Latest website address: 【Code 11······】

"It's a struggle that doesn't matter."

Geng Wanchun showed a contemptuous smile, raised the sickle high again, and shouted:

"Wen Feng, this is power. People without power can only struggle and be content with it."

Xu Wenfeng closed his eyes and waited for death to come. He knew that he had no room to struggle and felt the power of Geng Wanchun.

The expected death did not come.

"Who are you?"

Geng Wanchun was stunned for a moment and looked at the woman in front of him, sensing the aura of the same kind. She was a similar existence to him.

Xu Wenfeng opened his eyes and saw Geng Wanchun talking to the air in front of him. Someone seemed to be standing there.

Tai Yi didn't reply. She formed a sharp blade with her other hand and stabbed the cloaked man. In her eyes, the cloaked man was the real owner.

The sickle cut through.

The cloaked man was extremely fast and arrived first. The moment Tai Yi took action, he slashed him with a scythe.

One of Tai Yi's hands was cut off neatly, flew into the air, and turned into a dim light that gradually dissipated.

After one hand was cut off, Tai Yi didn't react at all. It seemed that just a hair was pulled out before he could launch the next attack.

The cloaked man struck again with his backhand, and with the surging black mist, Tai Yi's other hand was also chopped off.

In the blink of an eye, Tai's two arms were chopped off by the masked man, and the gap in combat power between the two sides was obvious.

Su Changxing felt the power of the cloaked man through Taoyi. His speed was weirdly fast, and the knife seemed to rise and fall at the same time.

Even he may not be able to react.

The key should be those black fogs!

Su Changxing realized intuitively that it was the influence of the black mist that caused Taoyi's perception gap.

Tao Yi immediately turned around and ran out the door, but Geng Wanchun had no intention of stopping. The cloaked man came to Tao Yi's back almost instantly, raised his sickle and chopped it off.


There was a roar.

A magnum bullet penetrated the wooden door and shot through the black fog towards the cloaked man.

Su Changxing could not see the situation inside, and could roughly judge the location of the cloaked man based on Taoyi's situation.

The cloaked man moved sideways to avoid the shot.

The bullet disappeared into the black mist, as if it had been eaten by the black mist.

At this moment, the other people in the room were already lying on the ground, with a sickle wound on their chests, still dead. Only Xu Wenfeng stood there blankly.

At this time, Su Changxing also noticed that other people were also dead.


The cloaked man was clearly fighting Tai.

As these people died, the scope of the black mist began to expand in the corridor.

Su Changxing had to step back while using "true knowledge" to analyze the black mist.

[Death Qi: The resentment of the dead is condensed and cannot be contaminated by living people. This seems to be a spiritual death Qi, originating from a weapon]

"Don't go in!"

Su Changxing loudly reminded the people behind him, and then turned over the evil spirits stationed there.

Taoyi's hands reorganized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her body gradually became solid, breaking away from the undead state. Her eyes changed, her smile changed from gentle to crazy, blue and black blood vessels burst out from the skin, and her face became ferocious.

One hand, two hands, three hands...

Six long pitch-black hands like tentacles stretched out from the body, lying on the ground like spiders, with lines like red lines spreading on them.

A special smell fills the air.

Tai is three meters tall, looking down at the cloaked man, whose height is only two meters including the floating height.

Tai Yi was entangled by the cloaked man, and Su Changxing had no choice but to trigger Tai Yi's evil state. He had not tried it. He only knew that this was a state in which Tai Yi had an entity, and it should be stronger.

Along with that breath.

A sense of guilt piled up in his heart, as if he was a sinful person who only deserved to die.

His control over Tai Yi was reduced by half in an instant. If it weren't for his strong mental power, Tai Yi would have almost lost control at a certain moment.

He didn't know what would happen if Tao Yi lost control, and he could predict bad results.

Geng Wanchun looked at the monster in front of him, tears streaming from his eyes, and said fiercely:

"No matter who you are, there is no way you can stop me today!"

The man in the cloak slashed at Tai Yi with a mechanical motion, as if every slash was exactly the same. It was like a cold machine.


A huge arm flew out and smashed the cloaked man to the ground, making a loud noise.

Tai Yi was in a very violent state. He withstood the attack of the scythe, rushed in front of the cloaked man, and hit him hard.

This also caused Tai's upper body to be almost severed by the cloaked man, and black blood spurted out like spring water.

"Bang bang bang~'

Tai's attack has not stopped yet. Several long tentacle-like hands are constantly bombarding the cloaked man. The surrounding black mist is constantly vibrating, transmitting power.

She was fighting against the entire black mist, and her inexhaustible strength kept tilting.

"Really cranky."

Su Changxing took a deep breath and relaxed his mood. He noticed that many people around him were sobbing, and even Huang Biao had tears in his eyes.

Later, he noticed Xu Wenfeng lying directly on the ground crying, blaming himself and shouting:

"I'm guilty and I deserve to die."

This should be caused by the strange aura permeating Taoyi's body, which seems to have some kind of emotional guidance effect.

Su Changxing was also affected to a certain extent, but it was very weak and could be ignored. He himself had strong mental resistance.

Tao Yi violently broke the cloaked man's arm, pressed it to the ground and bombarded her. It felt like a 300-pound man was holding a little girl underneath and ravaging her.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Geng Wanchun knelt down and hit the ground. He felt like the world was spinning and couldn't help but curse. He didn't understand why such a perverted thing would appear.

Su Changxing realized that Tai Yi's state had a time limit, and the length of time depended on the efficiency of her power output.

Her total energy is fixed. In theory, she can output all the energy in an instant. Of course, this is only in theory.

According to the efficiency of her current power output, she can last for more than ten seconds at most. I don’t know if she can kill the cloaked man. After all...

She was fighting against the entire black mist, and her inexhaustible strength kept tilting.

"Really cranky."

Su Changxing took a deep breath and relaxed his mood. He noticed that many people around him were sobbing, and even Huang Biao had tears in his eyes.

Later, he noticed Xu Wenfeng lying directly on the ground crying, blaming himself and shouting:

"I'm guilty and I deserve to die."

This should be caused by the strange aura permeating Taoyi's body, which seems to have some kind of emotional guidance effect.

Su Changxing was also affected to a certain extent, but it was very weak and could be ignored. He himself had strong mental resistance.

This should be caused by the strange aura permeating Taoyi's body, which seems to have some kind of emotional guidance effect.

Su Changxing was also affected to a certain extent, but it was very weak and could be ignored. He himself had strong mental resistance.

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