Xuan Zheng fell into silence and couldn't think of why he would lose. This was simply a fantasy and impossible to happen.

He was a disciple of the Sword Immortal. He was destined to attain the realm of the Sword Immortal in the future, but he lost to an unknown person who appeared out of nowhere.

Many people in the imperial city are observing the situation here, including Yi Yuxian in the palace.

The fight was sudden and the result was even more unexpected.

Xuan Zheng stood up from the ground and came to the sky again. He did not lose any composure because he was defeated by Zhou An. His expression remained calm, and he stared at Zhou An and said:

"Do you want her to die? Returning to Wangtian Sect is the only way to survive!"

Zhou An said lightly: "What's the difference between being a turtle and dying? What's the difference between being unable to make your own decisions and dying."

"Sword repair is a joy, so how can you be bound by so many rules?"

Although Xuan Zheng's face remained calm, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily, and his mood stirred up. He just felt that he was stimulated by Zhou An's words and was unstable.

Yue Li said aloud: "Senior brother, you can go back. I have made up my mind. Thank you for coming for me."

Xuanzheng did not answer Yue Li's words, but looked at Zhou An and said: "Today you are victorious, but I will come again tomorrow, not for anything else, just to compete."

After speaking, Xuan Zheng turned and left, feeling calmer than he imagined.

Zhou An was dissatisfied when he heard this. He looked at Xuan Zheng's back and shouted loudly: "Why can't we win with force? Please explain clearly, don't run away without saying anything!"

Seeing Xuan Zheng leave completely, he also had a serious look on his face. Although he seemed to have easily defeated them, in fact there was not much difference between the two of them, and he had the element of sneak attack to take the lead.

Zhou An didn't take Xuan Zheng's words to heart. He felt that Xuan Zheng should have said harshly that he would not come tomorrow. He could see that Xuan Zheng was a very respectable person. If he still had to come if he couldn't defeat him, wouldn't he? Are you humiliating yourself?

He also noticed another anomaly. He was able to defeat Xuan Zheng so easily. The black substance in his body, which was a fusion of life energy and decay, exerted some force, making his sword become even more mysterious invisibly. It seems that one's own body is approaching in the most appropriate direction, in line with the great road.

"You actually defeated him! He is Xuan Zheng, a man who claims to be the Sword Immortal in the future. You defeated him. Are you not the number one person in the integration stage now?" Qi Fugui said with excitement, After drinking a large glass of wine, his face turned red.

The stronger Zhou An is, the greater the probability that he can ascend to the throne.

Yue Li also gave a serious reminder: "Today something happened suddenly. He may not have tried his best. You should be more careful."

Of course she knew how strong Xuan Zheng was. Back then on Wangtian Mountain, she fought an elder in the integration stage without losing a hundred moves.

Zhou An was able to defeat Xuan Zheng easily, but it also made her a little confused, and she always felt that something was wrong.

Zhou An sat sideways, put one hand on the table, chuckled and said, "Even if he beats Xuanzheng a hundred times, he may not be able to beat me once."

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Zheng suddenly turned his head and looked this way. He obviously heard it. Zhou An's voice was not loud, but he did not cover it up.

For a monk with Xuan Zheng's level of cultivation, even a very small sound can be heard from a long distance away.

Walking on the street, Xuan Zheng came to the gate of Wangtian Sect's residence. The entire street was owned by Wangtian Sect in the Imperial City. The people here were considered to be outer disciples of Wangtian Sect, so they were not recalled to the sect. Qualifications.

The wheels of the carriage rolled and made a squeaking sound.

A carriage passed by slowly on the street. It seemed that it had been waiting nearby. A man got out of the carriage. He was dressed like a scholar and had clean eyes. He got off the carriage and bowed respectfully to Xuan Zheng and said:

"I have long heard that the sword wielder of Wangtian Sect has mastered the three-point sword intention of the Great Thousand Sword Immortal back then. Today I saw that it is indeed the case."

Xuan Zheng frowned. He had heard a lot of compliments, but today he was defeated by Zhou An. When he heard such words again, he felt a bit mocked and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

With a standard smile on his face, the scholar lowered his head slightly and said, "Our master has heard of your great name a long time ago and would like to invite you to speak to him today."

Xuan Zheng glanced at the extremely ornate carriage, and then asked, "Who is your master?"

The scholar raised his head, seemed a little proud, and said: "He is the current eldest prince. Master said that he knows Zhou An very well and can help you come up with countermeasures."

Xuan Zheng originally didn't want to agree, but when he heard what the other party said, he nodded: "Then you can lead the way."

Even if Zhou An wins against him today, it still makes him less confident.

It's hard to say whether he will win or lose tomorrow, but his status cannot allow him to lose a second time, otherwise he will be really embarrassed.

Losing once may be an accident, but what about losing the second time?

This is probably also related to whether his path can be smooth in the future. The state of mind is mysterious, and the heart of the path cannot be expressed clearly. If he is not clear at all, he may be stuck by a bottleneck and cannot make any further progress.

The night is long.

Zhou An and the others sat on the tower and drank until the next morning, when the snow was still falling.

Before dawn, Qi Fugui received a shocking news. The nine kings, King Bingbei, were killed in the palace in the east of the city last night, and the murderer was missing.

"According to the news, no one else in the palace noticed anything unusual. King Bingbei died on the bed, as if he died suddenly." Wang Mang said in a deep voice.

Qi Fugui was sweating profusely as he listened. Such methods were hard to guard against. I'm afraid that even if Zhou An was there, he might not be safe and sound, but the spearhead hadn't been pointed at him yet.

Zhou An said calmly: "It looks like the eldest prince did it."

The Nine Kings had been on King Jing'an's side before, so the eldest prince was extremely suspicious.

Qi Fugui shook his head and was not sure, and said: "I know his temperament very well. He always plans everything first and will not be so reckless. My father is not dead yet, so it is even more impossible for him to do such a thing. "

Zhou An shrugged, feeling that this kind of thing didn't have much to do with them. As long as it didn't affect them, they could just ignore it. He walked out the door and said, "I'm going out for a walk, and I'll take a look at Yue Li." How's the situation over there?"

Yue Li went out before dawn to deal with the people who were demonized last night. Those with mild symptoms could be sent out of the imperial city, while those who were deeply demonized could only be killed on the spot.

There are still many monks left in the imperial city, but few are as active as her.

As the saying goes, one move affects the whole body. The monks from different forces restrained each other and maintained a delicate balance. No one dared to make a big move. Yue Li seemed like an outsider.

The slightest wave at this time will cause great commotion, and being in the limelight will make you a target of public criticism.

Because of Xuan Zheng's arrival last night, Wu'an Mansion is now attracting everyone's attention. Especially after Zhou An defeated Xuan Zheng, Qi Fugui may have become a thorn in the eyes of many people and they can't wait to get rid of him quickly.

Naturally, Zhou An could not easily leave the vicinity of Prince Wu'an's Mansion, as he had to ensure Qi Fugui's safety.

As soon as Zhou An walked out of the gate of the palace, he saw a person standing on the snowy street, motionless, with a flying sword floating behind him. It seemed that he had been here for a long time, it was Xuan Zheng.

This flying sword has also changed a lot compared to yesterday, its aura is even more amazing, and golden silk threads are coiled around the sword like a flying phoenix.

"Hey, are you squatting with me at the door?" Zhou An said with a smile, stepping out of the palace gate, the sword blade followed, and the sword screamed loudly.

Xuan Zheng said calmly: "I can't take the initiative to call you out. I can only wait for you to come out. I can't interfere with the succession of the throne of the Daqi royal family."

Zhou An looked at Xuan Zheng in front of him and said in surprise: "Have you ever thought that the moment you stepped into the imperial city, you had already interfered. And as a disciple of Wangyue Sword Immortal, you should be enough to represent Wangtian Sect. "

Xuanzheng didn't refute. The sword intention continued to expand in a calm and solid state, forming a mountain higher than the sky, and said slowly:

"I am here to bear the consequences on behalf of Yue Li. I have said before that you are not qualified. If it is really good for her, you should not let her stay in the imperial city."

Zhou An felt that Xuan Zheng might be telling the truth, but he didn't agree with what he said, let alone the so-called cause and effect.

If there really is a so-called definite cause and effect, then all of this has been doomed from the beginning.

Two is born, two begets three, and three begets all things. Perhaps at the very beginning, the appearance of all things has been determined. Maybe some people want to change this appearance.

"Xuan Zheng! Do you have that qualification?" Zhou An was furious. At this moment, he felt angry, not against Xuan Zheng, but against Heaven.

The two of them came to the top of the imperial city at the same time, and cracks visible to the naked eye appeared in the space between the collision of swords.

Zhou An is very imperfect, his cultivation is not perfect, and his state of mind is not perfect, but there is one thing that is stronger than Xuanzheng, and that is the realm of swordsmanship and the small accomplishment of Tao.

Xuanzheng is perfect, his cultivation is perfect, his state of mind is clear, but his swordsmanship is not as good as Zhou An's.

Zhou An's swordsmanship is improving every moment. He has a living sword intention that can help him continue to deduce. The stronger the sword intention, the faster the deduction speed.

His swordsmanship is higher than when he was in Luping County before, and he is still climbing up, gradually touching the next level.

During the transformation of Xuan Zheng's sword intent, Zhou An saw another shadow, standing with his sword behind his back. Facing the sunshine in the sky, the terrifying sword intent exploded and expanded from a tiny point.

This is the power of the Great Qianyan Sword and the sword intention of the Sword Immortal. Although after thousands of years, the sword intention is extremely weak, it is still terrifying. It penetrated Zhou An's sword domain immediately, exposing him. flaw.

"This time I win!"

Xuan Zheng controlled the flying sword with flashing divine light to strike at Zhou An. The sword intent formed was like a small world, crushing and destroying Zhou An's sword domain.

If he had divine help at this time, it was probably because he had not felt the pressure from his peers for too long. Zhou An's appearance stimulated him and gave his swordsmanship new vitality. After studying it last night, He actually had the illusion that he was about to break through the swordsmanship.

He confirmed that as long as he breaks through to the integration stage now, the way of swordsmanship will break through to the realm of Dao Zhizhi.

Xuanzheng is indeed a true genius in the art of swordsmanship.

Zhou An faced this sword realm that was like a small world without retreating. He swung his sword again, and it was like an inverted hourglass, with its two poles reversed in an instant.

After completely triggering the black mass, it seemed as if everything fell into place, as if his swordsmanship had reached another level.

The corrupted sword intent is like a hair, penetrating this all-encompassing small world from the gaps.

Everything burst like bubbles, turned into ashes and scattered, becoming ruined in time.

A dazzling sword light penetrated the sword domain, broke through Daqian Sword Intent, and penetrated Xuan Zheng's spiritual energy shield and body.

Xuan Zheng showed a dazed expression, and when he reacted, he was already falling, as if there was no difference from yesterday.

He didn't understand why Zhou An could break through his Daqian Sword Domain so easily, it was as easy as smashing an egg with a stone.

Is the gap really that big?

He kept asking himself questions. After falling from a high altitude, even the transparent sword heart was affected and stained with a layer of filth. The white snow fell on his face, seemingly tainted with other colors.

Zhou An withdrew his smooth long sword, looked at Xuan Zheng who was falling lightly on the ground, and said seriously:

"You are no match for me unless you break through to the integration stage."

It was undoubtedly a huge irony for Xuan Zheng to hear these words. It was always him who said these words and others listened, but now it was the other way around.

Xuan Zheng got up from the ground. Although he still had some strength left, he didn't make another move, as if he had lost all his energy.

"you win."

After he said this, he turned around and wandered away along the street, his whole person seemed to have become decadent in an instant.

His first half of life was so smooth that he couldn't bear such a blow, as if he was swallowed by an abyss.

Zhou An looked at Xuan Zheng's back and found it difficult to understand: "I just lost once and didn't die. Is that so?"

Of course he couldn't understand Xuan Zheng's current state of mind.

He is an evil ghost who crawled out from the apocalypse. He has been close to death many times, and has run away from home many times. He lives on and on, sparing no effort just to survive.

What's so scary about failure, what's so scary is losing!

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

The air in the imperial city was stuffy, making it difficult to breathe. As time went on, fewer and fewer people were demonized.

The remaining people in the imperial city have probably adapted to such an environment. Even if they want to be demonized, it will take longer and there is no need to deal with Zhou frequently.

Zhou An practiced the art of swordsmanship in the palace, and after competing with Xuan Zheng, he also gained many new insights. The Great Thousand Sword Intentions come from the Sword Immortal, and naturally there are many mysteries.

After all, this Great Thousand Sword Intent is not Xuan Zheng's own path. If he wants to truly prove the Dao of Sword Immortal in the future, he must make a breakthrough, otherwise it will stop here.

For Zhou An, death is a familiar thing, just like the footsteps coming from behind, the sound is getting louder and clearer, and he can count the footsteps to figure out how long he can live.

At the same time, Zhou An also roughly figured out the function of the black material, which seemed to be able to temporarily improve his swordsmanship.

However, this approach also has disadvantages, as it will make the corrupted sword's will become more powerful uncontrollably.

If the Decaying Sword Intention was out of his control now, he would probably die in an instant.

If he wants to survive now, he must either find the Fountain of Life again or find the Wanderer and kill him.

He didn't consider the fountain of life. It was drinking from a crane to quench his thirst. Moreover, it was too weird and might turn him into a monster.

And if the wanderers don't show up, Zhou An will have nowhere to look for these guys.

At night, the moon and stars were sparse, the sky seemed gray, and the snow temporarily became lighter.

Xuan Zheng hadn't left the imperial city yet. He was sitting alone in the courtyard, drinking wine. He kept thinking about the previous scenes in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more upset he became.

He looked at the full moon in the sky, and then at Prince Wu'an's Mansion. He could vaguely see the high tower, but due to the restriction, he couldn't see clearly the scene on the tower.

Not long after, the scholar came to visit again, much like before. He lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, our master has important matters to discuss."

Xuan Zheng looked at the scholar and said indifferently: "Is it important? What can be important? I will not interfere in the affairs of your Daqi royal family."

A smile appeared on the scholar's face and he continued: "Your Majesty, this matter is related to you. Our master also heard about what happened during the day."

Xuanzheng was already holding back his anger and snorted coldly: "If I lose, I lose. What's there to say? Why, do you think I'm someone who can't afford to lose?"

The scholar shook his head, his round eyes moving and showing his shrewdness: "Of course not, but there is something wrong with the swordsman named Zhou An. Otherwise, how could he defeat you, your lord?"

"Oh?" Xuan Zheng's face changed slightly, and his curiosity was aroused and he asked: "Tell me in detail."

Shusheng said very cleverly: "Sir, you must have heard about the attack by evil cultivators during the previous Immortal Competition Conference."

Xuan Zheng's eyes changed slightly: "I've heard of it, does it matter?"

The scholar didn't say any more: "What's the specific relationship, our master will naturally tell you."

Another night passed, and there was still no change in the imperial city. But this morning, the emperor summoned King Jing'an again.

This was already the third time. Apart from this, the Emperor had not summoned anyone else.

King Jing'an stood at the door of the palace, without much expression, and seemed unhappy. After seeing Yi Yuxian, he quickly asked: "Master, how is my father's current situation?"

Yi Yuxian shook his head, said nothing, and led King Jing'an towards the direction of Jinluan Palace.

When King Jing'an saw the Imperial Master's reaction, he was also stunned. He probably guessed the result. The moment finally came, and he sighed in his heart that the sky of Daqi was about to fall.

The emperor did not lie on the bed, but sat on the supreme dragon chair, supporting himself with one hand, looking down at King Jing'an, with a solemn death aura on his body, as if he would die at any time, but even so, he still maintained As an emperor's graceful and luxurious appearance.

"I'm going to die." The emperor said softly, his voice echoing clearly in the hall.

King Jing'an's heart sank. If the emperor died at this juncture, the sky might really fall, and he might not be able to hold on.

Without waiting for King Jing'an to reply, the emperor continued: "Many people probably want me to die, but they don't know that once the Qi collapse, it will be no good to anyone!"

"My death has something to do with those evil cultivators, but the relationship is not that big. The deadline has come, and the time is quite different."

"You just need to remember what I gave you and don't live up to my expectations of you."

King Jing'an was about to raise his head and say something when he heard the emperor's voice again: "Let's go, let me be quiet for a while, I have already established the edict."

King Jingan was a little confused when he heard this, but he still wanted to ask. Yi Yuxian walked up to him, patted his shoulder and whispered: "Let's go, there is no need to say so much."

Although King Jing'an didn't know why, he still nodded, turned around and followed Yi Yuxian out of the Jinluan Hall. The door of the hall slowly closed, blocking out the last ray of light.

At this time, the emperor remained motionless, maintaining his previous appearance, his eyes gradually losing their luster.

If someone could carefully examine his opportunity, they would find that this person had died half a month ago.

Xuchang was waiting outside the door. In addition, there were five or six monks who looked to be quite young, and all of them had mysterious auras.

"Your Highness, come with me to the Immortal Mansion to take refuge. It's no longer safe here." Xuchang said seriously.

His awe-inspiring righteousness was condensed to the extreme, and he was already a monk in the integration stage.

King Jingan nodded and followed Xuchang silently away. The monks with mysterious auras did not leave together, but continued to wait in the Jinluan Hall.

Everyone looked serious, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, carrying snow, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees.


"The snow is getting worse and worse." Yue Li took a breath of hot air and opened the window on the side. The wind and snow poured in, making her face covered with snowflakes.

Zhou An leaned on the chair without opening his eyes, with a lazy look: "Yes, it is getting bigger and bigger, something is not right. I am wondering how this phenomenon of heaven and earth is generated, and why only falling It’s like being manipulated on top of the Imperial City.”

"Do you think it's the immortals in the sky who are causing trouble? Otherwise, I can't think of anyone who has such great ability that even someone like the Sword Immortal has to give way."

From Xuanzheng's reaction, he could tell that Wangtian Sect was definitely afraid of something, and was extremely afraid, otherwise he would never have closed the sect in such a hurry.

They knew some secret things, but they didn't tell anyone else. Yue Li's status in Wangtian Sect was not low, but she didn't know it either.

This is enough to explain something.

Yue Li shook his head and said affirmatively:

"Why would an immortal do such a thing? If he wanted to destroy Da Qi, he would probably use some more direct methods. And from ancient times to the present, no one has actually seen an immortal come down to earth."

"These are unbridled rumors,"

Zhou An sat up, pointed at the ceiling, and said seriously: "I don't think it's the fairy world up there, or it used to be, but it's not now."

"Even if there were immortals in the past, there probably aren't any now."

He recalled the desolate world he had seen before, pondered over it, and felt that the world he saw was the so-called fairyland.

"Why?" Yue Li asked with a slight frown, feeling that what Zhou An said was a bit ridiculous and went against the common sense in the world of immortality.

Zhou An took the sword out of its scabbard and said, "This sword may have changed a lot, but it should be the flying sword of Changchun Sword Immortal."

Yue Li was silent for a moment, not doubting what Zhou An said, and asked in surprise: "Why is this sword in your hand? It seems that you have never heard of the sword passed down by the Changchun Sword Immortal."

Zhou An continued: "As for how this sword came into my hands, let's not talk about it. I saw some pictures from my sword. They were probably what the Changchun Sword Immortal saw before he died, and they were left in the sword's intention. , the sword intent is gone, but these images still remain.”

"According to the information you told me before, someone saw the Changchun Sword Immortal ascending during the day, but found that the Changchun Sword Immortal was dead a month later."

"So, I have every reason to suspect that the Changchun Sword Immortal has indeed succeeded in ascension, and has seen what the fairy world looks like, and has come back for some reason."

"That world was desolate, there was nothing, there was only a sword tomb. The Changchun Sword Immortal should have died after a black sword penetrated his body."

"Death by the rotten sword intent!"

Yue Li looked dull and stared at Zhou An for a while before saying, "Is what you said true? Aren't you kidding?"

What Zhou An said was reasonable, and it didn't look like a joke, but she didn't want to believe it in her heart.

Every immortal cultivator probably has one hope: to ascend to immortality and attain immortality.

Now suddenly someone tells you that these are all fake. Who can accept it?

She thought of what Wen Miao said before, and she suddenly realized: "In that case, what Wen Miao said is not entirely false."

Zhou An changed his voice and said: "What Xuan Zheng said is true. The Imperial City today may be more dangerous than it looks. It is very dangerous for you to stay in the Imperial City. Even if you don't return to the sect, you should leave the Imperial City." .”

Yue Li raised his eyebrows: "You won't leave?"

Zhou An's face showed sadness: "I am a dying person. How can I leave? Naturally, I have to fight in this imperial city. Moreover, I promised Qi Fugui to help him ascend the throne."

“Speak naturally and do it naturally.”

There was a smile between Yue Li's brows and eyes, very clean, like a trickle of water, and he said: "If you don't leave, I won't leave either. Of course you can't force me to leave, as you said."

In the evening, the entire sky was turned dark red by the sunset, as if blood was dripping from above.

Zhou An sat cross-legged on top of the tower and looked in the direction of the palace, his face serious, always feeling that something would happen tonight.

Not long after, I felt the shaking of the earth, like an earthquake, as if a huge thing was turning over underground in the imperial city, and the majestic death energy rose from the imperial palace.

"What on earth is that?" Wang Mang's face was full of astonishment. Even he, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, felt the great changes in the palace.

Immediately afterwards, several powerful auras came from the palace, suppressing the entire imperial city, making all the monks frightened and afraid to move lightly.

There was more than one monk in the combined stage, at least eight.

"Are all the combined-stage monks from the Immortal Mansion here?" Qi Fugui muttered to himself, clenching his fists involuntarily, his forehead covered with sweat.

He didn't know much about it. He only knew that with Da Qi's current luck, once the emperor died, something big would happen. He didn't know what kind of big thing it would be.

There were several more vibrations, each time more obvious than the last, as if something was trying to come out of the ground, and the fate of the imperial city was also constantly bumping and collapsing.

Zhou An felt his scalp numb, and then he realized that there was something underground in the imperial city that was connected to luck, and he vaguely perceived a general shape.

Like a dragon!

"It can't really be a dragon."

He thought about it. Even though he said this, the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed, "In this case, Long Vein Spring also has a source."

Thinking of this, he was a little curious about what the dragon looked like and why it was suppressed underground in the imperial city. Counting the existence of Daqi, it must have been at least several thousand years.

The vibrations continued from time to time, until it was dark, then dawn, and then dark again. A shocking formation could be seen appearing in the palace. Its complexity was unheard of. There were stars twisting in it, constantly gathering in the Zhengyang sky. The power of Yin.

With the continuous operation of the formation, the luck of the imperial city has stabilized again, and the situation seems to have improved.

Until the third day, the shaking continued, and the entire imperial city fell into a closed state, no one was allowed to enter or exit.

Zhou An sat on the high tower for three consecutive days, motionless, always paying attention to the situation in the imperial city, and his face became more and more solemn.

Qi Fugui has been pacing back and forth in the courtyard. As a prince, he is connected to the destiny of the imperial city, so he can clearly feel the changes, and said:

"It should work. I think the frequency of shaking has weakened, and the luck of the imperial city has become more and more stable."

Yue Li shook his head and saw some clues: "I'm afraid I'm not so optimistic. That big formation is about to be unable to support it. The top spin and bottom spin of the formation are completely out of touch and are being torn apart bit by bit by something. crack."

"With one ebb and flow, the formation will be destroyed!"

She has a relatively deep understanding of Zhenfa Yiyi, so she can naturally see that the situation at this moment is not very good, so she can make such a conclusion.

Some things are not as complicated as imagined, and many people may be able to see the results.

The formation is still going on and has no intention of stopping.

At night, it was still snowing, and the shaking suddenly became violent. Starlight poured out from above the formation, and a large hole was visible to the naked eye. It was accompanied by an icy cold wind and a dragon roar!

It was as if everything had changed and cold death spread.

Zhou An saw a dragon head sticking out of the formation. It was a dragon head with rotten flesh and blood. There was no light in the eyes. He had lost his mind and struggled spontaneously against the constraints of the formation.

This is what was suppressed under the imperial city, a living dragon corpse.

What a horror.

The people of the Imperial City have been living on a dragon corpse for thousands of years.

This dragon corpse had never really died. It was suppressed by luck. Da Qi also enjoyed the benefits brought by luck, but now it has become a life-threatening talisman.

Zhou An clearly felt how terrifying this dragon corpse was, and he did not dare to look directly at it. As a result, the space was distorted and became dim.

A group of people from the Immortal Mansion maintained the operation of the formation and fought against the dragon corpse.

There was a loud noise, and an outer wall of the palace collapsed, and a large number of golden-armored soldiers were crushed under the rubble.

A group of evil cultivators appeared out of nowhere and attacked the imperial city from the front.

"Are these people crazy? Once the needle breaks, all of us will die here!" Qi Fugui, who knew the situation there, cursed and signaled for Zhou An to come over and help.

Zhou An shook his head and felt that it was not that simple. It was like playing a game of chess. He was probably in a key position. It was best not to act rashly unless it was absolutely necessary.

As expected, more evil cultivators emerged from all over the city.

A dark figure appeared out of thin air above Prince Wu'an's Mansion, as if it had traveled from another dimension.

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