Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 224 Pioneer of Destruction

Pangumis fell to a lower god, but she still had the foundation of a higher god and only needed time to recover.

Judgment should be attached to the order, and will not exist independently. It can only choose to attach to Su Changxing.

If Su Changxing didn't refuse, this would be almost an inevitable result.

Too many gods appeared in Olympus, and the scene became chaotic for a time. They were not unanimously fighting against the Black Goat Mother. There were also entanglements between different gods, resulting in chaos.

Su Changxing immediately wanted to escape from this whirlpool. Standing here was the target of public criticism, especially when several high-ranking gods appeared, but Tzeentch did not show up.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

What Tzeentch is planning has not yet been revealed, and his plans are very big.

At this time.

A gaze locked on him, right here, cold and destructive, like a natural enemy.

A huge rust-red sphere appeared in the sky. Its outer shell was covered with faults and rifts, and the vast liquid sea beneath it formed a triangular eye.

[Herald of Destruction: The Outer God, the God of Destruction, brings destruction wherever he goes. The disappearance of all worlds is related to him. Many doomsdays are also caused by his hands. He controls the "precursor", "retribution" and "death star". " and other rules. 】

Even a weak order is like a thorn in the side of the Pioneer of Destruction, and the change of order is tantamount to liberation for the Pioneer of Destruction.

"Pangomis, is there something wrong with your brain? You actually obey a lower god." came the violent voice of the Herald of Destruction, with a hint of ridicule.

Pangomis held a long sword, her long straight golden hair fluttering in the wind, her heroic appearance, quite like a human knight, she said coldly:

"You are just a coward who has had your power taken away. Can you defeat me?"

The Harbinger of Destruction and Khorne mastered the same system of rules, and Khorne came from behind and took away part of his power. He was suppressed by the previous one and could only hide until the order changed before he dared to show up.

Pangomis told the other party that she was in a hurry, and a rusty thunder struck down from the sky, spanning half of Olympus.

Pangumis had no intention of retreating and faced him head-on, her sword and scale becoming one.

Judgment of strong principles.

In the past, Pangomis completely overpowered the Herald of Destruction, but now she is not afraid even if she falls to a lower god.

Su Changxing looked expectantly, wondering what kind of strength Pangumis would show. As the rusty thunder exploded in the air, Pangumis also flew out and landed on the steps below, on her chest. There was a hole the size of a bowl, filled with red thunder, and the stiff body kept twitching.

Seeing this, Su Changxing also drew three black lines on his forehead. Looking at Pangumis' aura, he thought that even if he was not an opponent, he could at least fight, but he didn't expect to be defeated by one move.

Naturally, he couldn't let this newly acquired younger brother die, so he picked up Pangumis and ran up the steps, muttering to himself: "If we can't beat him, we can escape. There's no need to force yourself. You're just a lower god now." "

Generally speaking, lower gods will not challenge higher gods. The gap in strength is there.

Su Changxing was forced to have no choice but Pangumis was really tough, such was her character.

The Herald of Destruction is blocked outside, and it is impossible for him to run out. Running outside is equivalent to running into the opponent. Su Changxing is only a lower god now. There are many reasons why he can defeat Pangomis. He is probably not the opponent of the Herald of Destruction. , so I can only run to Olympus.

This long stone staircase looks like it leads to a palace in the sky, but it actually leads to the space inside. The higher they go, the blurrier their figures become.

Naturally, the Herald of Destruction would not give up. Rusty thunder spread from the sky and passed through the siege of the ancient god's will.

Su Changxing ran up without looking back, pointing his left index finger to the sky, and a Rubik's Cube of stars appeared, enlarging continuously and wrapping the thunder in it.

Having mastered order, he is theoretically at an advantage based on the rules when facing any god.

Order is the standard by which all things are measured. Without order, everything would be chaos.

After contacting Pangumis, his strength also increased again, and he was very close to the upper god, just one step away, so he also blocked the means of destroying the pioneer.

Soon, the Herald of Destruction also appeared at the bottom of the steps. Thunder radiated from the rusty planet. Even a tiny thunder could easily destroy a world.

Pioneer of Destruction is keenly aware that the order that Su Changxing has mastered is naturally opposed to him and is his natural enemy. Naturally, he cannot let Su Changxing go any further. This is the best time to kill him and he cannot let it go.

The Herald of Destruction has been affected by too many factors in the long river of time. It is full of complexity and has long been impure. After being robbed of part of its power by Khorne, its divine power has dropped significantly. Although it is also a high-ranking god, it is definitely considered among the high-ranking gods. Not as powerful.

"Didn't you realize that you were on a dead end?" came the voice of the Herald of Destruction, and the rusty thunder spread on the stone steps, but could not destroy them.

Everything in Olympus appears to be extremely solid, even the higher gods cannot destroy it, and it stands firm in time.

Su Changxing carried Pangumis and looked back with a smile: "A dead end? It is indeed a dead end, but it may not be mine."

When the Herald of Destruction heard this, he was stunned for a moment and did not go up any further, showing doubts.

He couldn't see clearly the depth of Su Changxing. The order of the changes in all things was the product of many complex and entangled rules.

In his eyes, Su Changxing was extremely deep, like a dark cave entrance, and he didn't dare to take a step inside for fear of some ferocious beast.

The smile on Su Changxing's face became even bigger. Naturally, he felt that the further up he went, the stronger the Ancient God's will became. There would come a time when he would have to stop. This was also the so-called dead end.


He only needs to delay time. Both he and Pangumis are in a buffering stage. The rules are gradually connected. On the premise of complementing each other, their strength will rise rapidly.

The God of Judgment is the natural nemesis of the Pioneer of Destruction. As long as he can break through to the upper gods, he can definitely control him at will.

For a moment, the Herald of Destruction was really frightened. He was hunted down by the God of Judgment many times over a long period of time. He almost died several times, leaving a deep psychological shadow that could allow Khorne to take away part of his power. , and for this reason, he was suppressed by the God of Judgment.

The Chaos Evil God born in reincarnation will not be bound by too many rules, and will not be at a natural disadvantage when facing the God of Judgment.

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