Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Nine hundred and twenty-six, Xiaotian is promoted to level 7

Latest website: In the center of Rongcheng City, a purple light beam with a diameter of nearly 100 meters rose into the sky and rushed straight into the clouds from the ground.

Although it was afternoon, all residents in the entire city could clearly see this dazzling purple light pillar.

Violent psychic energy fluctuations spread out in circles from the bottom of the light pillar and spread around the city.

However, these psychic fluctuations did not endanger the lives of ordinary residents, and everyone only felt slightly uncomfortable.

Following the rapid response from the local government and level 3 and above players, residents in the city center have begun to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Standing more than ten kilometers away from the light pillar, the residents of Chengdu could clearly see a small black dot standing near the light pillar.

This little black dot is an ancient monk. He loudly shouted to the residents around the light pillar in modern Chinese that he was not very proficient in, telling everyone that there would be no danger for the time being, and asking everyone not to panic and evacuate in order.

His shouting was so loud that it could be heard clearly from more than ten kilometers away.

The residents of Rongcheng listened to the ancient monk's shouts, looked at the pillar of light rising into the sky with curiosity, and discussed among themselves privately:

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Could it be that the Skrulls came here?"

"How is it possible? The Skrulls also want to follow the Basic Law. Aren't they afraid that the singer will destroy them?"

"Do you remember the 'Gravity Funnel' in that country where Xiaori... lived a good life? Is it possible that the 'Gravity Funnel' will happen again?"

"'s hard to say."

"Look, the coalition government has issued an announcement!"

"Let me's true!" Xu Xiaotian, the game ID [Sky Dragon] suddenly felt an opportunity to advance, so she broke through in the center of Chengdu, which may have a certain impact on the central area of ​​the breakthrough. Please evacuate in an orderly manner... 'It was [Sky Dragon] who broke through! This girl is amazing!"

"I never expected that she would be the first to break through the seventh level. I always thought it would be [Snow Leopard] first!"

"I also thought it was [Snow Leopard] first."

"A breakthrough in our Chengdu, tsk tsk, is a feast for the eyes!"

"Congratulations to [Sky Dragon] for being promoted to level seven!"

"Congratulations, Hammer! She is the target designated by the Skrulls to be eliminated. She should be hostile to us."

"Who is hostile to you? I didn't expect you, a bastard, to be a capitulationist!"

"What's wrong with me being a surrender faction? Let me tell you..."

In this way, a capitulation faction and a fighting faction started to quarrel.

Until now, the public opinion storm created by Plante and Brandon has still not been resolved.

Although the coalition government has tried its best to explain to the people and express its sorrow to everyone. But the number of capitulationists suddenly increased, and it was not easy to change the direction of public opinion in a short period of time.

Especially the capitulationists are still stubborn.

They have decided to put their own lives first. As for human beings who will become extinct in the future... After I die, do I care about the flood?

The capitulation faction did not listen to the coalition government at all, which left the coalition government with little to do.

Soon after, Su Yu teleported to Rongcheng.

When he came to the light pillar, he circled the light pillar with his mental power several times, and his heart immediately felt much more at ease.

According to Su Yu's perception, Xiaotian's breakthrough went very smoothly. She should be able to successfully break through in a short time, and there is no need to provide her with any help.

Seeing Su Yu's arrival, senior Wang Mang, who was protecting Xiaotian, also flew towards him and said with a smile: "Su Yu, we meet again."

"Nice to meet you, Senior Wang Mang." Su Yu gave him a monk's salute: "I rushed over immediately after receiving the news that Xiaotian was about to break through."

"You came just in time!" Senior Wang Mang said with a smile: "I wonder if you can do me a favor?

"Help? You can tell me what kind of help you want, as long as I can do whatever I can." Su Yu replied.

"It's about the residents in the city center below." Senior Wang Mang looked at his feet: "The residents in the city center below are being evacuated.

Although I have shouted many times for everyone to evacuate in order and not to panic, the evacuation situation on the decentralized side is still not optimistic.

Now that you are here, help me evacuate the residents. You should be able to do this easily with your influence. "

Su Yu looked towards the city center below.

Just as Senior Wang Mang said, the citizens below were all running away in panic. After all, the beam of light created by Xiaotian was really scary.

Due to excessive panic, crowds inevitably become crowded and push each other, and stampedes have already occurred in some places.

"Okay." Su Yu replied, "I'll evacuate the crowd right away."

Xiaotian didn't need him to worry about here, so he quickly flew towards the city below.

Xiaotian's breakthrough lasted a full 4 hours.

During these four hours, the purple light column she was in became thicker and thicker, growing from a diameter of 100 meters to a kilometer in diameter; the color also became darker and darker, changing from lavender to deep purple.

The main reason why this beam of light appears "dark purple" is that Xiaotian used the "Arcana Heritage Crystal Stone" obtained from the secret realm of Star Skrull.

It turns out that Xiaotian's specialization is [Beast Control], and he mainly relies on the two panda pets [Tuanzi] and [Bingdundun] to fight.

Now she wants to change her job to "Arcane Archer" to greatly enhance her combat capabilities and rely on "Arcane Energy" to fight.

She had hardly learned any arcane-related spells before, except for the zero-level spell [Arcane Shooting]. She had a very wide career span, so it would only take up to 4 hours.

In these four hours, the evacuation of residents in the city center was easily completed, and players and monks came from all directions to observe Xiaotian's breakthrough.

More and more middle- and high-level experts gathered together, and it gradually became a grand gathering in the Blue Star monk world.

This incident has also become the focus of public opinion on the Internet, and everyone is paying attention to the specific process of Xiaotian's breakthrough.

And this matter unsurprisingly alarmed the top management of Skrull, Lan Qi and Emperor Manina XIII were discussing this matter.

"Your Majesty. Find Shuyuan" Lan Qi looked at the document in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Xu Xiaotian's breakthrough is imminent. In addition to her, Zhong Feng and Meng Lianggu ([ The unbreakable alliance]) is about to break through the seventh level.

If the current trend continues, in addition to the three of them, there will be at least 40 players in Blue Star who are expected to break through to level seven before the war. "

"40?" Manina narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "What about those who have hope of being promoted to the eighth level? How many of them are there?"

"This..." Lan Qi turned over the information in his hand and continued to answer: "It's not written in this information. But according to my judgment, there are definitely not many players who can advance to the eighth level except Su Yu, and there are only three at most. Four.

The four players most likely to advance to the eighth level are [Sky Dragon], [Snow Leopard], [Unbreakable Alliance], and [A Thousand Cups of Tea]. The other players are slightly less likely. "


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