A white head protruded from the mountain of meat and shouted at Su Changxing: "What qualifications do blasphemers have to pray to the gods!"

Before he could finish speaking, Su Changxing tore off the head with one hand and threw it to the ground, "There's so much nonsense."

These living dead are derivatives and have a certain consciousness, but they cannot directly control the mountain of meat, let alone use the power of the gods. Not only can they not control it, but they are restrained and imprisoned in the mountain of meat, unable to live or die.

After contacting the invisible will, Su Changxing got a vague response. It was feasible and the cost was not high. It only took the souls of three big rats to lift the curse on them.

at the same time.

The eyes of a head on a mountain of meat lit up with white light, which made people feel a bit holy. Su Changxing grabbed it with one hand, then pulled it up and crushed it into pieces.

A ball of white light exploded from his head and enveloped the two of them. The purple blood streaks on Su Changxing's skin quickly disappeared under the illumination of the white light. White smoke emitted, and the smell of burnt feathers could be smelled.

In addition, he also got other information, which was the curse, the curse from the ancient King Heilu.

That rat with a twisted shape and a body full of tentacles probably became like this after eating a cursed bone of the ancient King Heilu.

"It seems that something did fall out of the mouse's body." He recalled that when the mouse died, a piece of pitch-black bone armor fell from its flesh and blood. Care, and because of the curse, they came here in a hurry.

Cui Jia asked: "What?"

Su Changxing explained: "A piece of bone armor is also the source of the curse on us."

After all, he was sacrificing all his restrained souls to Roshan in exchange for the power of fire.

Su Changxing grabbed a skull's eyes with gas flames, pulled it off, and then crushed the skull, his hands ignited with blazing fire.

The flame he controlled was stronger, but it had not yet reached the level of medium fire. It seemed that part of his soul was cut off by something. There should be other beings secretly absorbing the power of the dead gods.

The water in this world is very deep, and even in the dark, it is a mixed bag of fish and dragons.

Su Changxing didn't care about the part of the soul that was intercepted. After all, it was only a small part, and the loss was not too big. Moreover, there was no need to use this small amount of soul to provoke an existence that they could not deal with now.

What they should do most now is to secretly strengthen themselves by hunting powerful creatures, exchanging their souls for the power of gods, otherwise, there will be no chance to accomplish their goals.

After doing this, another ball of flame appeared in Su Changxing's hand, and he threw it at the mountain of meat. It burned fiercely, burning countless living corpses on it, and a horrifying scream came, as if tens of millions of people were screaming in pain.

Living corpses are dead living people, but they are not completely dead. Their souls still exist in this world and are completely distorted.

When Cui Jia heard this voice, he felt horrified and said, "Are you really not going to destroy this thing?"

Su Changxing shook his head and walked back with Cui Jia, preparing to pick up the piece of bone armor.

But when they arrived, they didn't find the piece of bone armor, and even the rat's body had disappeared, as if something had stolen it.

"Gone just for a short while? What else exists here?" Cui Jia looked around warily, always feeling that something was staring at them in the darkness.

Su Changxing frowned and said, "Forget it, never mind, let's go back."

"Going to the palace?" Cui Jia asked.

Su Changxing nodded and said, "Yes, I have mastered the power of fire now. It should be easier to deal with that monster, at least it won't be as embarrassing as before."

They returned along the original path, but the strange thing was that when they came here before, they had clearly cleaned up all the monsters in the sewer, but when they went back, they still encountered four or five monsters with long hair that looked like spiders.

This kind of monster just looks scary. Cui Jia can kill it in two moves without any effort, just like squeezing a chicken to death.

"Where did the monster come from? Did it appear out of thin air?" Cui Jia kicked the corpse on the ground. "It seems that there are no other passages along the way."

Su Changxing saw some gaps in the wall, thought for a moment and said, "Maybe he climbed out of these gaps."

Cui Jia obviously didn't believe it: "You might as well say it appeared out of thin air."

The water level gradually increased, and they arrived at their previous location. The surroundings were silent, except for the occasional squeaking of mice in the corner.

There was a faint light in the darkness, and the holes in the wall could be seen from a distance. Before they got close, they could feel a gaze staring at them in the darkness.

Suddenly, a black shadow moved like the wind.

A monster wearing azure armor and long silver hair appeared in front of them, moving as if dancing in the air.

"Control him!" Su Changxing shouted, a hot flame appeared on his hand, and the light spread out to illuminate the surrounding darkness.

Cui Jia rushed forward and used the chain saw to deflect Liu Ye's double knives. The two sides collided with each other.

However, he passed through the monster's body, and conspicuous knife marks appeared on the skin of his chest and arms. They were not deep, but very fine.

"It feels like this again. It's indeed a ghost." He felt that his whole body was cold and suddenly hot. His body became stiff and he couldn't move his legs for a while.

at the same time.

Su Changxing threw the flames over. The monster in blue armor tried to avoid it, its body twisted in a weird posture, but he did not expect that the flames exploded beside him, covering the entire cross-section of the sewer, and the light of the fire was reflected on the water.


There was a scream like a woman's.

The monster wearing azure armor kept struggling in the flames, and its illusory body actually appeared solid, with bone spurs on its smooth white skin.

Su Changxing took the opportunity to shoot at the monster's body with his pistol. The bullets accurately passed through the gaps in the armor and spurted out visible blood splashes.

After six consecutive hits, the monster's abdomen was beaten to pieces and became motionless. The body began to dissipate and turned into white smoke, leaving only a pair of blue armor that sank to the bottom of the water.


Cui Jia came from behind and approached the blue armor cautiously. Then he felt an extra force integrating into his body, and knew that the monster had been killed.

Su Changxing nodded and said: "This is a soul-like creature. It can be easily killed by using the power of fire. But fortunately, this monster has no brains, otherwise it would be really difficult to kill."

Cui Jia took off the broken armor on his body, put on the blue armor left in the water, looked at it and said, "This looks like it is worn by a woman."

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