle gradually became intense.

Su Yu relied on the blue dragon form to shoulder the Mantid Queen Xia Kesiel head-on, level 80 and level 82.

But at the 5th minute of the battle, Su Yu found that he and the Mantid Queen had a 55-5 fight. Both sides were able to gain the upper hand and were not at a disadvantage.

I don't know if my fighting power is too strong, or if the Mantid Queen's fighting power is too weak.

The battlefield between him and the Queen has been locked at the bedroom door without any movement.

In the 3rd minute of the battle, Xia Keshier's [Queen's Guards] arrived on the battlefield.

There are a total of 7 mantids in her bodyguard, including 1 seventh-level mantid, 2 sixth-level mantids, and 4 fifth-level mantids.

The seventh-level mantid bodyguard is named [Blade Lord Tayak], level 80, and is a physical warrior like the Queen.

Su Yu used [Moon God Clan Badge] to summon [Moon God Shadow] to deal with Tayak.

[Moon God Clan Badge] was evaluated as a top-level artifact by Su Yu because the level of [Moon God Shadow] he summoned was the same as his body.

The level 80 [Moon Shadow] appeared in front of Su Yu, its gray wings spread out and rushed towards Tayak like a gray meteor.

The black and white spears she wields generate suffocating chaos power. In just the first encounter, she pierced a small hole in Tayak's closed body and gained a temporary advantage.

However, Tajak's title is "Blade Lord" and he is still very powerful.

He activated all his power, and a large piece of high-hardness amber armor wrapped his entire body. The Chaos Penetration of the Moon Shadow could not penetrate his amber armor at all.

Tayak used the powerful [Supreme Thrust] skill one after another. During the continuous use, the Moon Shadow gradually began to be at a disadvantage.

However, Luna Phantom is very resilient and has no chance of being defeated in a short period of time.

As for the other personal guards of the Mantid Queen, Su Yu easily took them down by summoning [Wind Lord Al'Akir] and [Desert Soldier] respectively.

[Wind Lord Al'Akir] has level six strength, and [Desert Soldier] is only level five, but the strength of five [Desert Soldiers] added to level one should not be underestimated.

With the help of these summons, Su Yu easily held back the Mantid Queen and her entire bodyguard.

As for the other second- and fourth-level guards around the Queen's bedroom, it is completely left to the players to fight.

Although the mantid guards were of high level, they could not withstand the vast crowds of people and were eliminated one by one by the players.

However, the outcome of the entire battle ultimately depended on Su Yu, and the main battlefield gradually fell into a stalemate.


But in various sub-battlefields other than the main battlefield, Su Yu and the players achieved gratifying victories!

Su Yu and Tina have learned "war chess deduction", so they naturally have very strong commanding abilities.

While dealing with the Mantid Queen, he dedicates dozens of spiritual powers to command the other 80,000 players in the entire insect hive.

Su Yu's command method is very simple, giving players a large number of side tasks and asking them to follow the task instructions.

And he also pays great attention to providing benefits to players. Basically, every side task uses the highest amount of rewards, and the rewards are completely filled.

The higher the reward, the more active the players will be.

Players were running around excitedly inside the nest.

Ten minutes into the battle, the entire "Heart of Fear" insect nest was basically completely destroyed by the players.

The mantid guards in the nest were wiped out by the players, and all the facilities in the nest were destroyed.

Even the main console in the main control room was destroyed to pieces by Zhenhong who arrived later and more than 20 heavy-armed Berserkers who used [Furious Sprint] together.

Compared to the Zerg race like the Mantid, players are now more like a "worm swarm".


Xia Keshier's mental power can cover the entire insect nest.

Seeing that the nest she had worked so hard for so many years was destroyed like this, the more she fought, the more impatient and angry she became. She wished she could tear Su Yu into pieces, along with the players outside.

However, Su Yu played very steadily and kept fighting a war of attrition with her at the door of the bedroom. She could only watch helplessly as humans destroyed her insect nest, feeling helpless and furious.

It wasn't until the 15th minute of the battle that the entire battle took a turn for the better.

The city lord of the Mantid main city [Wind Lord Mel'garak] arrived after hearing the news and led the royal family's most elite [Mo'ang Mark Blades] to join the battle.

The average strength of the Moang Mark Blades is as high as level four.

Even with Su Yu's command, the players would not be able to cope with this huge level gap. The player's troops continued to be defeated, and the front line was almost covered with the white light of death.

In just three minutes, as many as 20,000 players died.

[Wind Lord Melgarak] even jumped in from the window of the Queen's bedroom.

With the addition of a seventh-level force like him, the balance of the battlefield was instantly shattered, and Su Yu's defeat was only a matter of time.

Xia Keshier looked greatly refreshed.

While she continued to fight with Su Yu, she shouted to the wind lord Melgarak: "Melgarak, let's kill this blue dragon together, and all the dragon skin and keel obtained will be yours!"

Until now, Xia Kexier has not found out whether Su Yu is real or not, so he thought he was a blue dragon.

But Su Yu no longer wanted to talk in circles with him.

Su Yu breathed out a breath to temporarily push back Xia Kesiel, and then transformed into a human form in the sky.

After turning back into a human, he smiled at Xia Keshier and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, do you know who I am?"

"You are...Su Yu?! Are you already at level seven?" Xia Kexier was shocked.

After transforming back into human form, Su Yu's "adventurer from another world" aura could not be concealed, so the Mantid Queen recognized him at first sight.

But after recognizing him, Xia Kexier immediately felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

She knew that Su Yu could not be killed. Even if Su Yu was killed now, Su Yu would be resurrected and restored to his full strength within a few days.

Facing such an opponent, any intelligent creature will have a strong sense of powerlessness.

Of course, local creatures have also invented some spells specifically for adventurers from other worlds, such as Sylvanas' [Soul Control Technique], which can control the souls of players so that they cannot be resurrected.

But the problem is, she doesn't know any similar spells.

Blade Lord Tayak and Wind Lord Melgarak looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

The mantid clan specializes in physics and doesn't have many magic systems. There is really nothing they can do about Su Yu now.

Su Yu saw all the mantid's expressions.

He suspended in the air and said with a smile: "Your Majesty the Queen, can you surrender now? If you surrender to the Pandaren Empire and sign a surrender agreement, I and the adventurers from other worlds I lead will immediately withdraw from the 'Heart of Fear' and promise never to Violate again!”

"If you don't agree to surrender, then the adventurers from other worlds and I will come every few days and attack your other insect nests until you surrender."

"Please think carefully, do you want to surrender?"

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