Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 244 Hospital’s Past


A big hole was blown out of the wall with the words on it.

The gray shadow fell to the ground motionless, as if blood was flowing on the ground.

Su Changxing frowned and realized that the bullet was not blocked and passed directly through the gray shadow.

The blue ball with stains on the surface bounced to the wall during the impact, and then rolled down on the ground, rolling down next to the gray shadow.

There is a dark mist hovering over the gray shadow, which belongs to some kind of memory collection, and the gray shadow seems to be formed based on these collections.

These memories are in the form of dreams, and Su Changxing can directly mobilize them. Especially after his position is promoted to the ultimate position, this ability becomes even more handy, as if he is born with it.

In a short period of time, Su Changxing roughly scanned through these memory fragments. There were many people's memories, which were messy, disordered, and very fragmented. Whether he had strong mental power or he still felt dizzy.

This is a hospital and a research institution, just as Su Changxing and the others had guessed before, and we can see that there are many shadows of SHIELD in these memories. People wearing SHIELD costumes often come here.

Most of these memories stay before the end of the world. Although this is a secret research institution, there are no bloody experiments. At most, they draw blood, extract some subcutaneous tissue, photos, etc.

This institution is also designed to control these naturally powerful and problematic humans.

The days here are very peaceful, with blue sky, green trees, warm wind, and very comfortable. There are not so many things to worry about. In the morning, someone is whistling, and in the evening, someone is painting in the woods.

There are many people here, many "patients" and many "doctors".

Some special abilities can indeed cause damage to the body. There is a boy who can control the movement of objects with his mind. At only twelve years old, his hair is already full of white hair and his body is close to exhaustion.

He had to maintain a very strict lifestyle to live longer.

His dream is to one day be free of this ability, become a normal person, live longer, and live a normal life.

Of course, there are also people who live a long time. It seems that there is an old man who has lived for many years. He is not only a "patient" of this hospital, but also one of the founders here.

Under his leadership, everyone was like a family, often gathering together for dinner at night and listening to him tell stories about the past.

He seemed to have worked for SHIELD before, and had already worked for SHIELD a long time ago. At that time, SHIELD was just a relatively inconspicuous company.

However, the real person in charge of the hospital is not him, but the director, an affable fat man who doesn't show up much and often goes out.

The only people in the hospital who need to worry are those wearing red hospital gowns. Their mental abilities are in an abnormal state and may be dangerous.

They usually stay in the dark underground and rarely come out, as if they are locked up, so there is no big problem.

In the memory of one of the girls, a young man wearing a red hospital gown would run out from time to time, disturbing everyone in the hospital.

Every time he sneaks out, the whole hospital is in a state of panic.

But she found it very interesting, adding some fun to such a dull life, but she just didn't understand why this person could always escape.

The entrance to the underground is always closed and always guarded.


"This should be the same person."

Su Changxing intuitively judged that this "patient" who often ran out was the man in red, and he was very similar in body shape.

Look towards the end of the girl's memory.

Sitting on the swing under the hospital tree, the girl looked at the boy in red hospital clothes next to her and asked, "Why are you locked up down there?"

The boy thought for a moment and said, "It might hurt other people, but I still want to come out for some air."


These are all memories before the end, and they become blurry after that.

Su Changxing looked around, the corners of his mouth turned up and he said:

"You don't have to be mysterious. You are nearby, or you have been watching me. How long have you been here? Ten years, twenty years?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the gray shadow on the ground began to tremble, and its shape continued to change. The body shape and gender changed into different people.

Su Changxing's eyes widened slightly, and he suddenly raised his gun and shot at the corner where fire equipment was placed.

[The deviant mole is hiding in the corner and watching you]


The bullet spun out from the muzzle and streaked through the space.

This time, Su Changxing clearly felt that the surrounding space had changed. The bullet seemed to fly in a straight line, but it actually formed a curve in the space.

Space is inherently distorted.

But because of "pistol enthusiasts", the bullet has certain corrections, so it shows a curve.


The bullet hit the wall on the side of the corner, leaving a big crater.

It's really crooked.

The next moment, Su Changxing decisively ran over with a machete. The opponent had the ability to distort space, making it difficult to hit the opponent with bullets from a distance.

After getting closer, he saw a shadow standing in the corner, looking at him with his head tilted, like a ghost shadow.

The blade sliced ​​through the air, making a sharp and harsh sound, and struck hard on the iron and red fire-fighting equipment.

"Are you good at hiding?"

Su Changxing said coldly.

The distance between the two was only one foot, and he could clearly see what the man in red looked like under his hair. His skin was covered in white keratin and rotten in many places, just like other hunters.

Moreover, there was a slender steel nail on his chest that pierced his body, but no blood flowed out, like a decoration.

The man in red looked at him calmly and just said:

“Those who abandon the Lord are destined to be abandoned by the Lord.”

Su Changxing didn't know what the other party was talking about. He felt that the man in red was not thinking properly. He raised his knife and slashed again. At the same time, the surrounding space changed again.


Su Changxing struck a stone statue with his sword. The stone statue was torn into pieces, and the man in red appeared on his side.

His face didn't look good, and he felt like he was being played by the other party.

The man in red opened his eyes wide and said calmly:

"We may be worthy of death, but you don't have the right to kill us, so why don't you just retreat?"


Are you negotiating terms with me?

Su Changxing was a little unclear about the other party's details. He didn't know whether the other party couldn't stand it or if he really wanted to make peace with him.

Rational analysis shows that there is a high possibility that the other party will not be able to withstand it. Everything has its limits, and even a world will one day come to an end.

Controlling space is not a simple matter, and it is normal for the opponent's ability to reach its limit.

Su Changxing took a brief look around. He had seen this place outside before and thought it was an exhibition room or something like that, but now it looked more like a screening room... At the front of the room was a huge The screen covers the entire wall.

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