Anshan College.

This is no ordinary academy. The students inside are all cultivators of immortality and have just stepped onto the threshold of cultivating immortality.

In order to compete with those cultivating sects, Daqi has made a lot of efforts, and even created this kind of academy for cultivating immortals, but the effect is still not good. Although many people have achieved success, there are only a few great ones. Monk.

The academy is also a part of the Immortal Mansion, and the best among them can enter the Immortal Mansion for further study.

Jian Er, Gu Si is the dean of Anshan College.

The college is very impressive. There are two stone lions about four or five people tall at the entrance. They look lifelike and look like real stone lions.

Is there anyone guarding the door? Zhou An was about to walk in. Unexpectedly, the stone lion on the left spoke: "The college does not allow outsiders to enter! It has already passed the enrollment period."

Is this a demon?

Zhou An's heart moved and he walked towards the stone lion. As he got closer and closer, the stone lion felt something bad. The invisible pressure made his feet tremble uncontrollably and he quickly warned:

"I'm telling you, don't mess around. This is the gate of Anshan College. Our dean is a monk in the divine transformation stage."

"If you dare to take action here casually, people from our college will come out at any time."

Zhou An touched the stone lion's head with his hand, smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm just here to see your dean, you still look cute."

But... cute?

The stone lion felt extremely humiliated, but the situation did not allow him to say anything more. It had extremely strong perception and could vaguely feel Zhou An's unique sense of oppression.

Become a monk?

Shishi paused, trying to look a little tougher, and said, "Wait a moment, I'll ask the dean about the situation."

Zhou An turned around and walked towards the gate, waved his hand and said, "No trouble, I can go in by myself."

Upon seeing this, Shishi quickly reported the situation here to the people in the college, and an outside monk forced his way in.

Not long after Zhou An walked in, he came to a lake. A young monk walked over from the other end of the lake, waved to him and said, "Classmate, it's better not to walk faster. Now the assessment has begun, you and I." I’m afraid everyone is already late.”

Of course Zhou An didn't know what the test was, so he asked casually: "What test? Is today a special day?"

The young monk patted his forehead, pointed at Zhou An and said with a smile: "You, you are more forgetful than me. Today is the annual year-end assessment, have you forgotten?"

"That's it." Zhou An said thoughtfully, "Then the dean should be here too."

The young monk nodded and said, "Of course, the dean will personally assess every student in the college at this time every year."

"The dean is really trying his best. This is also a blessing for students like us."

"You look very unfamiliar to me, and you seem to be practicing very hard, but I think you can't practice in isolation. You still need to communicate more in the academy to make progress."

Zhou An didn't know much about cultivation, so he could only nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Unexpectedly, the young monk was overjoyed after hearing Zhou An's words. He came over and patted him on the shoulder, saying:

"It's rare for someone to agree with my point of view. These monks in the academy still maintain traditional concepts. Many of them are unwilling to share their cultivation insights with others, fearing that others will surpass them."

"My name is Yu Younian, a third-term student. What about you?"

Zhou An replied casually: "My name is Zhou An."

"Are you a sword cultivator?" Yu Younian asked when he saw Zhou An holding a sword.

Zhou An nodded: "Of course, aren't those who dress up like me usually sword cultivators?"

Yu Younian smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Some people dress like sword cultivators, but they are not."

"But there are very few swordsmen in the academy, and only a few are famous. You and I have never heard of them."

"You're not pretending too, are you?"

Zhou An said nonchalantly: "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Yu Younian shook his head: "That's not true. It seems that you are a new student."

"Generally speaking, swordsmen will not enter Anshan Academy. Instead, they will join Wangtian Sect. The next best thing is to go to Baidi City."

Zhou An didn't quite understand the reason, so he asked humbly: "Why is this? Is it because those two families have a deep foundation?"

Yu Younian nodded and said: "Of course, the practice of swordsmanship is extremely difficult, but the achievements are often very high. This is a great way."

"The dean also said before that in cultivating immortality you are not only competing with yourself, but also with others. The number of people that can be accommodated on a path is always limited. If you are slower than others at one step, you will be slower than others at every step."

Zhou An smiled and praised: "You still know a lot, although your strength is not strong."

Hearing this, Yu Younian seemed to have exploded and said loudly: "Am I not strong? You look like you are in the Qi training stage."

Zhou An's mouth twitched, and he was telling the truth, but he didn't expect Yu Younian's reaction to be so big, so he added: "Compared to others, your strength is pretty good."

Yu Younian said suspiciously: "Are you stronger than me?"

Zhou An said with a smile: "Probably."

Yu Younian was very unconvinced and said: "What do you mean by approximate? How about we give it a try now!"

It seemed that he wanted to compete today. Zhou An didn't want to attack him anymore, so he persuaded him: "Let's wait for another day. Isn't it said that today is the day of assessment? We are already late now."

"That's right." Yu Younian clapped his hands and pulled Zhou An forward: "I came to talk to you, I almost forgot."

The assessment was in the square in the middle of the college. Many monks gathered together and the assessment had already begun.

Before they could get close, a master with a ruler came over and scolded Zhou An and the others: "Don't you know what day it is today? Yu Younian, you are still late!"

Then, the master turned his eyes to Zhou An next to him, and wanted to say a few words, but was stunned: "You..."

He found that he had no impression of Zhou An. It was probably because Zhou An came to the academy so few times that he had forgotten about it.

This also made him feel extremely ashamed. As a master, he actually forgot the names of the students below, or even couldn't remember them at all, so he gave up the idea of ​​scolding him.

"You go in, if there is no improvement in your cultivation, I will talk to you again."

Zhou An and Yu Younian both thanked him and walked inside.

Yu Younian felt a little strange and whispered: "This master is usually very strict. I originally thought we were going to die."

"Looks like we got lucky."

At this time, several people came over. The monk with long hair on the left, who was handsome and handsome, said with a smile: "Yu Younian, you are late again. You are late for the assessment every year."

Yu Younian looked at these people and said confidently: "So what, my grades are better than yours every year."

Then, those people looked at Zhou An and asked, "Who is this? I haven't seen him before."

A smile appeared on Zhou An's lips, he cupped his hands, and said, "Next week, An, the new sword cultivator who joined us this year."

The female monk on the left nodded and sighed: "There are very few sword cultivators joining our academy, but have you heard about it? Recently there is a sword cultivator who has made a fuss in Wu'an City. He is already third on the sword list, also named Zhou An. .”

Yu Younian also reacted and looked at Zhou An: "Brother Zhou, this man has the same name as you. He killed You Wen and Huang Qiming several hundred times just a few days ago."

Zhou An nodded and said, "I'm very honored for this."

Another person said: "I bet that he has a chance to become the Sword Immortal. I heard that he is not very old."

Others echoed the discussion, but they did not connect the Zhou An in front of them with the Zhou An they were talking about. The gap between the two was really too big. There was no connection except their names. One of them was the third in the sword list. One of them is a minor monk from Anshan College.

at this time.

A master also received the message from Shishi, walked up to Gu Si and said, "Dean, Shishi said someone broke in, but we didn't find that person."

Gu Si raised his head and asked, "What kind of person?"

The master said: "A young man holding a sword, Shishi said he must have the cultivation of becoming a god."

A glimmer of clarity flashed in Gu Si's eyes: "I understand, it shouldn't be a big deal."

He immediately thought of Zhou An. He challenged Huang Qiming before, and it should be his turn next.

At this time, the young monks of the next generation were challenging them.

He could only sigh that the future life is terrible.

He and Huang Qiming are also good friends. In the early years, his swordsmanship may have been higher than Huang Qiming's, but now he can't say for sure. After all, he focused on the affairs of the academy, while Huang Qiming worked hard to polish his swordsmanship.

He looked into the crowd and saw an unfamiliar face at a glance.

Yu Younian pulled Zhou An forward and said in a low voice: "Almost half of the people have been tested now. It's just right for us to go up. If we fall behind, we may be picked on and the test scores will drop."

Zhou An hesitated for a moment and said, "You go first and I'll take a look."

The assessment scores are not based on strength, but on each student's cultivation in the previous year and their understanding and application of Taoism.

There are only three levels, excellent, good, and failing. Students who obtain excellent for three consecutive years will receive additional rewards, while students who fail for three consecutive years will be kicked out of the college.

For most students, even if they fail the assessment, it is just a bit embarrassing, but for some who have failed in the previous two years, they are a little worried. If they fail again, they will be kicked out of the college at any time.

Once students like them are kicked out of the academy, they can basically only become casual cultivators. Without additional opportunities, it will be difficult for them to make great progress.

However, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. It still depends on chance and luck as well as the state of mind at the time. Some students are not going well in their cultivation in the academy. However, after being kicked out of the academy, they make great progress and finally join other cultivating sects. On the contrary, It makes other students in the college envious.

Yu Younian doesn't seem to be in tune, but his results in the assessment are actually excellent. Most students are excellent, but only a few.

"If you don't go up, it will be really embarrassing if you are the last one to go up and fail." Yu Younian walked back and said with a confident smile.

Zhou An glanced at him and said, "Since you said so, I will be the last one to go up."

A monk named Wang Lun next to him reminded: "The last ones to go up are basically the strongest apprentices in the academy. It's better for you to go up now to avoid making other people dissatisfied."

Zhou An thought for a moment and asked, "Are there any sword cultivators among these people?"

Wang Lun nodded: "Yes, the famous sword cultivators in the academy are all taught by the dean himself."

Zhou An thoughtfully said: "Then don't worry, let me see their level."

Yu Younian patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother, are you sure you can handle it? Those swordsmen are more fiery than the other. They will definitely fight you after hearing what you say."

Zhou An glanced at him: "Are you afraid of them?"

Yu Younian was stunned and immediately said: "That's not scary. I'm not worried about you."

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