Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Seven hundred and ninety-nine, secret pest control

Chapter 799: Secret Realm Pesticide

"Old Ma, what should we do now?" Stim asked Manina III.

In order to distinguish Emperor Manina XIII from his ancestor Manina III, the Skrull gods generally call Manina XIII "Little Horse" and his ancestor Manina III "Old Horse" .

Lao Ma thought for a while and replied: "We should stay here to protect Cecilia now. We will make plans after Plant comes."

"But... I don't think this is good." Stim frowned and said, "Now Cao Cao has been spying in the dark. We can easily be ambushed by him when we bring the sixth-level monks here, and Cecilia is seriously injured...

Being rational, I think it’s better to give up on this secret realm. There is no need to put everyone in danger for a secret. "

Stim said this because he was a little afraid of Cao Cao.

He and Victoria were at the lower level of the god level, while Cao Cao was at the peak of the god level, and the difference in strength was about two or three times.

If Cao Cao suddenly hits them hard, there is a small chance that they will fall.

Stim didn't want to sacrifice his own safety just because of the adventures of his descendants.

"Give up?!" Lao Ma glared at him fiercely.

Lao Ma deeply understands how important the adventure of the "Terminus Secret Realm" is. It can even be said that the "Terminus Secret Realm" also plays a large role in the entire Skrull race being able to reach this point.

"No! We must not give up! No matter what, we must let more tribesmen enter the secret realm!"


"There is no but, and you will definitely thank me in a few years."

"All right."

Things outside the secret realm have come to an end for the time being.

At this time, in the secret realm, Xiaotian has already met the lord of Sun Yao City, Duo Ke.

The place where they met was not the huge city lord's palace in the center of the city, but on the city wall to the north of Riyao City.

At this time, a large-scale war was going on outside the north gate of Sun Yao City.

One side of the war is of course the little blue men in Sunlight City, while the other side is some weird bugs.

The little blue man stood firm on the city wall, raining arrows and large-scale attack spells from the sky towards the outside of the city;

The insects outside the city are as endless as the tide. Once the leading troops die on a large scale, the following insects will immediately make up for it.

The smallest of these insects is a black flying insect the size of the belly of a finger, and a yellow hard-shelled beetle as big as a war fortress, which is more than ten meters tall.

Moreover, the whole air was filled with the stink of insects, which made Xiaotian frown.

She has been afraid of bugs since she was a child. She didn't expect to encounter so many here. It was really creepy.

The city lord of Sun Yao City is a little blue man over 5 meters tall, with a brave and resolute face, wearing a pure white armor with exquisite carvings.

Seeing Xiaotian arriving, he waved to her kindly: "Hello, Minion."

"Hello, Lord City Lord." Xiaotian couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

The Lord of Sun Yao City turned to face the insect swarm directly opposite the city wall, and introduced to Xiaotian: "As you can see, this is our Sun Yao City's biggest enemy - the Zerg from an alien plane.

We need enough warriors to join this war and destroy these nasty bugs below. This Minion, would you like to join and become one of them? "

"I...I do." Xiaotian nodded quickly.

Obviously, this is an "NPC task".

She is not familiar with this city yet. Since there is an NPC that issues tasks, she should follow the tasks and take each step step by step.

"Very good!" The Lord of Sun Yao City said happily: "I will send someone to take you to the recruit camp, where you can receive the best pre-war training.

As the first foreigner to enter Sun Yao City, I will ask the commander of the new military camp to give you some special care. You must not disappoint our expectations! "

"Don't worry, I will definitely finish it well." Xiaotian promised loudly.

In the next three days or so, Xiaotian spent almost all of his time killing insects.

It is said that she is a sixth-level strong person, and she is among the top 500 strong people in the entire Skrull planet. It stands to reason that she does not have to go into battle to kill insects like a soldier, and only needs to deal with high-level Zerg.

But in fact, Xiaotian started out as a small soldier, followed a large army of little blue men into battle to kill low-level Zerg, and used the materials from the low-level Zerg to exchange for military merit, and his military rank was promoted one step at a time.

By the end of the third day, she was no longer following the large army into battle. Instead, she was leading an independent combat force of a thousand people to carry out harassment work in the rear of the Zerg.

During these three days, many other Skrulls and high-level Warcraft came to the Zerg battlefield.

Like her, everyone started as a small soldier and went into battle to kill the Zerg. After accumulating a lot of military merits, they were promoted to higher ranks and led more soldiers to fight.

The strange thing is that she hasn't seen Qian Bei Bu Drunk in the past three days, and she doesn't know where he has gone.

As the military ranks gradually accumulated, Xiaotian found that her military ranks accumulated much faster than the other Skrulls and Warcraft present!

By the end of the third day, she was able to lead an army of a thousand people, and the army was equipped with high-level units such as cavalry, archers, and magicians, and its combat effectiveness was extremely strong!

This is not the case with other Skrulls and Warcraft.

The one who led the most troops among them only led 500 people, only half of her number.

Moreover, most of the people they command are infantry, and a few cavalrymen wish they could protect them as their own sons, for fear of bumping into them.

Horse archers? Magician? Don’t even think about it!

The quality of the army is not at the same level at all.

Xiaotian is also secretly guessing the reason for this situation.

"Maybe I am the first one to enter the secret realm. Looking for Shuyuan This is special care given to me!" She secretly guessed in her heart.

However, she always felt that something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly was wrong.

All in all, she felt that this secret realm was a little too "peaceful" and not angry at all.

The few small secret realms she explored in the past contained a large number of monsters, and the bosses at the end of the level were also very difficult to defeat.

But in this secret realm, everyone is genially grinding monsters to gain military rank. The final reward should be related to military rank, but this is a bit too bland and completely inconsistent with the "ultimate secret realm" she imagined.

And one final point - where did Thousand Cups of Not Drunk go?

They came in together and disappeared completely after entering the door.

What if this secret realm was really simple - grind bugs to exchange for military merit, and finally use your military rank to get rewards. A Thousand Cups of Not Drunk will definitely appear, there is no way he will not be seen on the entire battlefield.

Xiaotian judged from this that this secret realm was definitely not simple, at least not as simple as it seemed.

After thinking about it, she decided to ask a Skrull.

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