Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 210 The strange dead man

In your prime: As long as the information you give is valuable.

This person was still very straightforward and did not bargain, but in Su Changxing's heart, the real value of his information was much higher than this.

Su Changxing replied: After becoming an Extraordinary, he becomes a ninth-level Extraordinary. An Extraordinary will be affected by what he does, and can continue to become stronger in the process, and there is a hidden mystery. The more mysterious it is, the more mysterious it becomes. The higher the level, the stronger the extraordinary person is.

Only after the mystery reaches a certain value can you advance to the next level. The way to advance is very simple and can be done in the mystery shop.


Su Changxing didn't write too much news, he just told the "common sense" he knew about extraordinary people.

After a while, Fenghua Zhengmao replied: Thank you for your message. It is indeed valuable. I will send you the points.

Su Changxing thought for a while and replied: Are you an extraordinary person now?

Fenghua Zhengmao: Unfortunately not.

Sure enough it wasn't.

This is similar to what he estimated. It is not easy for powerful superpowers to become extraordinary, but it is easier for the weakest superpowers to become extraordinary.

After collecting 20,000 points in his prime, his total points have reached 50,000. This is not too much for Su Changxing, it can only be said to be enough for the time being.

"You didn't show any intention of soliciting. Is it because you expected that I would refuse?"

Su Changxing looked at the phone and murmured.

It was almost seven o'clock at this time. He got up and walked out, ready to go back to the room, when he saw Huang Biao walking in from the outside with a serious look on his face.

Su Changxing immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Huang Biao paused and said, "Someone died in the gathering place just now. He fell from upstairs and died."

Su Changxing was stunned and said: "Suicide?"

Huang Biao shook his head and said: "No, it looks like someone pushed him down from above, and there is a penetrating wound on his chest."

Su Changxing thought for a moment and said, "So the murderer hasn't been found? That shouldn't be the case. With so many people, why should someone have seen it?"

Huang Biao sat down on the chair and said in a deep voice:

"No, someone saw that he jumped from a building and fell to his death. There was no one around... I feel like this is a bit strange. We'd better pay more attention to it."

Su Changxing didn't pay too much attention. In the apocalypse, conflicts easily arise between people, and vendettas are not unheard of. He said:

"Ask people who know him well if he has had any conflicts or grudges with anyone.

Huang Biao looked at Su Changxing and muttered: "His body is very strange. The skin on his chest is black. The murderer may have some kind of ability."


Su Changxing frowned and said, "You mean there are other hidden superpowers in the station?"

Huang Biao nodded and said: "It's very possible, but not necessarily. You should go down and see the body first."

Later, Su Changxing followed Huang Biao downstairs. The body had been cleared aside, leaving a human-shaped blood shadow on the ground.

The corpse was that of a middle-aged man with rough skin. His back hit the ground and a large amount of flesh and blood burst out. The spine was broken into several sections. The clothes on his chest had been ripped off. There was a penetrating wound on his chest. The skin around the wound turned black. It seemed like something was flowing in it.

There were many people watching and talking, thinking that this scene was really weird.

Death is nothing unusual, but the way this man died was too weird.

Another short-haired man stood nearby with a look of horror on his face. He should be a friend of the deceased and said:

"He may have gotten into something dirty. I just saw him jump off the building alone. I had no chance to stop him.

When Su Changxing heard this, he felt that according to the development of some detective suspense plots, 40% of the people who said this were the murderers, but it didn't look like he was faking from his expression.

Huang Tao stood nearby and said with disbelief: "How is it possible? Could it be that he is suicidal again? I saw before that he had quite a desire to live."

Apparently, he also knew the deceased.

The short-haired man nodded and affirmed: "He won't commit suicide. We managed to survive, so how could we commit suicide? It's ridiculous."

Huang Tao curled his lips and didn't know what was going on. He thought it was a bit ridiculous. He looked at Su Changxing and asked:

"Brother Su, do you have any clues? I can't tell anything about this corpse, and we don't have anyone here who specializes in forensic medicine."

"Let me see."

Su Changxing squatted in front of the corpse, turned on "True Knowledge" and scanned the wounds on the man's chest.

[The wound pierced by a long and huge scythe seems to have some kind of energy corroding the flesh and blood]

A long and huge scythe?

Su Changxing was stunned for a moment. This kind of weapon was obvious and could not be hidden, but he had no impression that no one in the gathering place should use this kind of weapon.

Huang Biao saw the change in Su Changxing's expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Changxing stood up and said with a strange expression: "He was penetrated by a sickle in the chest, a relatively huge sickle. Is there anyone with such a weapon in our gathering place?"

Huang Tao interjected and said decisively: "No, that kind of weapon should be difficult to find, and it is not as convenient to use as swords and sticks."

Now the question arises, since there is no such weapon in the station, how did this person die?

Su Changxing's eyes darkened and he whispered: "In that case, he shouldn't be alone. Someone used a mobile phone to deliver weapons to him outside the station, but I don't understand the meaning of what they did. It's not just sickles. kill."

Huang Biao nodded and said: "It's indeed a bit strange... Let's leave it like this for now. If someone else dies, we'll see."

The death of one or two people is not a big deal. It is getting late now and they have more important things to do.

Then others took the body away and threw it away. Su Changxing returned to the room, turned on his phone and checked the store refresh results.

The rest is unimportant.

He mainly looks at rare and precious quality items, which is very important. It seems that every item refreshed in the discount store is very practical for Su Changxing.

Look towards the top of the inventory.

This is a pistol.

A silver long-barreled revolver looks extremely exquisitely made, with a hint of elegance.

"It's actually another firearm, but why is it still a pistol..."

Su Changxing thought it was pretty good, at least it matched his promotion direction of "pistol enthusiast", but this pistol was a little different from what he imagined.

[M991 Wolf Fang (Precious): 20% off, 10,000 points]

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