Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Eight hundred and eighty-four, support arrives

Latest website: PS: Sorry, I came home late today. This chapter was posted without modification. If you see this line of text, please refresh it after half an hour and read it again. That is the modified version.

"Damn it!" Victoria's face turned dark.

[Flash Technique] This kind of magic is really stupid, her attack can't hit at all.

It seems that "space jammers" must be installed in all bases in the future, otherwise even a god-level person will not be able to do anything to Su Yu.

"Goodbye, Ms. Victoria." Su Yu waved to her with a relaxed expression: "We will see you next time, but next time I will probably have been promoted to the eighth level, and then we will have a showdown!"

After saying that, Su Yu opened the [Transportation Gate], jumped in and disappeared.

After hearing Su Yu's words, Victoria's face turned darker.

Su Yu's promotion speed was too fast. In just half a year, he had completed the path that the Skrulls had traveled for thousands of years.

What's even more annoying is that Su Yu's strength is not bad. With his strength and equipment blessing, he can definitely fight against the Skrulls of the same level, and even have a slight advantage.

It seems that he must be restricted, especially his troublesome teleportation and teleportation abilities that must be banned.

Underground in the giant base, Jennifer and many senior Skrulls breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yu and Cat Chenxing are indeed a bit scary. Together they are almost equal to a newly advanced god-level warrior, and their mobility is even stronger.

In his hands, people like him were lucky enough not to die.

It's a pity that the base was severely destroyed and the spacecraft also suffered a lot of losses. I don't know how long it will take to restore it to its original state.

The target location of Su Yu's [Portal] is the center of Los Santos.

Returning to the skies over Los Santos, he saw devastation beneath his feet.

The rebel forces in the city are still wreaking havoc. Almost all the buildings in the CBD (Central Business District) have been blown up by them, leaving only pieces of ruins with smoke rising.

Painful wails and heart-wrenching cries are heard endlessly in the city. The originally prosperous city has completely turned into a hell on earth.

Back in the city, Su Yu first sensed his own magic power reserves.

Now he still has half of his mana, which can support him to continue fighting for a long time.

The cat Chenxing also jumped out of his pet space and looked down at the situation below.

After watching for a while, she raised her head and looked at Su Yu: "Su Yu, the situation is a bit troublesome now. You see, almost every rebel team will have one or two hostages. It is difficult for us to kill them quickly."

The rebels formed teams of 10 and acted separately. Each team carried one or two "human shields". Su Yu and Chenxing could not completely ignore the life and death of the hostages, so it was quite troublesome to take action.

Su Yu looked down.

After scanning the entire city, he sighed: "No, we have to call for reinforcements. Morning Star, please help me later."

He took out his cell phone and dialed Xue Wenli's number.

After saying a few words, he hung up the phone and released the [Portal] spell.

This [Portal] is an ultra-long-distance portal that spans half of the Blue Star. It consumes a lot of magic power and is very laborious to maintain.

Chenxing threw an [Activate] at Su Yu. The [Activate] spell could restore Su Yu's mana. Then she stretched out her claws and pressed on the portal. The portal being formed was infused with Chenxing's magic power, and it accelerated its formation. .

About three minutes after the portal was formed, Liu Che, the Great Emperor of Han Dynasty, was the first to pass through the portal and reach the sky above Los Santos.

Emperor Liu Che was originally training at the Yunlu Mountain Base. After receiving the news of Gordon's rebellion, they took a supersonic fighter plane and rushed to the Pacific Country as soon as possible.

But the Chinese country was too far away from the Pacific country. Su Yu destroyed the giant base in the Rocky Mountains and returned to Los Santos. Their supersonic fighter planes had not yet flown out of the Chinese airspace.

So Su Yu asked Xue Wenli about the current location of their fighter planes, and directly opened the portal to take it over.

Emperor Liu Che walked out of the portal, followed by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Sima Yan, King Arthur, Yang Jian...

After more than 20 great monks walked out of the portal, Su Yu and Chen Xing's magic power was completely exhausted. Even the [Grandmaster Level Mana Restoration Potion] could not save their bottomed out mana.

The portal flickered a few times and then completely disappeared into the air.

"Huh -" Su Yu breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the great monks in front of him: "Seniors, I will leave this place to you next."

Morningstar the Cat was so tired that he licked his paws and added: "The biggest difficulty in eliminating these rebels now is the hostages in their hands. Basically every rebel team has human shields. Nothing else."

"Okay, leave it to us." The great monks nodded.

Because the situation was urgent, they had no time to say anything more.

They spread across the sky, heading to every part of the city where rebels were present.

The great monks generally lived for one or two thousand years and had many methods. They used their own methods to deal with these rebel armies, killing the rebels with as few casualties as possible.

The great monks took action, and nothing happened to Su Yu and Chen Xing.

The two of them stayed in the sky to recover their magic.

With nothing to do, Su Yu opened the social networking site to see people's reactions.

After opening the social networking site, he found that online public opinion had exploded.

As early as the first moment of Gordon's rebellion, the official media of the coalition government released this news, which caused violent shocks on the Internet.

Entries related to "Gordon betrayed humanity" and "The Prime Minister of the Pacific Country is a traitor" immediately topped the list of hot searches on major platforms.

And as public opinion fermented, this matter gradually attracted the attention of the whole people.

As time goes by, more and more Pacific victims are complaining online, and the pictures and videos of collapsed buildings have deeply stimulated people's nerves. Find Shuyuan

Especially the people of Neon Country and Goryeo Busan, the scenes in the video reminded them of the "Gravity Funnel" incident not long ago. It was so similar!

Therefore, people from various countries on the Internet expressed deep sympathy for the people of Pacific countries, and at the same time urged the coalition government to act quickly to eliminate the rebels.

As Su Yu was the closest to the disaster site and the only high-level powerhouse who was idle, he had the obligation to make the true situation of Pacific Country known to the public.

So he logged into his social account and shared all the news he had learned so far: the nuclear war headquarters was successfully defended, Gordon and the rebel top brass had self-destructed, the rebel army was frantically using human shields, and the general headquarters in the Rocky Mountains had been Destroyed by him... all relevant messages were sent on social platforms.

Not only did he send text messages, he also took photos of the entire Los Santos tragedy from high in the sky and sent them directly.

At the same time, he also warned all civilians in Pacific countries to try to find hidden places to hide, and not to go to crowded places. Hold on, support from the coalition government is already on the way.

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