Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Eight hundred and two, Sun Yao Secret Realm (3)

Latest website: In order to avoid suspicion, Gary returned to the square in front of the city lord's palace after half a minute. He was also the last explorer to arrive.

Seeing Gary's arrival, Sun Yao City Lord Doc glanced at all the people and monsters present, holding a big sword in both hands, and said loudly: "Now that we are all here, let me get down to business."

Lord Dok's 5-meter height and huge body put a lot of pressure on Xiaotian and the Skrulls present. His voice was also very thick and oppressive, and the pressure was aggravated by the side.

However, Xiaotian knew that the Blue Man City Lord was not particularly strong.

Based on the aura accidentally leaked by City Lord Dok, it can be inferred that his strength should be around the peak of the sixth level, and he certainly cannot be a seventh-level powerhouse. He is stronger than everyone present, but his strength is limited.

Lord Dok looked at everyone present and said:

"After three days of continuous fighting, and with your help, the Zerg army is now showing signs of decline.

I held a war meeting with the senior generals in the army, and at the meeting we unanimously agreed to launch a general attack on the Zerg! "

City Lord Dok stretched out one hand, and a detailed picture of the battle situation appeared in front of everyone and the beast.

The lower right side of this detailed map of the battle is Sun Yao City, the middle area is the area where the fighting is taking place outside the city, and the upper left side is the home of the Zerg army. The mark on the map is "Insect Nest".

After all eyes were focused on the detailed map of the battle, Lord Dok solemnly said: "In an hour we will launch a general attack on the Zerg army. The goal is to defeat the Zerg army in the middle of the map, and then go straight to the 'Insect Nest' located on the upper left side of the map. ', destroy all the creatures in the insect nest!

During the offensive process, everyone still cannot hinder each other, does not allow any form of fighting between troops, and must unite as one.

After taking down the 'Insect Nest', I will give you corresponding rewards based on your 'military merit points'! I guarantee that the rewards will definitely satisfy you! "

After hearing the end, the Skrulls and high-level Warcraft present all smiled.

Isn't this why they entered the secret realm? Now it’s finally time for the rewards to settle.

And it is not difficult to lay down the insect nest.

After these days of war, they already have a good understanding of the reality and reality of the little blue people and the Zerg.

At the beginning, the little blue men were able to fight the Zerg at a 50-50 draw. After they joined, the balance of victory tilted heavily towards the little blue men.

According to the current situation, as long as the army of little blue men is dispatched to fight the Zerg head-on, unless Lord Dok's command is poor and confusing, it will be easy to defeat the Zerg army with absolute strength and go straight to the Zerg nest.

Explorers like them don't have to take the lead. They only need to follow the large army and provide support, and they can easily win the war.

The whole process is very safe and there is no danger.

But just because there is no danger, many Skrulls and high-level Warcraft don't look relaxed.

They discussed with each other privately through mental power:

"Based on the current situation, we will basically not encounter any danger if we push forward all the way. So how can we guarantee the '50% mortality rate'?"

"Yeah, and we don't let each other attack each other. If we let each other attack each other, it would be okay. In this way, basically no one will die."

"Will this secret realm be different from the previous one? Can I pass it without having to die 50% of the people?"

"Listening to what you seems possible. After all, our understanding of the 'Terminus Secret Realm' is still very shallow."

The Skrulls were talking among themselves, and Xiaotian frowned and pondered what Lord Dok said.

She noticed that the wording in Lord Dok's words was "destroy all the creatures in the insect nest."

Why "destroy all living things" instead of "destroy all bugs"? Could it be that there are other creatures besides bugs in the insect nest?

Xiaotian felt that it was necessary to ask. So she raised her little hand high.

Seeing Xiaotian raising her hand, City Lord Duoke immediately looked at her: "What's the matter?"

He obviously would not ignore this good helper who ranked first in the military merit list.

Xiaotian blinked his big eyes and asked seriously: "City Lord Duoke, you just mentioned 'to eliminate all creatures in the insect nest' instead of 'to eliminate all bugs'. Are you saying that there are other things besides bugs in the insect nest?" creature?"

"Yes, there are other creatures." Lord Dok admitted honestly.

"What are those creatures specifically?" Xiaotian quickly asked.

"This... I can't tell you for the time being. You will know when the time comes." City Lord Dok hesitated and then replied.

After hearing the conversation between Xiaotian and Lord Dok, the Skrulls and high-level Warcraft present were not stupid, and they immediately thought of a possibility.

No, that can’t be the case!

Xiaotian's mood has sunk to the bottom, and the answer given by City Lord Duoke has confirmed her guess.

She asked, "Can I ask one last question?"

"go ahead."

"If the creatures that are not bugs in the insect nest surrender, can you leave them a way to survive?"

"No!" City Lord Dok said resolutely: "We do not accept any form of surrender, as long as there is no creature left in the insect nest, all must be eliminated!"

"...Okay, I understand." Xiaotian took a few steps back expressionlessly, retreating behind a high-level magical beast, using its body to block the sight of City Lord Dok.

By now, she has completely understood what this secret realm is all about.

If she expected it to be true, there would be a diversion of people in this secret realm when she first entered.

Of the 50 explorers who entered the secret realm, 25 were assigned to the little blue man's side, and the other 25 were assigned to the insect nest.

Xiao Tian was assigned to the Little Blue Man, and Qian Bei Bu Zui was probably assigned to the Insect Nest.

Every explorer is forced to have his own camp after entering.

However, the explorers from the two camps did not meet, or even knew of each other's existence.

But with the advent of the decisive battle between the camps, the war has entered a fever pitch, and the explorers from both sides will inevitably meet until the explorers of one side are "completely wiped out" by the other side. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com This time the secret realm will end.

Calculating this, the mortality rate in the secret realm must be more than 50%, and even few people will survive in the end.

Continue writing according to the script of the secret realm. If the little blue man wins in the end, he will definitely die in the secret realm, and Xiaotian can leave with the reward.

If the Zerg side wins... Thinking of this, Xiaotian's body couldn't help but tremble, and she suddenly felt that death seemed to be very close to her.

"No, we can't follow the secret realm's script!" Xiaotian secretly told himself in his heart.

No matter if she dies or dies of drunkenness, this is unacceptable to her!

She had to find a way to break the secret script.

Even if she can't get any reward, she will definitely leave the secret realm alive with a thousand cups of wine!


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