Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 896: Goodbye Alizee and Tina

Latest website: But now, Su Yu is very confident in breaking through to the god level.

The reason is simple - Xiaotian has obtained a way to open the secret realm at the end!

The final secret realm can greatly improve his cultivation talent and greatly weaken the god-level bottleneck.

If he can enter the final secret realm and come back alive, the probability of breakthrough will be greatly improved, and the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures required for breakthrough will be much less.

This is what he needs now.

After entering the final secret realm, he can officially break through to the divine level!

Su Yu used the control panel of the mage tower to activate the magic pool under his feet.

The magic pool made a "buzz-buzz-" sound, emitted a soft blue light, and began to rotate from slow to fast.

Of course, this magic pool is not the one that Thor originally enchanted him with, but it was built by Elizee under the supervision of Shallan and spent more than a year by the [Silver Pine Spire].

The materials consumed to create this magic pool alone are probably worth 6-7 billion psychic coins, and the effect is more than 10 times that of the original magic pool!

It was precisely because of this top-notch magic pool that Su Yu was able to reach the seventh level peak so quickly.

The speed of the magic pool gradually reaches its maximum.

According to the current situation, Su Yu should put materials inside.

But something suddenly occurred to him.

So he temporarily closed the magic pool and took something out of his backpack.

This thing is [Plane Communication Badge].

[Plane Communication Badge]

special items

How to use: Input magic power into the badge.

Number of uses: N/A

Effect of use: [Tina Garcia] can learn the information that you are inputting magic power, and obtain the coordinates of your location.

Remarks: Shalan Global Communication is reliable and safe to use! (not product placement)

Su Yu entered the magic power into the badge.

He entered 5 times in total, the first 3 times were longer and the last 2 times were shorter.

This was the secret code he and Tina had agreed upon. Five times of three long and two short meant that there was something important that she needed to come over, but it was not particularly urgent.

After using the badge, Su Yu sat on a chair next to the magic pool and waited patiently.

After about a few minutes, a golden portal opened next to Su Yu.

Immediately afterwards, a small figure walked through the portal and came to the mage tower.

This small figure is not Tina, but Alijie.

In fact, Tina and Alizee have been together in recent months. They left behind the heavy government affairs and traveled around the world.

Alijie has never left the Plantagenet Empire in her entire life. The game world does not have a network as developed as Blue Star, so she has no idea what the outside world is like.

So she left all the heavy government affairs to her clone and ran out to play with Tina, until now.

Tina received the message from Su Yu and knew that Su Yu had something to do with them, so Alijie opened the portal and the two returned to the Mage Tower together.

Today, Alizee is wearing a red and white junior magician cloth robe, and Tina is wearing a very ordinary adventurer leather armor.

Without makeup, they are definitely more beautiful than those wearing heavy headdresses and serious makeup in the court!

Su Yu stood up and walked towards them, praising: "Alizee, Tina, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"Hey, thank you!" Alijie and Tina walked to Su Yu and gave him a big hug.

They hadn't seen each other for two months, and they missed Su Yu very much.

"Have you had fun lately?" Su Yu smiled.

"Of course I'm happy! You don't know how interesting things we have encountered along the way!..."

When talking about traveling, Alijie and Tina immediately started chatting.

They talked to each other and talked about the interesting things they encountered on the way.

Especially Alicia.

Before possessing the clone, Alizee never dared to imagine that she could leave the palace and travel around freely.

Now she can make up for this regret and is having even more fun.

The two also showed Su Yu many magical scenes they recorded while traveling around the mountains and rivers.

The three of them talked and laughed together, and the happy time lasted for a long time.

After about two hours, Alizee and Tina finished talking about the interesting things that happened during the trip.

Finally, Alijie held Su Yu's arm, rested her head on his right shoulder, and sighed slightly: "Well, the only flaw is that you, my nemesis, didn't come with us."

"Yes." Tina leaned her head on Su Yu's right shoulder, wrinkled her cute little nose, and agreed: "It would be perfect if you could come with us. I think there will be more fun during the trip. A lot of fun, but it’s a pity you don’t have it.”

"It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future." Su Yu smiled softly: "When the war on our planet is over, if the Blue Star humans win, I will have a lot of time to accompany you to go sightseeing; If you lose..."

Alijie quickly stretched out her hand to press his lips, and said with a serious face: "You will definitely not lose, Tina and I will not allow you to lose!"

"Definitely!" Tina also turned to look at him and said seriously: "Nemesis, don't think about losing, we will spare no effort to help you until you win!"

"Thank you very much!" Su Yu took his arms out of their arms and put his arms around their waists: "With the support of you two, I feel much more at ease."

The three of them stopped talking and just cuddled together in silence.

After a while, Alijie tilted her head and said, "By the way, Nemesis, why did you ask us to come back this time?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "Tonight, our Blue Star time, there is something important that we need your help with..."

Su Yu told them about the attack on the giant spring tonight.

Listening to his words, Alizee and Tina were not too surprised.

They haven't been to Blue Star for a long time, and it seems that the Blue Star war will finally continue to advance.

"Besides this, there is one more thing." Taking this opportunity, Su Yu simply said what he would do in the future:

"This matter is about the planet Skrull. There is a very powerful secret realm on the planet Skrull called the 'Secret Realm of the End'. Next time I go to the planet Skrull, I hope you will follow me..."

He also briefly told them about the "Secret Realm of the End". Find Shuyuan www.

The "Final Secret Realm" is a good place. Although there may be a 50% mortality rate, Alijie and Tina have nine lives in the main world. There is no need to worry about them dying there. It is perfect for them to go there. .

Tina and Alicia were also shocked that the planet Scrooge actually had such a powerful secret realm. The effect was even more powerful than the best secret realm in the world of "Evolution"!

And they don’t have to worry about the risk of death at all. It can be said that they have nothing to worry about.

Alijie immediately nodded and said: "Nemesis, I am willing to go with you."

"Me too." Tina also replied at the same time.

Not only can they gain benefits by entering the secret realm, but they can also protect their nemesis. It can be said that they kill two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, they felt happy at the same time.


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