
It was still some time before they arrived at Wu'an City, so Zhou An took out the Sword Intent experience he got last night to watch.

It is said above that the sword intention itself is a special spirit formed after the collision of spirit and spiritual energy. It can be attached to the sword blade and explode with terrifying power.

The biggest threshold for sword cultivation is how to form the sword intention and then polish it completely, just like sharpening the edge of a sword.

Sharpening the sword's will itself is constantly sharpening one's own spirit. The stronger and tougher the spirit, the sharper the sword's will becomes.

"Cultivator Kaiyuan's attainments in swordsmanship are actually not very high." Wang Mang said, "Maybe his swordsmanship is not as strong as yours."

Zhou An smiled and said: "Different people's sword intentions are a whole new world, how can they be compared."

"It can be seen that Kaiyuan Xiu has a very deep research on sword intention."

This Sword Intent Experience has indeed deepened his understanding of Sword Intent. He is walking on this path with his head covered completely, and the foundation is completely built for him by the Doomsday Game. It seems to be tight and complete, but in fact there are many loopholes.

The knowledge instilled in doomsday games comes with understanding, but such understanding is sometimes one-sided. Different people should have different understandings of the same thing.

Zhou An estimated that if his sword intent reaches another level, he can advance to the fifth level, and maybe he can get rid of the current situation, but he must be quick, otherwise he may die soon.

Life is decayed bit by bit and will collapse at a certain time.

Death is not a process, but a momentary event.

He can feel that he is only one step away from advancing, but this step is far away. If the sword intention cannot reach the next level, I am afraid he will need the help of Doomsday Game.

After dark, they arrived at Wu'an City. Wu'an City was a very big place, more than ten times larger than the previous small county town. The entire city had a population of millions, and it could be said to be prosperous.

"It seems that cultivating immortals is really the primary productive force." Zhou En couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the towering city gate in front of him.

Wang Mang shook his head, feeling that Zhou An was a little strange, always coming out of his mouth with some novel words, "This city gate was erected a thousand years ago. At that time, Da Qi had just been established, and there were constant wars, and so was Wu'an City. It is the most important pass, so the city wall is also extremely strong."

The only thing Zhou An found strange in this world was that he didn't see other players, and the people here didn't seem to know the existence of the outside world.

The only explanation is that very few players come here, and it is difficult for the monks here to get out.

He suspected that he would be guided to this world, and it had something to do with the sword in his hand.

When I met Qi Fugui again, it was at a banquet in the palace. He was still dressed as before. He was seated high above, and he couldn't look like a prince at all.

Zhou An sat in the first seat next to him.

Qi Fugui said with a look of self-blame:

"Brother Zhou, I'm really sorry for what happened before. People from An Fengtang wanted you indiscriminately."

"I have sent people to investigate. Those are horse bandits. If you kill them, you will kill them."

Zhou An nodded to express his understanding: "Thank you very much, Your Majesty, otherwise, I would still be known as an evil cultivator for no reason."

"But how on earth can those horse bandits report to the sect in Anfeng Hall?"

A wry smile appeared on Qi Fugui's face: "This matter is still unclear. The main reason is that as the prince, I should not have interfered with An Fengtang's affairs. Anfengtang is directly managed by Da Qixian Mansion."

Zhou An didn't care much about this, thinking that the matter was resolved, it was probably just a misunderstanding, "In short, today's matter can be regarded as a favor to the prince. If the prince needs anything, just call me within the scope of my ability." .”

Qi Fugui shook his head and said cheerfully: "What are you talking about? I just recognize you as my friend."

"I heard Wang Mang say that you are going to Wangtian Sect, but I don't know why."

Zhou An picked up the wine on the table and took a big sip, then took out the sword talisman from his arms and said, "Does the prince recognize this thing? I want to find the owner of this sword talisman."

Qi Fugui took the sword talisman from Zhou An's hand, looked at it, shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, and I can't tell, but it does seem to be an item held by a powerful sword cultivator."

Zhou An continued: "Isn't there a Sword Immortal in Wangtian Sect? I just wanted to ask. The Sword Immortal should be able to tell the origin of this sword talisman."

Qi Fugui thought for a while and said: "But if you want to see it, others may not see you. Wangtian Sect is the top sect of cultivating immortals. The people of Wangtian Sect are naturally very arrogant and look down on other immortal cultivators."

Zhou An felt that what Qi Fugui said made sense, so he asked, "This is also true. Is there any way that the prince can help me meet that sword immortal?"

Qi Fugui shook his head, showing a helpless look, and took a sip of the wine on the table: "Although I am a prince and look noble, to those powerful immortal cultivators, I am no different from other people."

"Don't tell me it's you. I don't even have the chance to meet that swordsman. Maybe only my father has the chance."

With the sound of the guzheng, a famous dancer walked into the room, and her dancing was beautiful and fascinating.

After another half night of drinking, in addition to Zhou An, there were also some guests from the palace and offerings.

"You defeated Yi Lianjie in Kaiyuan County. Now half of Wu'an City knows your name, saying that your swordsmanship far exceeds his." A drunken worshiper pulled Zhou An and said.

Zhou An was a little drunk after drinking, smiled, and said complacently: "Isn't this nonsense? Let alone Yi Lianjie, even if all the seven sons of Hezhou are here, how can he be my opponent."

There were still many sober people on the field who were stunned when they heard this. Some things can be said, but some things cannot be said.

Immortal cultivators, especially those from well-known and upright families, particularly care about reputation and face, and sometimes they will go to great lengths just to get a breath.

Qi Fugui's face turned red from drinking. He put one hand on the table and said with a glint in his eyes: "Brother Zhou, there are so many people here, so we can't boast. All the seven sons of Hezhou are extraordinary and extremely talented. , several of them even broke through to becoming gods not long ago.”

Zhou An took another sip of wine and laughed: "Don't worry about what kind of Nascent Soul Transformation God he is, how can he block my sword."

He is an extremely proud person, but he just doesn't show it off at ordinary times. In other words, every sword cultivator is a proud person, showing off his sharp edge.

Qi Fugui raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to stop Zhou An from continuing, "Stop it, stop it, Brother Zhou, if you keep talking, I'm afraid someone will come to trouble you tomorrow."

Zhou An patted his chest with one hand and said proudly: "Let them come, I want to see who is not convinced!"

Immediately afterwards, someone started booing next to him. One of them looked at the young master, Qin Zhi, and said, "That's right, see whoever disobeys, Brother Zhou will beat them all!"

It seems that they are all a group of people who don't mind the trouble. The people gathered in the palace today may not be very strong, but they are all well-known people in Wu'an City. Seeing that Qi Fugui values ​​Zhou An so much, they all subconsciously I feel that Zhou An's cultivation must be extremely strong.

If Wu'an City can produce a powerful sword cultivator, it will be beneficial to the entire Wu'an City.

At this time.

Another middle-aged man with an oily look and a bloated figure patted the table and said: "Those people in Hezhou have beaten us every year. If Brother Zhou can beat them, it will be a big relief for us."

Just like this, you said something to him, and the atmosphere at the banquet was also very lively. However, Qi Fugui showed a strange look, feeling that something was wrong with the situation. As he talked, he already talked about letting Zhou An attend the immortal competition.

The main thing is that this matter is not his alone, but the matter of the entire Wu'an City, and even the entire Qingzhou.

Qi Fugui can't decide everything by himself, but the people present can decide most of it.

Zhou An said naturally: "Your Majesty helped me a lot today. If there is anything needed, I will definitely take action. You don't need to worry."

When other people heard what Zhou An said, they all praised him for being affectionate and righteous, and for being a man of good nature.

Qi Fugui blinked, feeling that the atmosphere of the banquet was a bit strange being led by Zhou An alone. It was like a group of friends getting together to drink, talking about everything. A group of people who usually smuggled each other seemed to be at this moment. Everyone became good brothers.

"Maybe Wu'an City still needs a strong monk to support it." He thought about the reason. Qingzhou was located in a remote area and had been weak for many years. Even the monks who went out were looked down upon.

And the cohesion brought by a powerful monk is unimaginable.

It's just that Zhou An's strength remains to be discussed. At present, it seems that he has at least the cultivation level of Jindan, but to participate in the Immortal Competition, he also needs at least the strength of Nascent Soul.

And he also knew that Zhou An was able to defeat Yi Lianjie before, probably because of some tricks. Yi Lianjie definitely did not show his true strength.


Zhou An slowly opened his eyes, with the fragrance wafting from the tip of his pen, he heard a knock on the door, and then he saw the beautiful woman sleeping next to him, and he couldn't help but squeeze it with his left hand.

He could only sigh that it was hard to control his passion. What was this woman's name? Xiaobai, sweet potato, green fan or something...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Zhou An got up from the bed and was about to open the door, but the woman next to him woke up and also got up and said, "Sir, come and help you change."

Zhou An took a deep breath, feeling that it was troublesome, and shook his head: "No need, Xiaobai."

The woman said coquettishly: "Sir, my name is Shancha."

Zhou An looked embarrassed and said, "Camellia, why did you come to my bed yesterday?"

Shancha's cheeks were slightly red: "Sir, you brought me in yesterday.

Zhou An couldn't remember clearly: "Really?"

Chashan chuckled and said, "But sir, we haven't done anything yet? We just had a simple sleep."

"Just took a nap?" Zhou An seemed to think of something like this. He was so drunk last night that he lay down on the bed and fell asleep full of sleepiness.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door, "Master Zhou, there is a man named Jian Jiu outside the palace to challenge you. He came early in the morning and waited outside for several hours."

Zhou An was stunned, remembering what happened at the banquet last night, and muttered:

"I didn't expect it to ferment so quickly, and now someone is here. I don't know if it's because of the reputation of the Seventh Son of Hezhou, or if it's just because I can't stand my arrogance."

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