Wang Quanwei's anger is very strong, and Zhou An's anger is also very strong, but there are differences. Zhou An's anger comes from long-term fighting, while Wang Quanwei's anger comes from his character.

This is the first time a dead person has appeared in this Immortal Competition, and it has also attracted the attention of many people.

Zhou An, a monk with little reputation, will naturally be discussed.

Just now, the princes and princes in the stands were all staring at the Qingzhou side of the ring, but something unexpected happened. Qingzhou almost defeated Lanzhou in a completely crushing manner.

The seven kings' faces were extremely ugly and they could no longer smile. After the death of a cultivator in the transformation stage, Lanzhou might be at the bottom this year, not only in this Immortal Competition, but also in the next Immortal Competition.

Monks under the age of 200 are very rare. One state accidentally lost one. It may take more than ten years to find another one. If you are unlucky, it may take hundreds of years.

Lanzhou's relatively good results in the last competition for immortality were precisely because of this monk in the transformation stage.

"Third brother, you are so cruel!" The seventh king's face showed irrepressible anger.

Qi Fugui didn't seem to care, shook his head, and said with a smile: "You can't blame me. Our swordsman from Qingzhou is still too impulsive. I will teach him a lesson later so that he can learn to hold back in the future."

"Maybe he didn't expect that a monk who was also in the god transformation stage would be killed by him with one sword."

King Jing'an also said at this time: "It is normal for casualties to occur in competitions. There is nothing we can do about it. No one can blame us!"

"Say yes, brother."

He looked at the eldest prince again, with a hint of provocation in his expression.

Although Qi Fugui did not express his position clearly, he was still recognized by the eldest prince as the second king. He felt a little embarrassed on his face and said with a trace of anger:

"Yes, it's normal to die or be injured in a competition. After all, you have to go all out. If you die, you can only blame yourself for being too weak."

"If you can't even take a sword from others, what's there to say?"

He thought that the monk in the transformation stage under his seventh brother probably did not live up to his name. He died so simply, and he was also called the Lanzhou Butcher. It was sheer nonsense. ,

The Seven Kings stopped talking when they saw the eldest prince saying this. They suppressed the anger in their hearts, but had nowhere to vent it.

The Sixth King, King Anshun, sat next to him, patted his shoulder, and said with concern: "Seventh Brother, the more people care about something sometimes, the easier it is to get angry about something. For us, the Immortal Competition is , the relationship is actually not that big.”

This sounds harsh, but it is also true. Just like Qi Fugui, even if he is at the bottom, he is still the prince. Apart from the unpleasant ranking, it does not have much impact.

Unless he covets the throne.

The six kings had a chance to compete for the throne, but he was too weak compared to the eldest prince and the second king, so he simply showed no concern.

But who really doesn't care? All the princes and princes will probably have some ideas, it just depends on whether there is a chance.

On the other side, Xuchang kept staring in the direction of Zhou An, and naturally saw the scene of his murder, and he could see it clearly.

Although he is only a monk in the Divine Transformation Stage now, he is completely different from the ordinary Divine Transformation Stage monks. It is only a matter of time before he can adapt to the literary spirit of Daqi and break through to the Fusion Stage.

Prime Minister Zuo on the side said: "I see that Prime Minister Xu has been observing the situation below, and it seems that he must be optimistic about a certain state."

Xu Xiang nodded and said calmly: "In that case, I am more optimistic about Qingzhou. It will definitely be among the best this year."

He now feels that Zhou An's swordsmanship is amazing. Although he has never met the Sword Immortal, he feels that there is probably no swordsman who is more powerful than him under the Sword Immortal.

This is the intuition of a born Confucian.

"I think Qingzhou has only one monk in the divine transformation stage this year. It is definitely better than last year, but if you want to be among the best, it needs to be tested." Chang Jing said with a smile, "Is it because of your... A friend is in Qingzhou."

The most capable people and ministers are all the best among the best, and knowing the smallest things is something that cannot be done at the basic level.

Xuchang nodded and said calmly: "The fact that I am here today has a lot to do with this friend."

In the more than ten days since he became the right prime minister, although he did not show anything, he was very worried. Today, the fortune of Daqi is declining, and it seems that there are even signs of annihilation of the country.

He didn't know where such a sign came from.

Zhou An walked down from the stage. Others had different expressions. Some couldn't believe it, and some were extremely surprised. Zhou An's performance was really too unexpected. There may be a difference between transforming into a god and transforming into a god, but the difference It shouldn't be this big.

Wei Lanfeng noticed that Zhou An didn't seem to use his full strength when he competed with the dean before.

The strength shown today is even more powerful than that time, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as horrifying.

"The leader is too strong." Li Luo murmured in a low voice, "It feels like there is no shortage of us at all. He can kill the people in the following states by himself."

Cheng Jin was also sluggish. He looked at Zhou An walking down, with no trace of arrogance on his face. He looked not much older than him, but he seemed to be stronger than his father.

His father is also a strong man in the divine transformation stage, and his strength is definitely not that exaggerated.

Wei Lanfeng then said: "The team leader obviously wants to train us. If he takes action alone, it seems that nothing will happen to us."

Now he admires Zhou Anke very much, even more than Dean Gu Si.

In the early morning of the next day, they came to the third round. The target of the battle was Nanhaizhou, which was also a god-transformation monk and three Nascent Souls.

Nanhai Continent is backed by the sea, and the water aura is quite abundant, so much so that three of the four monks are practicing water courses, including the monk in the transformation stage.

The physique of the monks in Nanhai Prefecture is very special. Compared with other states, they have a larger energy aura. It is probably because the aura of Nanhai Prefecture itself is special, so the monks bred from it are also special.

As before, Zhou An played last, but after discussion between the three people in Azure Wind, they decided to maintain the previous formation, with Cheng Jin playing first.

The Tao of Talismans itself belongs to the earth element, and earth controls water. He also has a great advantage against these monks from Nanhai Zhou.

Cheng Jin walked up slowly with talismans floating around him, looking very pretentious.

This is Cheng Jin, who carries out his pretense to the end, with a look of arrogance that seems to displease everyone.

Standing in front of him was a woman with gray-blue hair. She was twisting like a snake. She took off the light blue veil on her face and showed a charming look on her face: "Brother, I'm afraid of pain. Can you please take it lightly?" point."

The sound was so loud that even the referee on the side could hear it.

Cheng Jin was stunned for a moment, with a blush on his face, and his breathing gradually became rapid, and then he said coldly: "I hate beautiful women!"

Zhou An watched from the audience and said: "He seems to have been affected by something, causing spiritual disorder."

Li Luo frowned and said, "Then doesn't this count as a foul? She resorted to tactics before she even started."

Zhou An glanced at the referee on the stage and said: "The referee should have noticed it, but this method seems to have nothing to do with Taoism, and it is not released actively, so it is not considered a foul."

"Cheng Jin versus Hua Liu!"

The referee waved his hand and shouted.

Cheng Jin also realized that something was wrong, and immediately stepped back, distanced himself, and used his talisman to create a strong wind between the two of them.

Who knows.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that the woman had arrived in front of him, crossing the layers of ice walls.

He stretched out his hand and used his spiritual power, stimulating the power of thunder and lightning contained in the talisman to strike at her. The thunder and lightning exploded on the woman's body, and a large amount of liquid splashed out.


He realized something was wrong, and tried to step back but it was too late. The liquid that splashed into the sky turned into spiritual snakes and wrapped around his body.

Hua Liu's figure appeared ten feet away, with an inexplicable smile on his face: "All men look the same."

This trick is tried and tested. It first confuses the opponent's mind, and then launches an offensive. Even if the opponent is stronger than him, he will be caught accidentally.

Cheng Jin's face was still arrogant, and his body was penetrated by the water snake, turning into an earthy color and falling to the ground.

It turned out to be a clone!

"I've seen it a long time ago. I just followed the plan."

As soon as the words fell, thunder and lightning exploded under Hualiu's feet, and a crackling sound came. His whole body was covered by thunder and lightning, and his clothes were burned.

Cheng Jin emerged from the ground and looked at the referee, only to find that something was wrong with the referee's eyes. He suddenly reacted, but by this time he was already too slow.

The one just now was also a clone, a more real clone!

This clone looks no different from the real person, and it also has complete spiritual power flow.

In addition, Chen Jin's spirit was also affected to a certain extent, which led to him making errors in judgment.


The water snake penetrated Cheng Jin's chest with blood.

"I surrender!"

Cheng Jin's face looked ugly, but he still didn't show off. He had already lost at this point in the fight. No matter what the reason was, he was still inferior to others in terms of skill.

When Li Luo saw Cheng Jin being lifted off the stage, she smiled and said, "Look at your usual stinky look, but now you can't even beat a woman."


Cheng Jin was lying on a simple bed, turning his head and not looking at him or speaking. There was a monk beside him who was healing him with spiritual power.

The competition for immortality is round after round, and the rhythm is very tight. Even if you use Taoist methods to heal your injuries, it will still have an impact on the next game.

After being injured, not only the body will be damaged, but the qi and blood will also damage the spirit, thus affecting the operation of spiritual power, and the strength will naturally decrease.

The Immortal Competition not only competes with strength, but also competes with the endurance of the monks to a certain extent.

at this time.

Azure Wind walked to the stage, learned from the past, and stuck to his heart from the beginning. In addition, the spirit of sword cultivators is generally very strong, so he was not greatly affected.

He smashed the water snake formed by the opponent with sword after sword. He fought steadily, not giving the opponent any chance, and finally won easily.

"What an unkind man." Liu Hua said quietly. She was not injured at all, but her spiritual energy was more than half consumed. She felt that there was no chance of winning, so she surrendered voluntarily.

After relaxing, Azure Wind kept her eyes straight until Liu Hua put on her veil and left.

The next person who came up was a sword cultivator like him, but his hands were empty and he didn't hold a sword, which seemed a little strange.

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