Zhou An's reputation in this area of ​​Wu'an City is not small, even very big, but many people have never seen his true appearance.

Zhou An cupped his hands and said in a calm tone: "In next week's An, Wu'an City will be number one."

Qin Yuanzheng was stunned. Zhou An's tone was very humble, but what he said was not very modest: "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Zhou. Of course I have heard of it, so you came here to challenge the king's platform?"

Zhou An nodded and said: "That's right. I didn't expect that this guy had turned himself into a ghost. Over the years, I'm afraid many people have been buried in Jieweishan because of this."

When Qin Yuanzheng heard this, he secretly marveled in his heart. The expression on his face became even more respectful, and he said:

"In the past few years, all kinds of ghosts and evil cultivators have appeared like locusts from all over the place. I am still too weak to do it."

"This also led to our negligence. We didn't notice anything strange in Jieweishan for so long."

"Don't worry, you two, just leave things here to us!"

Qin Yuanzheng said and patted his chest.

Yue Li nodded: "Then everyone in Tianji Pavilion will be troubled."

Then, she wielded a huge flying sword and took Zhou An towards the imperial capital, gradually disappearing into the sky.

Seeing Zhou An and the others leaving, Qin Yuanzheng's face suddenly darkened, and he said to the person next to him: "I went to see if there were any corpses left in the Wangtai. When things were about to come to an end, I fell short."

"Wangtai is a piece of trash that can't be held up by mud!"

There was a cold wind blowing.

Jiewei Mountain is always not so bright. Even after many years, you can still smell the faint smell of blood here. The blood has long soaked the entire mountain from directly above, causing all the mountain spirits to be contaminated. .

After flying in the sky for half an hour, Zhou An sat at the front of the sword, reacted, and suddenly said: "There is something wrong with the deacon of Tianji Pavilion named Qin Yuanzheng."

"What's wrong?" Yue Li didn't notice anything was wrong. "I know that person. He is a very capable deacon in Tianji Pavilion. He was the one who discovered the big trouble in Qingzhou in advance."

After Zhou An advanced to the fifth level, the biggest improvement was his perception. Every time his body decayed further, his spirit got closer to the limit.

"He has an aura of depravity on his body, and his back is turned to others, similar to the one on Wangtai." Zhou An said.

Yue Li was silent for a moment, then turned the flying sword around and flew in the direction of Jie Wei Mountain, "Let's go take a look."

When they arrived, the people from Tianji Pavilion had already left, and some of the evil objects on the mountain had also been dealt with.

Yue Li frowned slightly and said coldly: "It seems that they have not continued to investigate the source. They already know it, or they don't care."

Zhou An suggested: "How about finding them and asking them in person."

Yue Li shook his head, took out a paper crane from his arms, threw it into the sky, turned into a ray of light, and disappeared from their sight: "I will ask the people from the sect to check it out. It seems like this , Qin Yuanzheng may really have some problems."

"If we go and ask him directly, he will be alarmed, which will be counterproductive."

Zhou An was stunned: "Aren't you afraid that I made a wrong judgment, or simply lied to you?"

Yue Li stood on the flying sword and chuckled: "I believe in the judgment of the sword cultivator."

Sitting on the flying sword.

Yue Li's flying sword was much faster than Wang Mang's Yunwu Boat. Zhou An planned to take Yue Li's flying sword directly to the imperial city, and had already contacted Qi Fugui before.

"Are you going to participate in the Immortal Fighting Conference?" Yue Li said, "The Imperial City is in troubled waters right now. With your current strength, there is certainly no problem in taking the top spot in the Immortal Fighting Conference."

"But I heard that Emperor Da Qi has a health problem, so this Immortal Competition will become particularly important and will affect the succession to the throne."

"If possible, you'd better not go into this muddy water. The dangers involved are beyond your imagination."

Yue Li looked serious, knowing that even Wangtian Sect had a hand in this matter.

Zhou An smiled and wrote lightly: "I promised my brother to go, so I must go."

Yue Li was a little curious: "Your brother?"

Zhou An explained: "King Wu'an, Qi Fugui."

Yue Li was silent for a moment, and did not dwell too much on this issue, but asked: "Where are you a monk? You don't even know Taoism."

Zhou An thought for a moment and said, "I come from the other side of the desert, very far away. There are no monks there, so I don't know how to teach."

"Abandon Taoism and only practice swordsmanship?" Yue Li fell into deep thought, and then smiled: "If you put it this way, you are purer than most swordsmen in the world."

Zhou An said dissatisfied: "Isn't it true that my talent is higher?"

"Your pride is comparable to that of a swordsman." Yue Li teased.

The imperial city is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Wu'an City, and it would take two days even at the speed of Yue Li Feijian.

Yue Li also temporarily gave up teaching Zhou An's Taoist methods. In the process, the two of them kept exchanging their insights on the way of swordsmanship.

Yue Li accepted the orthodox swordsmanship inheritance, but Zhou An was completely unruly, with completely different ideas in many aspects, and many sparks collided.

Zhou An also benefited a lot from this process. Learning from each other's strengths is always the fastest way to grow.

The imperial city of Daqi is very large, seven or eight times larger than Wu'an City. It can be seen from hundreds of miles away. The rolling popularity gathers above. For evil and strange things, this place is like a furnace.

Although mortals are weak, they are an indispensable part of this world.

If humanity is strong, the world will be prosperous; if humanity is weak, demons will be rampant.

The demons in this world are more powerful than expected. During the discussion with other monks, Zhou An learned that in the past history, many demons appeared in troubled times, but in the end they were suppressed by some powerful monks.

The reason why the Sword Immortal is a Sword Immortal is because he possesses unimaginable power. Although he is not an immortal, he is like an immortal.

The White Emperor Sword Immortal once single-handedly suppressed the demons in a state.

Yue Li came to the city wall. There were special people here to register the foreign monks, and there were several monks waiting on the side.

"Looking at this posture, he must be a senior in the transformation stage." A young monk wearing a green shirt, holding a long fan in his hand, looked at the sky and couldn't help but take two steps back to give up his position.

Others followed suit. When the seniors in the reincarnation stage came, they would definitely give way to them.

There is no such thing as first come, first served here.

The registrar hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. When he saw Yue Li, he was stunned and said respectfully: "Welcome, Master."

Yue Li did not step down from Feijian and said calmly: "Wangtian Sect, Yue Li."

A trace of surprise flashed in the registrar's eyes, and he quickly recorded it in the book. Then he turned his gaze to Zhou An. He couldn't feel the existence of any spiritual energy. He just felt that the person in front of him was like a mortal. "I don't know your surname."

Zhou An was still sitting at the front of Feijian and said: "Zhou An."

The boarding officer hesitated for a moment and continued to ask: "Please tell the commander-in-chief that this is a necessary procedure. The Immortal Competition is coming soon, so we must stabilize the order in the city."

Zhou An thought for a moment and said, "Loose cultivators do not have any orthodoxy."

The registrar asked again: "Then please tell me where the person is from."

Zhou An felt it was a bit difficult, so he said: "I am here to participate in the Immortal Competition on behalf of Qingzhou."

"This..." The registrar couldn't be sure for a moment whether what Zhou An said was true or not, so he put Zhou An in at will. If something happened, he would be responsible.

Zhou An was a little helpless, mainly because he had no identity in this world and was considered a gangster, so he took out the token given by Qi Fugui from his arms: "This is the token of King Wu'an. You should be able to recognize it."

The registrar looked at it and saw that there was a trace of charm on the token wearing the word "Qi". He knew that the token was genuine. His expression immediately changed, and he raised his hand and said: "Please forgive me, my lord, this is my humble duty."

Zhou An waved his hand, put away the token, and said, "Then we should be able to go in now."

"My lords, please." The registrar stepped aside.

The other monks around him also looked at Zhou An secretly. Those who can participate in the Immortal Competition are not ordinary people.

There are requirements for those participating in the Immortal Competition Conference to be immortal cultivators from each state, which means at least they cannot be disciples of the sect, and they must not be over two hundred years old.

Either they are trained by the academies of each state themselves, or they are attracted by various princes. From the competition for immortals, the background and strength of each state can be seen to a certain extent.

And in this competition for immortality, all the princes and princes will definitely use all their means and leave no room for chance. After all, it may be related to the succession of the throne.

Huang Yundao himself does not need to practice hard. As long as he inherits the throne, he can rise to the top in a very short period of time and become a great monk in the integration stage.

This is also the reason why the dynasty can stand for a long time. Even when it is at its most declining, there is still a great monk sitting in charge.

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