Cui Jia rushed in and swung his chain saw knife with great force. The azure blue armor on his body was stronger than expected, and it was not broken even after being hacked several times. There are light marks left on it.

These knights are easier to deal with than the rats in the sewers, but not any better. Their health is so terrifying that even after their heads are blown off by bullets, they can still get up from the ground and continue fighting.

This kind of battle was even more dangerous for Cui Jia. His combat experience was too weak and he was almost beheaded several times. It was Su Changxing who shot in advance to resolve the crisis.

At such a distance, with the speed of these knights, there is no way to avoid the bullets and they can only shoulder it, unless the location of Su Changxing's shooting is predicted in advance.

Gunshots rang out continuously, and this group of knights was quickly wiped out with the cooperation of Su Changxing and the two men.

Su Changxing was unscathed, but Cui Jia had four or five deep wounds on his body, and there were clear marks on his armor.

"This armor is really good." He looked down at the blue armor on his body and praised it.

Su Changxing nodded and said, "It's indeed good, otherwise you might not be able to stand now."

The loud gunfire attracted more enemies. The nearby knights noticed the movement and came closer.

"That's not right. Why are there so many people here? Shouldn't all the knights in the palace go outside to defend against those dragonborns?" Cui Jia saw seven or eight more knights approaching their position in the distance. said with a frown.

The situation here was completely different from what they expected.

Su Changxing thought of Angelo and said, "There may be something important here that they need to guard, so they were not transferred out, and we happened to bump into it."

Looking from a distance, there is a tower made of black stone to the east, and the windows are blocked by black bars.

In a daze, he saw a pair of blood-red eyes, those were Angelo's eyes.

He's not dead yet!

It seems to be in that tower.

"Go this way." Su Changxing led Cui Jia and ran towards the tower.

"Which tower are we going to?" Cui Jia also saw the not-so-tall tower right in front of them.

Su Changxing nodded and said, "Yes, I suspect Angelo is in that tower."

"The current situation is a little different from what the Dragon Lord told us."

"If we really go straight outside the palace, we have no chance of winning against the so-called demigods, and we will probably die. If possible, we must also seek Angelo's help."

Cui Jia asked, "What if he lied to us from beginning to end?"

Su Changxing shook his head and said firmly: "No, even if he lied to us, it would only be in the details. Otherwise, he would not have the need at all. At least he was really suppressed here by the people in the palace, maybe by the demigods. .”

Cui Jia took a deep breath and understood Su Changxing's thoughts, "It seems that this is the only way."

Immediately afterwards, they encountered two teams of knights, and they were quickly dealt with, but they still seemed very powerless.

However, Cui Jia's learning ability is also quite terrifying, and his combat skills are also improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.


There was a loud noise, cracks appeared in the high wall on the side, and a big hole was opened by someone's kick.

A black-feathered knight wearing black armor and more than three meters tall walked in from the other side of the wall, smelling of blood, and there was a halberd in his hand with sharp blood.

Su Changxing also became serious when he saw the black feathers on the knight's head. He had heard Arms say before that knights with feathers on their heads are representatives of power and are among the most famous knights.

Throughout history, powerful knights were able to slay dragons and even fight demigods.

In this world, knights are the mainstream, and their bodies will continue to increase with their strength. When they are strong enough, they can resist all forces, whether it is spells or flames.

Before Su Changxing could react, the Black Feather Knight sprinted in front of him, brandishing the halberd in his hand and smashing it down with a violent sound of wind.

Cui Jia grabbed the middle end of the halberd with both hands from the side and caught it firmly, making it unable to move. He used pure strength to fight against the knight. The strength of the two sides was almost the same, and Cui Jia even had the upper hand. .

A dark luster appeared on the Black Feather Knight's body, and a third arm condensed on his abdomen. He punched Cui Jia in the face and knocked him away. ·

"The palace is such a powerful place, any trespassers will be killed without mercy!"

The Black Feather Knight roared, and the sound shook the ground slightly, causing the gravel to bounce up and down.

Cui Jia flew back four or five meters, landed firmly on the ground, and then activated his ability to rush forward. His speed suddenly became faster, and he rushed straight towards the Black Feather Knight again, with a arrogant momentum.

Su Changxing was stuck at this point in time, holding a pistol and shooting at the Black Feather Knight. Three consecutive bullets, two in front and one in back, flew over in a Zigzag pattern.

Feeling the threat, the Black Feather Knight blocked two bullets with his arm, and two blood flowers exploded on his arm. He then waved away the charging Cui Jia with his halberd in his backhand.

But at this moment, a flower of blood burst out from his forehead, and a bullet fired from an unknown time penetrated his forehead. This also caused a loophole in the knight's frontal defense. Cui Jia pulled the chain saw knife. It pierced the abdomen and rushed forward to be nailed to the wall.


Cui Jia waved his fist at the knight's chest, punching him more than ten times at once, causing his chest to completely dent.

"Not dead yet?" He was a little surprised to see that the knight in front of him was still alive. He pulled out the chain saw and beheaded him neatly.

During this process, Su Changxing only fired three bullets in total, mainly to save ammunition, otherwise a single shot of bullets would definitely kill the knight.


They continued to move towards the tower, and more and more knights gathered around them.

Su Changxing also felt the pressure. If this continued, it was very likely that his bullets would be empty before he reached the tower.

Without bullets, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to deal with these knights.


Three more knights rushed over from around the corner.

A blazing flame appeared on Su Changxing's left hand and was thrown towards the knight in the middle. The flames spread out and enveloped the knight on the left.

The armor on these knights is very strong, but it also does not have any flame resistance. It will easily conduct high temperature and be wrapped in flames, just like in a steamer, and the people inside will be roasted alive.

Cui Jia threw the spear he picked up and nailed the knight on the right to the wall through his chest. The terrifying force caused the spear to penetrate the wall together with the spear head protruding from the other side.

Turning around, he saw more than a dozen knights approaching them from a distance. Su Changxing sensed something was wrong and prepared to drag Cui Jia away. If this continued, sooner or later they would be killed by these knights.

At this time, a vision suddenly occurred.

The knights who rushed towards them fell to the ground one by one, their skin becoming shriveled, aging, and losing their original strength at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sense of terror spread in the air.

Directly in front of them, at some point, a tattered chair appeared, made of woven bamboo, with one leg half broken, leaning against the wall.

"What is that?" Cui Jia stopped and his eyelids kept twitching, sensing something was wrong.

There was a mummy on the seat, lifeless, only the eyes were still wandering, pitch black, like an abyss.

"You two actually came to this place, you really are not afraid of death."

The mummy made an old sound, as if the chair was talking, and his mouth did not move.

Su Changxing looked serious and asked, "Who are you?"

"The person who is about to die, or has already died." The mummy said calmly.

"Do you know you are going the wrong way? You should go through the avenue on the left, not here."

Su Changxing thought for a moment and said, "Are you from the Dragon Lord's side?"

It seemed that his guess was correct. The other party did not attack the two of them immediately, and was still interested in chatting with them.

The mummy said slowly: "Absolutely."

Su Changxing thought of Angelo's words before and said, "Do you know that there are two demigods in the palace?"

The mummy glanced at Su Changxing and said slowly: "There is such a thing, but there is one person who is sleeping. Don't worry about it. I'm here to deal with the other demigod. He seems to be here. You'd better stay away. .”

Su Changxing continued: "But I heard that the sleeping demigod has woken up."

The mummy didn't speak for a moment, seeming to be thinking, "Really or not, I'm old, don't lie to me, where did you hear this news?"

Su Changxing thought that since the other party was from the Dragon Lord's side, there was no need to hide some things: "Angelo told me."

The mummy said in a dazed tone: "Angelo? Who is that?"

Su Changxing was stunned for a moment and continued: "Second Prince."

The mummy still didn't seem to know: "Who is the second prince?"

Su Changxing murmured in his heart, thinking that this mummy might have some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

"I can't remember anything when I'm old...what am I doing here." The mummy muttered to himself, then looked at Su Changxing and the two of them and said:

"Who are you two?"

Su Changxing fell into silence: "..."

Cui Jia also fell into silence: "..."

Su Changxing cautiously probed: "You just said you were here to deal with the demigods in the palace."

The mummy said in a daze: "It seems that there is such a thing, so where is the demigod?"

"..." Su Changxing fell into silence again, suspecting that this guy was completely lost just now, and he happened to bump into them when he came here.

The eyes of the mummy swayed left and right, then locked on Cui Jia and said: "Horse-faced boy, you have the blood of the Golden Titan."

The bloodline of the Golden Titan?

Cui Jia was also stunned. He didn't know when he had this thing. He just felt that the unclear-minded mummy in front of him was talking nonsense.

"What Golden Titan? I'm just a human being." He said solemnly, not agreeing with the mummy's words.

The mummy looked at Su Changxing again, "You actually have the blood of the Golden Titan, but it's very weak and far inferior to him."

"This bloodline is rare, not even one among tens of millions of people can be born. When stimulated to the limit, it can be compared to a demigod."

Su Changxing did not question, but asked: "Then how should this bloodline be activated?"

The mummy said softly: "Fight, fighting can activate the blood. I still remember that there was a Heilu man who had the blood of the Golden Titan. He kept fighting until the end, turning the sky upside down, and even killed a man before he died. Buried with demigods.”

Another demigod dies, or are they all the same?

Su Changxing clearly remembered that Sofina had said before that only one demigod had died, but Angelo also said that the fallen demigod did not die, but was sleeping underground in the palace.

The mummy looked at Cui Jia and said without any doubt: "Horse-faced boy, carry me up."

Cui Jia looked confused: "Where to go?"

The mummy said nonchalantly: "You can go anywhere? I happened to forget where that guy is. I'll tell you later when I remember, or when he comes to the door himself. The palace is so big, he should feel that I'm coming."

Cui Jia's face twitched and he glanced sideways at Su Changxing, meaning to ask what to do. There was no way he could carry this thing around.

Su Changxing nodded, thinking it was okay. The mummy was very powerful. With it, they would at least not be in danger in the short term.

They approached the tower with the mummies, and with the mummies as cover, all the approaching knights were killed.

Although they brought an extra mummy and a chair, their speed was much faster.

When we arrived at the foot of the tower, there was no one nearby. There was a body wrapped in bandages hanging above the main entrance, with blood constantly overflowing.

Su Changxing was surprised to find that the entire outer wall of the tower was carved with dense patterns.

This formation is more advanced than what Angelo released before, and it contains real divine inscriptions.

Su Changxing glanced at the mummy on the tattered chair and said, "Senior, do you recognize what this is?"

The mummy looked at the formation on the wall and said in a daze: "I don't know it, but I know it was carved by a demigod. This place looks like a prison, and it probably has a suppressive effect."

Su Changxing raised his eyebrows: "Senior, are you sure this is the formation carved by the demigod?"

The mummy said unhappily: "Although my memory is not good, you can't question me."

Divine writing is something that only gods can master. If the demigods here can already master the divine writings, doesn't it mean that the demigods here are already comparable to gods in the outside world.

Who are the dead gods of this world?

Su Changxing pushed the door open, and there was a harsh sound. It was dark inside, and only a faint red light could be seen at the end of the corridor.

A man wearing a sheep's head mask and holding a red lantern walked slowly towards them, his feet seeming to be floating in the air without touching the ground.

"What's the matter? It's an eyesore." The mummy looked at the man holding the red lantern. As soon as he finished speaking, a rotting smell wafted through the air, as if tens of millions of people had died in the process.

Then, the man in the sheep-head mask quietly fell forward and fell to the ground. The skin exposed between his clothes was shriveled, like a mummy.

Such power was frightening, and Su Changxing felt that he couldn't resist. If the mummies wanted to kill them, they could just kill them casually without any extra effort.

"This place seems a bit familiar." The mummy looked around and said to himself.

Cui Jia asked: "Have you been here today too?"

"Maybe I've been here before, but I can't remember clearly." The mummy said vaguely.

Walking along the corridor, there were cells one after another. Prisoners were held in the cells. The prisoners kept silent when they saw them. They looked at the mummy on the chair with a horrified expression, and their bodies shivered involuntarily.

In the beginning, there were some pale humans squatting against the wall. Later, the prisoners became weird, either with deformed bodies or simply not human.

There was a fish-like monster curled up in a ball, its eyes glowing, and it made a cooing sound.

There are also monsters that look like four or five people put together, with eight legs, six hands, and five heads. There are many wounds on the body. It is obvious that many limbs have been cut off, otherwise there should be more. Hands and feet.

In addition, there are only corpses left in many prisons. Those jailers do not clean up the garbage in the prisons, but only guard the prisons to prevent the creatures in the prisons from escaping.

The person holding the red lantern must be the jailer of the prison. Along the way, they encountered four or five, and they were all easily killed by the mummies. They lay on the ground before they could do anything.

"Boy with a broken leg, what are we doing here?" The mummy turned its eyes and looked around. It didn't stop talking all the way. It had the attributes of a talkative bun.

"Find someone." Su Changxing paused and then said: "Don't call me the boy with a broken leg. I have a name. My name is Su Changxing."

"Okay, kid with a broken leg." The mummy didn't seem to take in what Su Changxing said, and continued to talk to himself:

"The people in this prison are all trash. Who can we find? All the prisoners in this prison were beaten and disabled before they came in. Few of them were able to get out. In the end, they basically died inside."

Cui Jia walked here carrying a broken chair with a heavy look on his back. His face was already red, and he gasped and said, "What? Senior, have you ever been here before?"

The mummy was silent for a while, seeming to be reminiscing, searching for that little bit of memory in his decayed brain. Maybe a large part of the memory had been lost long ago, and then said:

"I've been here before. I was imprisoned here a long time ago and almost died... How did I come out? Well, I was rescued by the Dragon Lord."

"That time was also a large-scale attack by the Dragon Clan on the royal city. The battle was fierce. Most of the royal city was caught in the flames of war. As a result, the Dragon Clan suffered heavy losses. Later, they were almost driven to extinction by the demigods."

Su Changxing feels that the mummy is like an ordinary old man who likes to tell stories. Many of them may be made up, but the main part should be real.

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