Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Six hundred and twenty-two, the great monks decided to split up

Freeze these Skrulls, and Su Yu won't have to worry about the rest.

He turned on his mobile phone and sent the coordinates of the base to Xue Wenli. Naturally, troops from the coalition government would come to occupy it later.

At the same time, he also checked the coordinates of the nearest "Kun 101" small spring on his mobile phone.

After finding out, he used [Teleportation Technique], and silver-white light flashed. Su Yu left the place and was teleported to the vicinity of the "Kun 101" small spring, and began to occupy the next Skrull base.


At the same time, the work of occupying the springs by Alijie, Tina and others in the northwest was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

At first, they were still cautious, always keeping an eye on possible attacks from the Skrull god-level strongman Stim. They will not breathe a sigh of relief until the space crack disappears.

Their occupation work was as easy as Su Yu's, and there was basically no need to fight. The Skrulls would naturally surrender when they reached the place, which was even more energy-saving than catching dozens of pigs.

The Skrulls stationed in the base didn't even think about resisting. Facing a seventh-level and 5-6 sixth-level configuration, even if they resisted, they would be bulldozed in a few minutes, and it would be completely useless.

But when all three teams occupied the third small spring, the bored sixth-level Blue Star monks gradually felt that this was not a good idea.

One of the great monks named "Chen She" thought about it and said in the chat group formed by the great monks: "Everyone, I think the current model of attacking the spring is not good."

The great monks are all idle now. As soon as Senior Chen She spoke in the group, someone else immediately asked: "Fellow Daoist Chen? Why is this so bad?"

Prime Minister Cao also replied with a "???" despite his busy schedule.

Senior Chen She explained: "Don't you think that according to the current model of occupying the spring, those of us at the sixth level are completely a burden?

If we remove 17 of our sixth level, Alijie, Tina and Chenxing don’t have to take care of us. I’m afraid they can occupy the spring faster! "

After seeing Senior Chen She’s speech, there were a lot of “…” in the group.

Chen She was right. If you think about it carefully, they have indeed hindered the three of Alijie. Not only did their existence not help the speed of occupation, but the three of Alijie also had to worry about protecting them.

Their presence is entirely a side effect.

Seeing that everyone in the group wanted to understand this, senior Chen She suggested in the group:

"If you ask me, we should all separate!

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the two god-level Skrulls have not yet returned to the Skrull planet, we spread out one person to occupy a spring, which will be much faster. "

Chen She's idea would not have worked in the past.

In the past, before the military forces of various small bases in Skrull were withdrawn, the fifth-level commanders and the defense facilities inside the base cooperated with each other to repel the attack of the sixth-level monks.

Even Su Yu succeeded in taking over the entire small spring after sneaking into the small base to wreak havoc.

But it's completely different now.

Now that all the military forces in each small base have been withdrawn, and the commanders and deputy commanders have left long ago, a sixth-level monk can easily occupy a base. There are even some bases where the enemy surrendered immediately.

That's why senior Chen She made such a suggestion.

After hearing his suggestion, it didn't take long for a big monk to say in the group: "Of course there is no problem in doing this, but what we are most concerned about is safety. Once Stim comes, our single strength will not be able to resist it. If you are not careful, you will die."

Other great monks also agreed.

If it weren't for safety reasons, who wouldn't want to fully realize their value?

Faced with all these worries, senior Chen She patiently replied in the group: "Everyone, listen to me.

If we separate, first of all, the probability of each of us meeting Stim is one in seventeen, which is not particularly high.

Secondly, we can be very careful after arriving at the spring. For example, if we stand outside the range of the spring, we shout for the Skrulls inside to surrender. If they don't surrender, we will throw long-range spells in, and at the same time, be prepared to save our lives if there is any trouble. Run away.

If you are prepared, your safety will be guaranteed.

Besides, if we really want to be safe, why don't we retreat to Yunlu Mountain? Is it better to retreat than to be a burden? "

Chen She's words caused the great monks to think deeply.

Chen She was right. Staying as a burden now was completely a side effect. They could either go back to Yunlu Mountain like a coward, or they could fight to occupy the small springs.

Not long after Senior Chen She spoke, a great monk expressed support for him in the group:

"I agree with Fellow Daoist Chen. How can there be absolute safety when going out to fight? If you really want to be safe, it would be safer to stay in the deep mountains and forests without being born."

"That's right. If you take some risks and make more contributions, we will have a reason to ask the coalition government for more psychic energy allocations in the future. Otherwise, if you stay here and become a burden, do you have the nerve to ask for psychic powers with such shameless faces?"

"I also agree and support working separately."

"I support it too."

Many major monks in the group spoke in support, but of course, some were hesitant due to safety concerns.

Finally, Prime Minister Cao came out to speak: "In this case, let's vote, one person, one vote, the minority obeys the majority. Do you want to maintain the status quo? Or do you want to separate and go it alone?"

Cao Cheng is very familiar with the application of this kind of chat software, and even many of the functions in the software were added by his original investment.

Soon, a "group voting" interface popped up in the chat group for the monks to vote, with a time limit of 3 minutes.


The results came out after 3 minutes.

A total of 15 of the 17 senior monks voted (two of them really couldn't understand the mobile phone and simply stopped voting). 9 senior monks were willing to go out and work alone, 3 abstained, and 3 supported maintaining the status quo.

It seems that most of the monks are unwilling to be a burden and want to go out and work alone.

After getting the results, go to Shuyuan Prime Minister Cao sighed slightly and said in the group: "Since the results have come out, I won't stop you.

But everyone remember: be careful, be careful, be careful again! If there is any danger, please report it to the group immediately! "

"rest assured."

"Life and death matter."

"Wait a minute, everyone, there are only 102 small springs in the Kunlun Mountains. 17 of us plus 5 seventh-level people don't seem to be enough, right?"

"It's okay, we can expand the scope. The Karakoram Mountains in the southwest and the sporadic springs on the Qingzang Plateau total more than 100. Six hours is enough for us to work."

"You're right, let's go!"

The great monks discussed with each other and scattered towards various small springs.

The occupation of the psychic spring has entered the second stage.

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