Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 230 Cheater, fraudster

"What exactly is the so-called matrix?"

After a few people left, Su Changxing sat alone in the study and picked up his phone to check.

[The matrix collection is completed and is being edited into resources available to the host]

Su Changxing can understand this. The matrix should be understood as a high-quality energy, which he obviously cannot directly absorb and apply.

[Editing completed]

[Get optional ways]

[Cheater, ninth level, extreme position]

[Deceiver, eighth level, upper level]

[You can only choose one of the two existing matrixes. If you choose a ninth-level position, you can replace it, but the previous promotion direction will be abolished]

The matrix actually formed the position.

A cheater, a fraudster?

Su Changxing raised his eyelids, maybe because they were taken from those heretics, these two positions are considered to be the dark side.

[Cheater: A person who has exceeded the existing rules to a certain extent, but there is a possibility of failure. After failure, he may be cleared by the rules. 】

Su Changxing only felt that this position was a bit exaggerated. It seemed to be far beyond what a normal ninth-level extraordinary person would be exposed to.

However, he has no intention of switching to this position. This position is too risky, both strong and weak, too extreme, and there is no need for it. His current position is the ultimate position, and it is not weak either.

[Trickster: Possessing extremely strong speech and imitation abilities, he can imitate the opponent's abilities in a short period of time. Under certain conditions, he can steal in a certain sense. If he fails, he will lose one of his abilities.

Note: This position is incomplete and can be filled with more substrate]

What is this all about?

Su Changxing was dumbfounded that there was such a buggy position that could imitate the opponent's abilities and steal them.

From this point of view, the upper limit of this position is probably very high.

He was vaguely moved, but he also felt that this position created by a heretical matrix seemed a bit unreasonable and beyond the norm.


In the silent room, Su Changxing fell into deep thought. Loss and gain were the most difficult things to choose.

"The hunter leader's ninth-level position is that of an intervenor. He is very perverted. It cannot be related to these heretics."

Su Changxing said to himself, naturally thinking of that night, everything seemed to be planned, and every step seemed to be planned by that person.

The head suddenly squeaked: "There is no aura of heresy in him. Although this kind of position is rare, it does exist."

Su Changxing nodded without saying anything else. His mystery level was still more than ten points away from reaching a thousand points, and he would be able to advance at that time.

He thought for a while and asked: "Can I advance from the ninth level to the eighth level on my own?"

The head said with a smile: "Boy, advancing is not as simple as you think. Basically, it requires certain assistance and guidance, and it is very likely to fail."

Su Changxing was stunned and asked, "What will happen if we fail?"

Head Yin Test said: "What do you think? You may die, you may lose control and become a monster, or nothing will happen, but in the end it is still a question of fit."

Hearing what Tou Tou said, Su Changxing immediately became a lot more cautious. He felt that his compatibility with the position of fraudster should be very low.

He is an upright and sunny person.

Well, that should be it.

Su Changxing picked up the silver pot beside him and took a sip. Feeling the strong smell of alcohol filling his mouth, he stood up and walked out of the room.

When he walked out of the door, he saw Zhu Xinxue blocking the door.

Zhu Xinxue said with a worried look: "Master, my brother... are you going to do something dangerous again?"

Su Changxing thought for a moment and said, "Well, what did your brother tell you?"

Zhu Xinxue took a deep breath and said, "He said he was just going to clean up some zombies, and there was no problem."

Su Changxing nodded and said, "Yes, just to clean up the zombies."

Zhu Xinxue stared at him with empty eyes and said, "You are lying to the child."

Su Changxing stretched out his hand, patted her head and said, "Don't worry, I won't let him die, at least before I die."

Zhu Xinxue was silent for a few seconds and said, "It's best that none of you die."

"Believe me."

Su Changxing took out a piece of chocolate cake from his backpack, handed it to her, and said:

"You go out with others today to clean up the zombies around you... I told you that you can only survive if you become an extraordinary person."

Zhu Xinxue took the cake unceremoniously, with a smile on her lips, looking very cute, and said:

"Well, I will definitely work hard to become an extraordinary person."

The probability of Zhu Xinxue becoming an extraordinary person should be high, but there is really no certainty about this.

After all, Huang Biao has not become an Extraordinary until now, but Qian Runwei has actually become an Extraordinary ahead of schedule.

About half an hour later, Su Changxing and Huang Biao led more than fifty people to the exit of the gathering place.

Huang Tao looked at them and said solemnly: "Uncle, I'm waiting for you to come back... you must come back."

The gathering place still needs someone to host it, so Huang Tao temporarily assumes this role, so he cannot act with them.

Huang Biao said with a straight face: "You'd better not make any mistakes. If there are really problems that can't be solved, you can wait for us to come back or discuss it with others."

Huang Tao nodded repeatedly and said: "Don't worry, we still have mobile phones so we can contact you at any time. There will be no problem."

Huang Biao's face softened a little and he said: "We have no problem. I'm just worried that there will be problems at the station after we leave... You have to understand that this is a responsibility."


There were many people at the exit, most of them were core members of the station who knew some of the truth and came to say goodbye.

Without delaying for too long, Su Changxing and others headed in the direction provided by Zhu Wenwu and left.

Walk on the road.

Huang Biao said with some regret: "It's a pity that the distance is a bit far, otherwise we could bring more people and the chance of winning would be greater."

Su Changxing said confidently: "That's enough. According to the news sent by Zhu Wenwu before, that hunter's stronghold doesn't seem to be big, and there aren't many hunters in it."

Huang Biao was stunned for a moment and said: "Not much? How much is it approximately?"

Su Changxing whispered: "About thirty."

When Huang Biao heard this number, his mind sank and he felt a little numb. He thought that the forty or fifty people in their station were almost wiped out by two hunters, but now they have to kill more than thirty hunters.

"It's really... not much, haha."

Huang Biao squeezed out a smile and said.

Zhou An had more than a dozen flying knives of various styles hung up and down on his body. They made constant noises as he walked. He seemed to be in high spirits and said loudly:

"Boss Huang, we have five extra extraordinary beings. There will definitely be no problem in dealing with these beasts."

Someone echoed from behind: "Zhou An is right, we will definitely return in triumph!"

"Yes, we can certainly destroy them."


The team seemed to be in high spirits at this time, as if they were united.

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