Among the countless murmurs in this world, he could hear high singing, clean and loud, high but also sad.

Su Changxing was lying on the chair on the deck, looking at the dark sky, and said with a smile: "Cui Jia, Cui Jia, we have succeeded, why are you still unhappy?"

Cui Jia took a deep breath, looked at the window where they came from, and said, "Isn't this still a success? We can't relax until we complete the task."

Su Changxing could only say: "You are a competent soldier and definitely a hero. From now on, your deeds will be praised by others."

"Do you enjoy this honor?"

Cui Jia shook his head: "I don't know. I used to pursue all kinds of honors. I thought the more medals on my chest, the better."

"But after the end of the world, more and more people die, and I don't think so anymore."

"People's ideas will change. Even the most stubborn person will change subtly over time. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, this is actually the case."

Su Changxing squinted his eyes with a look of enjoyment: "I agree with you, maybe we can become very good friends."

Cui Jia shook his head: "Aren't we still friends now?"

Su Changxing thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

As the ghost ship gradually approached the window, Cui Jia's form also changed, becoming smaller and smaller. Affected by the power of reality, he gradually returned to his normal appearance.

As the world moves toward destruction, the direction of material transformation changes.

The same is true for Su Changxing, who gradually returned to his normal self. The only thing unaffected is probably this ship, which can carry a world.

When I returned to the laboratory again, it was dark and dilapidated, with garbage on the floor and corpses.

Su Changxing walked into the window, pondering and said: "It seems that everything here is gradually returning to reality. Cui Jia, everything is as we expected."

"You seem to have succeeded."

Cui Jia stood by the window, looking a little dazed. He looked around and saw that the team members who had been staying here had also disappeared.

Probably they were already dead, and after returning to reality, they became corpses on the ground.

Su Changxing didn't make any extra moves and walked straight towards the Rubik's Cube. Since there was no electricity, he easily opened the Rubik's Cube. There was a rotting smell inside, and it was a female corpse.

It was Shen Jinxuan.

Su Changxing picked her up expressionlessly and no longer cared about the stench. He turned and walked outside, towards the window. The sound of step by step footsteps echoed in the laboratory.

Since there was a lot of dust here, he couldn't help coughing twice and felt a little uncomfortable in his lungs.

Cui Jia came towards him, stood in front of him, looked at him coldly, and said, "Su Changxing, you can leave, but she can't!"

Cui Jia's voice was extremely clear and certain, and he could not refuse. As long as Su Changxing said no, he would take action immediately.

A smile appeared on Su Changxing's face, and his expression changed, as if he was wearing a mask: "Cui Jia, Cui Jia, you are smarter than I thought. Why are you so smart?"

Cui Jia frowned. He was four or five meters away from Su Changxing and did not approach immediately. "No one is a fool. I think you know some things better than me."

"In this world, you can't use any power. You are just an ordinary person. Even if you are a god in that world, you are still an ordinary person here!"

"Put her down, get out of here, and never come back."

He realized that Shen Jinxuan was the key to material transformation between the two worlds. If something went wrong with Shen Jinxuan, the world would also be destroyed.

"Impossible." Su Changxing put away his smile and took two steps back. He seemed to be a little afraid of Cui Jia's sudden attack. After all, Cui Jia's physical fitness was really scary. If the distance was too close, he might not be able to react.

"I told you before, everyone has their own beliefs, you have them and I have them too."

Cui Jia's eyes were cold and calm as he said: "Don't make things difficult for me, put her down and leave here."

As he spoke, every microexpression of Cui Jia entered Su Changxing's eyes.

Sighing, a gunshot sounded, like a separate movement, echoing in the room, unusually clear.

There was a blood hole on Cui Jia's forehead, penetrated by a bullet. The bullet was not powerful, but it was enough to kill him.

Su Changxing held Shen Jinxuan, held a revolver in one hand under her body, and hit Cui Jia through her clothes.

Su Changxing licked his dry lips and said calmly: "I'm sorry, there's one more thing I lied to you about. I didn't finish the bullets, and I still have one round left."

Cui Jia's body kept shaking. He wanted to move, but was unable to do so. He lost his demigod power and could no longer fight endlessly. He staggered and knelt on the ground.

"You are really terrible. You have already thought of it now."

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, as if he was crying. From coldness to despair, infinite despair, the light ahead was only one step away, and he fell down so easily.


he said shakily.

Su Changxing's little finger kept trembling, and a smile appeared on his face: "Why? Maybe we are all the same kind of people."

Su Changxing walked past Cui Jia, without looking back, and walked toward the window step by step. He could see the ghost ship outside the window.


Cui Jia's voice came from behind.

He lay on the ground and watched Su Changxing's leaving figure.

Su Changxing said to himself: "Believe me, this world will usher in a new life, and your efforts will not be in vain."

As he continued to approach the window, the ground shook, an earthquake occurred, and the laboratory began to collapse from above. There were cracks and a lot of gravel fell down.

Su Changxing stepped out of the window and placed Shen Jinxuan's body on the deck. Looking back, the window was already dark.

There is a third direction of transformation for matter.

What is the beginning and what is the end, Su Changxing can't explain clearly.

He can only firmly believe in what he sees and believes, and move forward unswervingly. He must use himself as the anchor to see the things around him clearly.

“Does so-called truth and falsehood matter?”

"Maybe it's important."

He looked down at Shen Jinxuan's body. It changed bit by bit, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person. His skin went from dry to fair and tender. He wore glasses, had light dark circles under his eyes, and the smell of decay was also there. Then disappear.

She opened her eyes, bright and intelligent. She was confused at first, then surprised, then calm, and slowly said:

"What's the final result?"

A smile appeared on Su Changxing's face, he touched her head and said, "You should have seen that we succeeded and successfully saved the world."

This is probably Shen Jinxuan's fourth personality.

Shen Jinxuan was silent for a moment and asked again: "Really?"

Su Changxing stared into her bright eyes, smiled and said, "I promise."

He picked up Shen Jinxuan and walked to the captain's cabin: "You are still a little weak now and need to rest."

Shen Jinxuan asked in confusion, "Where are we going?"

The memory in her mind was so confusing that she couldn't tell what was happening now, as if she was dreaming.

Su Changxing walked into the captain's cabin, put her on the small bed next to her, and said: "Of course I'm going back, there are still a lot of things to do." a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves United Xiaoxiang Free Welfare Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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