A scream sounded.

Densely packed zombies surged out of the red mist again, this time the number was even greater than before, and they all crashed into the outer wall, making loud noises.

The frequency of Su Changxing's arrow shooting still steadily suppressed the progress of the zombies' upward climb. Not a single zombie could climb up from the outer wall within his sight.

So far, nearly a hundred zombies have died under his arrows.

A scream sounded.

Shen Jinxuan's eyes trembled and she shouted to Su Changxing: "Zombies have broken through."

Su Changxing kept the frequency and fired arrows downwards, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, check the situation at the door and keep watch."

Seeing Su Changxing's calm expression, Shen Jinxuan calmed down. She stood at the door of the room and looked into the corridor. There were no zombies rushing into the corridor. It seemed that they had been dealt with.

There are at least five people guarding each room, so even if zombies rush up, it won't be a big problem.

The speed at which these zombies break through is really astonishing, and Su Changxing is also worried that extraordinary zombies will break through from other locations. Just because he can deal with it doesn't mean that others can too.

As more and more zombies gathered outside the gathering place, a wooden wardrobe fell from the window and hit the ground heavily.


The sawdust fell apart.

At least four or five zombies were hit by this and died on the spot due to the impact.

This is a "weapon" that has been prepared before. When the zombies are the densest, they can be thrown from top to bottom to clean up the zombies and cut off the tide of zombies.

"Isn't it a little early now?"

Su Changxing frowned. He could still cope with it now, and there was no need to throw away large furniture. He estimated that the decision should be made privately by the people above him, and said to Shen Jinxuan:

"Send them a message and tell them that it's not time to throw away large furniture here yet."

Shen Jinxuan nodded and immediately sent a message on her mobile phone, saying:

"Zombies rushed in from the east gate just now, and the damage was considerable, so I gave the order to throw away the large furniture."

In this defensive battle, any complete breakthrough at any point would declare their defeat.

Su Changxing stared at the tide of corpses below and felt something was wrong. There were too few. The number of these zombies was too small, not even as good as the tide of corpses caused by Jin in the afternoon.

His intuition told him that it was not that simple.

This is more like a test to test their bottom line.

At least there's something missing.


Zhu Wenwu stood in front of everyone with a slender steel sword, slashing at the zombies that kept coming in. His skills were unexpectedly agile.

One person can handle a large area.

Zhou An's face was covered with black blood, and he shouted excitedly: "Zhu Wenwu, awesome, he suddenly became so powerful."

In the constant killing, people's adrenaline will continue to surge. In a sense, fighting and killing are the most exciting things.

No one likes violence, and no one dislikes violence.

In an instant, a black shadow flew into the crowd from above, threw one person to the ground, and bit his neck.

It raised its head.

A zombie with blood on its face and furious blood-red eyes.

It moved among the crowd, and as soon as it met, four or five people fell to the ground, struggling and screaming.

This zombie is extremely fast and often cuts people's necks before they can react.

A middle-aged man wearing leather armor saw this and threw the zombie to the ground with a pounce, shouting: "Kill it..."

Before he finished speaking, his neck was bitten off by a zombie. He kept the same expression as before, his head tilted down.

"Uncle Chen?"

Zhou An's expression moved slightly, he grabbed a rusty knife from his waist and shot the zombie in the head.

The wind howled.

The distance was very close, and the knife pierced the zombie's forehead almost instantly, and the zombie fell down.

Fortunately, a middle-aged man temporarily trapped the zombie, otherwise it would be difficult for him to hit it.

Zhou An's superpower can accelerate thrown objects to the speed of sound in a short time, giving them high penetration capabilities and slightly controlling the trajectory of the thrown objects.

However, within a certain period of time, there is a limit to the number of times he can use his powers. Su Changxing had previously told him to use his powers only when encountering powerful zombie individuals.

Zhou An is also a layer of insurance against the breakthrough of extraordinary zombies.

The death of the middle-aged man made many people's eyes tremble. He had some authority and was the leader of a group, but he died so easily.

It happened in an instant, and people farther away didn't even know what was happening here.

Zhu Wenwu took a breath of air, cut off the neck of a zombie in front of him with his sword, and said, "Fortunately, you reacted quickly enough, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

If Zhou An hadn't killed this zombie immediately, their formation might collapse at any time if too many people died in a short period of time.

The situation gradually fell into a stalemate.

The gathering place continued to reduce its population, but the number of these zombies did not decrease. A steady stream of zombies were added from the red mist.

Shen Jinxuan squatted at the door and looked nervously at the corridor outside. She felt that zombies would rush from the corridor at any time. She could constantly hear the screams of humans. She looked at the messages that were constantly being sent on her phone and said:

"The people guarding the windows on the second floor suffered heavy losses. It needs to be supplemented. More than ten people have died now, and the barriers placed in some rooms are about to be broken through."

Su Changxing thought for a while and said, "Send a message to Qian Runwei and ask everyone else to come to the second floor to guard. Some people from the third floor will also come down."

He paused again and said, "Except for children."

Shen Jinxuan didn't say anything more, her fingers beat on the screen, and she felt her heart beating continuously.

It's a lot more exciting than being a waffling reporter.

Any mistake she makes now may lead to total loss, and she doesn't know why Su Changxing trusts her so much.

Another scream sounded.

Clusters of black shadows appeared in the red mist.

Su Changxing's eyes narrowed. There was a lot of movement this time, and several two- to three-meter "Big Macs" were mixed in the tide of corpses.

They have strong bodies, with their upper bodies exposed, and the muscles on their arms are exaggeratedly bulging. Their palms have been transformed into diamond-shaped balls by horny, and they look very strong.

If zombies of this magnitude attack the exit of the gathering place, Zhu Wenwu and the others will definitely not be able to withstand them.

Su Changxing had no choice but to change his target and attack these giants.

Although his power is great, this bow has an upper limit. It is far from being able to exert his power, and its power is not much improved compared to before.

The arrow shot out in a straight line, leaving no trace in the air, and stabbed firmly into the head of "Big Mac", but it did not kill it with one blow. Its life was beyond imagination.

Su Changxing frowned, and then shot out another arrow before it slowly fell into the tide of corpses.

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