
Linda sighed. Not long ago, she had thought about whether to take the initiative and kill Bedo.

At this time, they must make a choice, otherwise they are likely to be trapped here until the first person dies.

The cruelty is self-evident.

Riel didn't seem surprised when he saw the dead Bedo, and said in a deep voice: "Saint, this is his own choice. It is a great and glorious sacrifice, and there is no need for us to feel sorry."

"Death is the best way back for a knight."

Linda's whispered prayer allowed Bedo's soul to rest in peace. "An accidental death is different from a chosen death. Your life has come to a perfect end. At least you will not feel regret."

They continued to move forward, and the scene ahead changed. It was certain that it was not in the previous cycle. Light rain fell in the sky, causing the ground to become muddy, with the smell of earth and the fragrance of flowers.

You can't see where the flowers are blooming. They should be blooming quietly somewhere in the dark.

"Someone is here again." Riel looked forward, said to the person behind him, and raised the big sword in his hand.

Three figures appeared in another section of the light, looking clearer than before. Their faces could be vaguely seen, like their shadows.

Linda was extremely vigilant, realizing that her actions were unpredictable, that time was more difficult to fathom than she imagined, and that she was even unable to determine which time period the other person was from, whether it was the past or the future.

Things were still developing in the worst direction. She saw the magic gesture, and the light burst out in the darkness, like a sharp blade.

The opponent's decisiveness was beyond expectations. Linda also used magic to resist, forming a high wall of flames, higher than the Holy Fire Tower, blocking all the light and still standing.

Very weak, the opponent's first round of attacks was easily blocked by her, and she felt exhausted.

Divine magic·nimbus.

The wall of flames broke and fell apart, and two more figures rushed towards them.

Linda was startled and realized that once the other person came close, Riel and Yuri would die at the same time. According to a certain rule in time, the same person in different times could not come into close contact, otherwise they would both die.

She had difficulty grasping just how close this distance was. At the critical moment, the silver magic circle rotated in her hands, as if accompanied by the ticking sound of time.

Divine magic·nimbus.

The same magic, but the difference is that Linda has sufficient magic power compared to the other party, enough to support the complete operation of this terrifying high-level magic. Eight cross rays of light fell from the sky, covering the entire range of the Holy Fire Tower's light, rolling up hurricanes and The dust left behind three corpses, as if their skin had been burned by fire and turned into carbon black.

The horror of high-level magic was revealed at this moment. Without power that could match it, all that could come was the end.

"Dead?" Riel and the two chosen knights were stunned. They looked blankly at the three corpses on the ground not far away. Two of them were their own corpses. They were holding silver-white big guns in their hands. The sword reflects the light of the Holy Fire Tower, spreading inch by inch in the space.

Seeing your own death, your own corpse is a very strange feeling, like spider silk crawling all over your heart.

Riel and Youli looked at each other and walked forward to check the body. It was the uniform of a church knight, with the logo of the All-Sentient Cult printed on it.

Linda also walked over to check on her body. Her clothes were in tatters and she was still holding the staff tightly with her left hand. However, her face was calm and covered with a layer of gray, as if she had expected such a death. .

Time is visible here, you can see the future and the past.

She killed herself. It could be felt that she had gone through several battles at this time and was exhausted, so she was easily killed by her.

The deathly silence lasted for several minutes.

"Doesn't this mean that we will be killed by ourselves at some point?" Riel said in a deep voice, his breathing becoming rapid. Even he could not accept such a straightforward death.

Destined death is heavy and can drive people from despair to madness.

In this place where faith is cut off, even they, as divinely chosen knights, can't help but waver.

Linda was also a little confused. She did not expect that things would develop to this point. After a moment of silence, she said: "This doesn't mean anything. They had already experienced other battles before meeting us and were exhausted."

"Either they met someone else, or they also killed 'themselves', but in that case, something doesn't make sense."

Yuri remained silent, guarding the saint's side, as if other things were not important to him.

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